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WIS Implementation Status in RA II

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1 WIS Implementation Status in RA II
RA II WIGOS/WIS WG Expert Group on WIS

2 Working Group on WIGOS/WIS
Expert Group on WIS Working Group on WIGOS/WIS Expert Group on WIS Co-coordinators Expert Group on WIGOS Theme Leader in Data Communication Techniques and Structure Theme Leader in Data Representation and Metadata Theme Leader in WIS-GTS operations, including Early Warning Theme Leader in Climate Data Management/Data Rescue Theme Leader in Integrated Global Data Dissemination System

3 Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network for Region II (Asia)
RTH in Region II NMC in Region II Moscow 10M VPLS 512K Khabarovsk Exeter Centre in other region 10M VPLS 512K VPLS Washington 512K MTN circuit Regional circuit Interregional circuit Additional circuit 512K 512K 20M 10M VPLS K (V.34) 64K Toulouse 64K MPLS Novosibirsk IMTN MPLS 50M Almaty 64K 16M 10M Toulouse IMTN MPLS NI No implementation Internet via Moscow Internet 64K 50M 10M Non-IP link IP link Internet transmission Bishkek 10M Internet PyongYang Ashgabad Internet 50M MPLS 10M Ulaanbaatar 10M Tokyo Internet 20M MPLS 10M Internet MPLS NI 64K MPLS EUMETSAT Baghdad Tashkent NI 64K 16M NI Internet 16M 20M IMTN MPLS 10M Internet MPLS Tehran 512K NI 10M Internet 16M 16M 10M VSAT IMTN MPLS Internet Beijing NI IMTN MPLS MPLS 50M 128K Dushanbe 128K 16M IMTN MPLS Offenbach 50M 64K Thimphu 4M Melbourne 50M 64K NI Kabul 16M 64K 2M Kuwait IMTN MPLS Offenbach 64K NI Internet Internet 9.6K 50M Macao 2M Karachi 64K 4M F/R CIR <32/32K> MPLS Bahrain Internet New Delhi 64K Jeddah 64K 1200 50M Internet Internet MPLS 4M 4M ISDN 128K 1M Internet Doha MPLS Hanoi Seoul 4M Internet MPLS Kathmandu Internet 1200 128K 50M Internet 64K Hong Kong Abu-Dhabi Toulouse 64K NI Moscow Internet 64K 64K Internet Internet Dhaka 2M 4M IMTN MPLS Algiers Internet Internet 64K Muscat 10M MPLS Cairo Colombo Internet 2M NI Vientiane Internet 64K 10M Internet Internet Sanaa Internet 4M MPLS Internet NayPyiTaw IMTN MPLS MPLS 64K 128K 20M Washington 64K Internet 64K Male Manila Exeter Bangkok 4M Internet 64k Phnom Penh Melbourne 64K MPLS 64K 64K MPLS Singapore 64K Kuala Lumpur Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network for Region II (Asia) Current status as of 28 October 2015 (Based on the annual survey produced by RA-II EG-WIS)

4 Multipoint telecommunication systems in Region II
Meteoinform (DVB-S, C and Ku-bands, 4-satellites) Novosibirsk Khabarovsk Moscow Fax HimawariCast DCPs CMACast (C-band) Fax, RTT EUMETCast (DVB,C and Ku-bands) Tashkent Tokyo Tehran Beijing RSAD-DVB (Ku-band) Not yet operational INSAT-DMDD (DVB) Fax New Delhi Jeddah Bangkok . Members equipped with CMACast receivers: Australia, Bangladesh, DPRK, Indonesia, Iran, “Hongkong (China)” , Kazakstan, Kyrghyz, Lao P.D.R, Macau (China), Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam. . ( China had CMA-FENGYUNCast and CMA –PCVSAT now all receivers are through CMACast only) RTH Members equipped with Meteoinform-receivers: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz, Tajikistan, Khabrovsk multipoint system via satellite Members equipped with INSAT-DMDD/VSAT receivers: Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka are equipped.with INSAT DMDD receivers. radio broadcast Members equipped with EUMETCast (incl. MDD) receivers: Oman (C and Ku bands), Uzbekistan Multipoint telecommunication systems in Region II

5 RMTN 2015: Network Infrastructure

6 WIS Centres: GISC

7 Workshop/Training for AoR
WIS Centres: GISC GISC Operation AMDCN (AoR) AoR's Metadata GISC Backup Workshop/Training for AoR WIS Monitoring Reference WIS-IP: Para WIS-IP: Para , 6.1.6, WIS-IP: Para , CBS2014 Rec. 21: WIS Guide 6.3 WIS-IP: Para. 3-b), Para. 7.3, 8.5 CBS2014 Rec. 21: WIS Guide 6.2 WIS-IP: Para. 8.7 Beijing 15 Aug 2011 # Connected to all DCPCs/NCs through Dedicated line or Internet in AoR # Collecting/managing metadata from all DCPCs/NCs in AoR # In operation with Tokyo # Made agreements with Offenbach and Melbourne (Disaster recovery site will be in operation in 2016) # Held WIS workshop 2011 # Holds face-to-face meeting/training for each NC in AoR every year # providing on-site training for neighing centers (CMACast users) every year # Providing JSON file # Providing WMO Common Dashboard Jeddah 02 Oct 2014 # Collecting metadata from all DCPCs/NCs in AoR # Under discussion with Seoul (?) # Holds staff training in Nov # Plan to hold workshop in Feb. 2016 # Plans to provide JSON file Moscow # In operation with Offenbach # Providing JSON file New Delhi pre-operation # Plan to start coordination (DRC in Pune was started operation in 2014) Plan to have on-site training Plans to provide JSON file Seoul 13 Jun 2013 # Connected to DCPCs/NCs in AoR # Plan to connect remaining DCPC over VPN/Internet # Collecting metadata from DCPCs/NCs in AoR # Plan to collect metadata from remaining DCPC # Plan to start discussion with Jeddah # Arrangement with Moscow, and cooperation with Melbourne on GISC backup # Held GISC Seoul workshops in '12, '13, '14 # Provided training to DCPC Tashkent in 2013 and DCPCs/NCs in AoR in 2015 Tehran 04 Aug 2014 # Connected to DCPCs/NCs # Plan to connect remaining DCPCs/NCs # Collecting metadata # Plan to provide metadata service to remaining NCs # Plan to start arrangement # Held training workshop in 2011 and 2014 Tokyo 01 Aug 2011 # Connected to all DCPCs/NCs in its AoR over the MPLS. Some CNs are connected via DCPC/RTH Bangkok # In operation with Beijing and Offenbach # Made an agreement with Melbourne (DRS started operation in March 2015) # Holds WIS workshop every two year ('10, '12, '14) # Holds on-site-workshop at each DCPC/NC in AoR, at least once a two years # Providing JSON file including information of all NCs in AoR # Providing WMO Common Dashboard

8 TDCF status in Oct 2015 77% 55%


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