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Muscular & Neural Tissue

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Presentation on theme: "Muscular & Neural Tissue"— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscular & Neural Tissue
Interactive notes: pgs

2 Muscle Tissue Specialized for movement or contraction Three types
Skeletal Cardiac Smooth

3 Skeletal Muscle Long slender cells called muscle fibers Multinucleated
Striated (banded) Voluntary movement Adult cells do not divide Division through satellite cells (stem) Can partially repair itself


5 Cardiac Muscle Only in the heart Cell is a cardiocyte
Usually 1 nucleus Branching network of cells Intercalated discs allow for simultaneous muscle contraction Striated INVOLUNTARY muscle Limited repair


7 Smooth Muscle Walls of blood vessels, around bladder, respiratory, circulatory, and digestive tracts Small spindle shaped cell Can divide and repair Nonstriated INVOLUTARY muscle


9 Neural Tissue Conduct electrical impulses throughout the body
Two types Neurons Longest cells in the body Cell body (w/nucleus), axon (nerve fibers, dendrites Cannot divide and limited ability to repair Neuroglia Support and repair neural tissue and supply nutrients to neurons


11 Tissue Injuries & Repair
Homeostasis after injury involves two stages Inflammation Coordination of multiple tissues Swelling, redness, warmth, & pain May indicate infection Dead tissue is Necrotic May accumulate pus (enclosed pus is an abscess) Regeneration Tissue level Damaged tissues repaired and replaced

12 Aging and Tissue Structure/Cancer
Effectiveness of repair decreases with age Hormonal Triggers More Sedentary Lifestyle Cancer rates increase Chemical exposure and environmental factors Cummulative

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