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Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana
AIBP PDMC PMKSY Watershed Har Khet Ko Pani
Introduction PMKSY approved by CCEA in July 2015
MOWR DoLR MOA &FW PMKSY approved by CCEA in July 2015 Outlay of PMKSY Rs 50,000 crore ( ) Vision- Increase Farm Productivity - Water use efficiency Decentralised planning process – DIPs Project based execution DIP/SIP necessary condition 12 DIPs approved in 2nd SLSC Meeting.
State Profile 89.96 percent of population lives in rural areas
Himachal Pradesh ranks 21st among 36 states in terms of population 89.96 percent of population lives in rural areas Agriculture & allied sector, provides direct employment to 62 percent of total workers of the State.
State Profile Geographical area = 55,673 4 Agro climatic Zones
Altitude Rainfall Sub- montane low hills sub- tropical (Zone- I ) Una , Bilaspur and Hamirpur Districts and parts of Sirmaur, Kangra ,Solan and Chamba districts Upto 650 1100 Mid – hills sub- humid (Zone- II) Palampur and Kangra tehsils of district Kangra , Rampur tehsil of Shimla district and parts of Mandi, Kangra and Sirmaur districts 2200 High hills sub temperate wet (Zone-III) Shimla district (except Rampur tehsil ) Parts, of Kullu, Solan, Chamba, Mandi, Kangra and Sirmaur Districts 1000 High hills Temperate dry (Zone – VI) Kinnaur ,Lahaul & Spiti, districts and parts of Chamba district Above 2200 snowfall Average max temperature is 27.5 oC, Average min temp 13.6 oC. The average annual rainfall for the state is mm, Kangra district receives the maximum annual rainfall ( mm) and Una receives the minimum annual rainfall (1209 mm).
State Profile Season wise Rainfall Season wise –No. of rain days 3.8
District Winter(Jan- Feb) Summer( March-May) South west Monsoon ( June-September) Post Monsoon (Oct-Dec ember) Annual Bilaspur 3.8 2.9 10.10 1.57 61.4 Chamba 5.5 6.0 8.53 2.30 70.1 Hamirpur 3.95 3.2 10.53 1.50 64.2 Kangra 4.4 3.3 10.85 66.8 Mandi 4.6 11.85 1.73 75 Sirmaur 2.6 11.25 1.27 63.1 Una 3.1 2.4 9.08 1.33 53.6 State Mean 4.1 3.5 10.33 1.63 65
State Agriculture Profile
Himachal Pradesh has total arable area of 10,63,213 ha out of which 8,54,230 hectares is under agriculture and 2,08,982 ha under horticulture. About 75% of the cropped area in the state is rainfed. During Kharif Season 52% of the area is cultivated, Rabi Season 45 % and zaid 3 %. District wise Irrigation Status in Kharif Season
Irrigation Infrastructure in HP
The state has a total of 55,373 irrigation sources comprising of Kuhls, community ponds individual ponds and few borewells/open wells. Surface Irrigation sources- 80% of irrigated command area 14,970 community ponds and 131 reservoirs (Under MGNREGA and IWMP) 2300 Private community ponds/tanks 2876 Kuhls Ground Water Irrigation sources- 20% of irrigated command area 2,342 Water extracting Units irrigating an additional command area of 823 hectares 710 governemnt tubewells and 234 private tubewells in the state.
District wise Water Demand- 2015
Blocks Components Total (MCM) Domestic Crop Livestock Industrial Power Generation Bilaspur 11.01 73.27 3.69 8.80 96.76 Chamba 15.00 87.80 18.00 0.05 120.85 Hamirpur 13.01 97.68 2.85 4.00 117.54 Kangra 43.17 284.42 9.32 1.92 338.83 Kinnaur 2.22 10.58 0.93 0.00 13.73 Kullu 13.22 83.11 4.42 0.28 101.03 Lahaul & Spiti 0.81 10.53 0.51 11.85 Mandi 28.50 291.87 12.10 0.44 332.91 Shimla 28.21 84.06 7.39 0.14 119.80 Sirmaur 16.20 97.08 9.29 0.75 123.32 Solan 18.75 198.17 5.17 6.00 228.10 Una 15.56 85.21 3.48 2.65 106.90 Himachal Pradesh 205.66 77.14 25.02
District wise Water Demand- 2020
Blocks Components Total (MCM) Domestic Crop Livestock Industrial Power Generation Bilaspur 11.68 73.27 3.76 10.56 99.27 Chamba 15.91 87.80 51.00 0.07 154.78 Hamirpur 13.64 97.70 2.85 4.80 118.99 Kangra 45.98 284.42 9.41 2.39 342.20 Kinnaur 2.30 10.58 0.97 0.00 13.85 Kullu 14.37 83.11 4.64 0.43 102.55 Lahaul & Spiti 0.81 19.58 0.51 20.90 Mandi 29.99 291.90 12.10 0.46 334.45 Shimla 30.26 84.06 7.64 0.20 122.16 Sirmaur 17.50 97.08 12.27 0.94 127.80 Solan 20.13 198.17 6.50 7.50 232.31 Una 16.81 85.21 3.65 9.38 115.05 Himachal Pradesh 219.38 115.29 36.73
Water Budget Sectoral Water Demand- Present Water Demand - 1711.8 MCM
Projected Water Demand MCM Water Demand Domestic Crop Livestock Industrial Power Generation Total in MCM Existing Water Availability 205.7 557 77.7 25.1 0 865.5 Present water Demand in MCM 1404 77.1 25 1711.8 Projected Water Demand in 2020 219.4 1412 115 36.7 1784.1 Present water Gap 847 Projected Water Gap in 2020 13.7 856 37.3 11.6 918.6
State Irrigation Plan- Component Wise
Total in Rs Lakh Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) Har Khet Ko Pani PMKSY - Per Drop More Crop (i) Micro-Irrigation (ii) Water Management (iii) ATMA 645.83 844.97 815.08 746.53 Watershed Convergence with MGNREGA Total
State Irrigation Plan- Department Wise
Total In Rs Lakh IPH Department Agriculture Department Horticulture Department RD Department Forest Department Total
State Irrigation Plan- District Wise
AIBP Har Khet Ko Pani Per Drop More Crop Watershed Convergence with MGNREGA Total in Rs Lakh Bilaspur 346.00 604.20 Chamba 0.00 Hamirpur 718.53 718.90 Kangra 103.51 Kinnaur 81.46 Kullu Lahaul & Spiti 442.71 Mandi Shimla Sirmaur Solan 542.95 Una 313.12 Himachal Pradesh
State Irrigation Plan- Proposed Activity Wise
S. No. Activity Concerned Ministry/ Department Component Total Number/Capacity (cum) Pondage Capacity Cum Irrigation Potential (Ha.) Peroid of Implementation Estimated Cost (in Rs. Lakh) 1 Major Irrigation MoWR/IPH AIBP 2 Medium Irrigation 13 4 AIBP TOTAL Bilaspur, Mandi-2, Kangra-6 Hamirpur, Kullu, Kinnaur-1
State Irrigation Plan- Proposed Activity Wise
S. No. District Concerned Ministry/ Department Component Total Number/Capacity (cum) Pondage Capacity Cum Irrigation Potential (Ha.) Peroid of Implementation Estimated Cost (in Rs. Lakh) 3 Surface Minor Irrigation MoWR/ IPH Har Khet Ko Pani 781 40 20 4 Lift Irrigation/ Flow irrigation 2222 5 Ground Water develpoment MoWR 2455 6 RRR of Water Bodies 443 7 Construction of field channels 7.1 Lined Field Channels 190 10 7.2 Unlined Field Channels 165 13 8 Micro Irrigation MoWR/ Agriculture 43 23 Irrigation Scheme of Other Line Departments 126 227.57 280.5 25 Loan Projects like RIDF of NABARD 184 Har Khet Ko Pani Total 6299 158435
State Irrigation Plan- Proposed Activity Wise
S. No. District Component Total Number/Capacity (cum) Pondage Capacity Cum Irrigation Potential (Ha.) Peroid of Implementation Estimated Cost (in Rs. Lakh) 9 DPAP Drip (Close space) Per drop more crop (Micro Irrigation) 2580 45 10 DPAP Drip 4232 4 11 Non- DPAP Drip 2940 1365 16 12 Non- DPAP Sprinkler 22530 11460 13 Topping up of MGNREGA Per drop more crop (Supplementary activities) 843 777.4 8 1597.9 14 Drought proofing through check Dams/water Harvesting structures 7784 15 Secondary Storage Structure 21926 93008 On Farm Development) 26 3005.1 16 b ATMA, Extension Activities, Capacity Building 23071 28 23 Irrigation Scheme of Other Line Departments 20 415 8000 PDMC Total
State Irrigation Plan- Proposed Activity Wise
S.No District Total No. Capacity in Cum Command area created (Ha) Period of Implementation (years) Estimated Cost (in Rs. lakh) 17.1 Farm ponds 17.2 Check dam 4.00 17.3 Nallah Bunds 170.00 21.00 17.4 Percolation Tanks 3956 4 17.5 Other ground water recharge Structures 5090 17.6 Fishery Pond/ cattle Pond 12698 30 17.7 Others 22556 13980 A. New Water harvesting structures to Be created 18.1 362.9 966.75 18.2 251.50 206.74 823.14 18.3 14.00 0.00 45.70 9.00 710.84 18.4 269 227 922.51 875.60 18.5 444.60 100.00 18.6 421 1150 875.57 18.7 419 2038 B. Water Harvesting Structures to Be Renovated 430.00 Total Watershed Component A+B 8.00
State Irrigation Plan- Proposed Activity Wise
S.No District Total No. Capacity in Cum Command area created (Ha) Period of Implementation (years) Estimated Cost (in Rs. lakh) 19. Newly created 19.1 Water Conservation structures 2226 19.2 Water Harvesting structures 7934 19.3 Creation of irrigation Canals/Drains 83012 19.4 Providing Infrastructure for Irrigation 4706 321 19.5 Land Development 93 Others 971.00 491.40 20. Renovation works 20.1 Renovation of water Bodies including Desilting 1236 5252 20.2 203.00 4600 6666 700.93 Convergence with MGNREGA Total 269534 4.00 Strategic Irrigation Plan of H.P. 4
State Irrigation Plan-Annual Action Plan 2016-17
IPH Rs in Crores Agriculture Rs In Crores Horticulture RDD Total Fund 235.16 32.695 2.25 230.61
State Irrigation Plan- other outcome Indicators
Sr. No. District Number of Structures Water Potential to be Created (Cum.) Irrigation Potential to be Created (Hectares) 1 Bilaspur 2177 122436 163.25 2 Una 3164 83745 111.66 3 Hamirpur 2469 71396 95.2 4 Kangra 12520 253097 337.46 5 Kinnaur 291 5503 7.38 6 Kullu 19513 88068 117.42 7 Lahaul & Spiti 3081 104314 139.09 8 Mandi 6226 96638 128.85 9 Shimla 29308 10 Sirmaur 3505 367425 489.9 11 Solan 2386 97480 129.97 12 879 243661 324.88 Himachal Pradesh 85519 cum. Hectares
State Irrigation Plan- other outcome Indicators
Under the component Per Drop more Crop water potential of 64,68,200 cubic metres will be created in the state by construction of secondary storage structures, check dams, and other drought proofing mechanisms.
State Irrigation Plan- other outcome Indicators
The Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) will create a potential of 22,681 hectares through the proposed medium irrigation projects. The Irrigation and Public Health Department will create a potential of 1,58,435 hectares under Har Khet Ko Pani by installing new lift and flow irrigation schemes. The Agriculture and Horticulture Departments will create irrigation potential of 42,166 and 12,258 hectares respectively. The Rural Development Department will undertake water harvesting and soil and moisture conservation activities in 2,69,534 hectares in different watersheds under the Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP). This is likely to generate an additional income of ₹ 56,473 lakh to the farmers of the State. This is based on the assumption that at least 60% of potential will be utilised and ₹ 40,000 per hectare incremental income will accrue as a result of shift from rainfed to irrigated farming. This is also likely to create 755 lakh mandays of non-recurring employment and 2,52,419 jobs annually on recurring basis.
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