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Explorations and Fur Trade in The West

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1 Explorations and Fur Trade in The West

2 Competitors and Goals What European Countries Where Goals: the 3 C’s

3 Russians in Alaska Vitas Bering: 1728, 1741: Russian trade
Bering Strait, Aleutian Islands, SE Alaska Fur trade begins Russian trade Aleuts forced into trade revolt “reductions” by Russians population drop from 25,000 to 6,000

4 Russians in Alaska Kodiak Island 1780s-90s Yakutat 1796
Sitka set up in 1799 Tlingets attack Sitka destroyed in 1802 Russians return in 1804 Sitka is Russian capital Fort Ross in California

5 Impact of Russians Populations down in some areas
Russian Orthodox missions Mixed Race descendents overfurring cultural changes Could “sell” Alaska to US 1867

6 Spanish Response Juan Perez 1774 to Nootka Sound Others
Missions in California

7 British Sir Francis Drake in California back in 1500s
Captain James Cook in NW seeking NW Passage Lands at Nootka Sound exposes Natives to disease finds furs journals, reports increase trade

8 British Charles Barkley: Strait of Juan de Fuca 1787
Cook’s death website:

9 Americans a.k.a. “Bostons” Robert Gray: Columbia River 1792
More fur traders

10 Spanish drop NW claims Nootka Sound Incident
Spanish settlements -- short lived 1795: Spain drops claims

11 More Activity in NW George Vancouver 1791-95
goals names and explorations Vancouver names reports more activity on coast By scientific and commercial voyages on NW coast

12 Lewis and Clark Louisiana Territory: Goals of “Corps of Discovery”
Spanish to French to American US pays $15 million Goals of “Corps of Discovery” Scientific Diplomatic Commercial NW Passage

13 Party Meriwether Lewis William Clark Soldiers York Georges Drouillard
43 leave St Louis, May 1804

14 Supplies Today’s 10 essentials
website: Lewis and Clark’s supplies: website

15 Fort Mandan Spend Winter among Mandans and Hidatsas
Hire Touissant Charbonneau and Sacagawea Significance of Sacagawea

16 From Ft Mandan to Ft Clatsop
Follow Missouri to Great Falls Meet up with Shoshone in Idaho Cross mountains to Nez Perce: Clearwater to Snake to Columbia Build boats and shoot rapids to Pacific Ocean Winter at Ft Clatsop Journal entries

17 Significance of Expedition
no NW Passage scientific, commercial possibilities imagination of country: journals a cross cultural as well as wilderness tale peaceful, yet first step in US expansion gov’t role

18 What happened to them later?
Lewis Clark Sacagawea and Pompey York Jim Colter George Drouillard

19 Fur Trade “Soft Gold”: types When and Where

20 Major Companies HBC 1670 Northwest Co starts 1784
Alexander Mackenzie in BC 1790s Simon Fraser in establish forts in NW

21 Major Companies HBC takes over NW 1821
HQ: Fort Vancouver: “NY of the Pacific” John McLoughlin create “fur desert” to East Puget Sound Agricultural Company

22 Major Companies American Fur Co 1808, Pacific Fur Co
John Jacob Astor Fort Astoria: difficulties in set up Sold to British Example: James Bordeaux Trading Post 1837 to 1876 Missouri Fur Company 1808 started by Manuel Lisa Rocky Mountains

23 Major Companies William Ashley’s innovations:
Later is Rocky Mt Fur Company

24 Lives of Trappers Who are they Often married to Native Am women
3 types of trappers Brigades: company employees Skin trappers: sharecroppers Free: independent The Rendezvous Dangers of the job

25 Lives of Trappers Joe Meek as an example Continuation past heyday

26 Significance of Fur Trade
Environmental animals introduction of new crops for Native Americans National claims Serve as transition before settlement

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