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Tournament Structure: A guide to knowing what the

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1 Tournament Structure: A guide to knowing what the
H-E-double hockey sticks is going on.

2 Which way do I go, George? You will be assigned a “code” in the computerized tab system. Your coach will give you that code and it will be added to “postings” for each event. These “postings” will be hung up in the common areas prior to the beginning of each round. You will look for your assigned code on each round’s postings. Then, you will go to the assigned room to compete. If you have trouble finding a room or postings, text/find your coach, varsity members or someone from the host school to help.

3 Typical Tournament 1-3 Preliminary Rounds (Everyone competes)
- Tab results, post for Semi-finals 1 Semi-finals Round (Leading competitors) - Tab results, post for Finals 1 Finals Round (Top 6-8 compete for places) - Tab results, Awards Assembly

4 Debate Rounds Two teams/competitors in each room
Winner is decided by judge Speaker points = typically out of 30 total. The more, the better; helps break ties.

5 IE Rounds Typically 6-8 competitors in each room Rank of 1 is the best
Rank of 6 is in need of most work Speaker points = typically out of total. The more, the better; helps break ties.

6 NO WiFi! When competing in debate or extemp events, you are allowed to use laptops and tablets. NO CELLPHONES allowed to be used in debate or extemp!!! Silence them and put them away during rounds! All devices must have the WiFi disabled when using in a round. Be sure you have everything you need SAVED TO YOUR DEVICE BEFORE LEAVING FOR THE TOURNAMENT!

7 CHECK YOUR PHONE! If there is important information you or the team need to know, I will send Remind texts or messages to you directly. When we are preparing to meet for awards or to leave the school, I will text the group. Turn your phone off during the round, but be sure to check it as soon as you get finished!

8 MEALS Bring money for meals or bring your own food.
Most tournaments have a concession stand with things like pizza, chips, snacks, water, soda. Sometimes, we are able to stop for food on the way to or from tournaments, but not very often.

Don’t be rude to opponents, even if they get an attitude with you. Everything you do at tournaments is being watched by someone. You never know who that someone is and if they will be your next judge! Being nice and polite will go a long way for you in this activity!

10 NSDA Points You receive points for every round you compete in (the more points, the better rank you receive). 25 points is an official NSDA member.

11 What do I do if I am out after prelims?
No, you cannot go home if you are eliminated after prelim rounds! Don’t ask! You are welcome to change into comfortable clothes, as long as you will not be accepting an award. You MUST go watch other rounds! You can watch your teammates compete or you can watch rounds for events you compete in or are interested in learning. NOBODY should be sitting, sleeping or wasting time during out rounds. You’re there to learn and get better!

12 Now you have the skills you need to go to a tournament and not look like a lost puppy wandering through the halls of a school because you think there is another round going on, but really everyone is at the Awards Assembly. GOOD LUCK!

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