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Disability Inclusive Development

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Presentation on theme: "Disability Inclusive Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Disability Inclusive Development
DWA workshop 21st April, 2017 Siân Tesni: Slides adapted from a presentation by Kathy Al Ju’beh (CBM Senior Advisor for DID)

2 Disability inclusion: What does this mean?

3 Some definitions: how do we view them?
Development? Inclusive development? Disability Inclusive Development?

4 Development Development aims to reduce poverty, establishing political, economic and social freedom for all people. Development seeks long-term sustainable change.

5 Inclusive Development
Inclusive development ensures that marginalised groups actively participate and benefit from the development processes and outcomes, regardless of their age, gender, disability, state of health, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion or any other characteristics. It seeks to address the deepening inequality and consequent lack of access to opportunities for those who are excluded from development gains and processes.

6 Disability Inclusive Development
Disability-inclusive development focuses particularly on the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities. It actively seeks to ensure the full participation of people with disability: women, men, girls and boys as empowered self-advocates in all development processes. and emergency responses and works to address the barriers which hinder their access and participation. The focus is disability inclusive development, adhering to the general principles of inclusive development in our work

7 DID & Inclusive Development
Disability Inclusive Development

8 Applying the process respecting the full range of rights of persons with disabilities, as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities (CRPD) Agenda 2030: SDGs will lead to poverty reduction and allow persons with disabilities to contribute to and benefit from the development of their communities and societies. Supporting self advocacy and access to disability specific services.

9 Nothing about us without us
Strengthening DPOs Strengthening the role of Disabled Persons Organisations (DPOs) is a key path to empowerment - getting the voice of persons with disabilities heard in public life. Restricted participation of persons with disabilities leads to exclusion and poverty. Working towards the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities, and all towards improving the participation of persons with disabilities in society. Nothing about us without us

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