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It’s More Than Just “Yea” or “Nay” Day 2: Try Your Hand!

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Presentation on theme: "It’s More Than Just “Yea” or “Nay” Day 2: Try Your Hand!"— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s More Than Just “Yea” or “Nay” Day 2: Try Your Hand!
VOTING IN CONGRESS: It’s More Than Just “Yea” or “Nay” Day 2: Try Your Hand! To hear special effects, make sure your sound is up.

2 BILL “A” mail delivery on Saturdays! Stop
Yikes! That seems like a big decision! We’d better look at the four factors…

3 Does Congress have the power to stop Saturday mail delivery?
FACTOR #1: Does Congress have the power to establish post offices? Yes No

4 FACTOR #1: Does Congress have the power to stop Saturday mail delivery?
Now consider this: Is deciding what days mail will be delivered part of establishing a post office? Probably Probably not

5 FACTOR #1: Does Congress have the power to stop Saturday mail delivery?
Therefore: Congress has the power to stop Saturday mail delivery Congress does not have the power to stop Saturday mail delivery Because (Write a quick explanation on your paper.)

6 FACTOR #2: In your opinion, should Saturday mail delivery end? WAIT! There are a few things you should know before you make up your mind.

7 FACTOR #2: In your opinion, should Saturday mail delivery end? The U.S. Postal Service pays for itself with the money it brings in from its services.

8 FACTOR #2: In your opinion, should Saturday mail delivery end? HOWEVER… The Postal Service is losing a LOT of money because people are sending fewer letters.

9 In your opinion, should Saturday mail delivery end? FACTOR #2:
Postal Service Income Instead of using the mail, people are texting and sending … … and paying their bills online.

10 In your opinion, should Saturday mail delivery end?
FACTOR #2: In your opinion, should Saturday mail delivery end? Postal Service Income In 2009, the Postal Service lost $ 3,800,000,000 (That’s $3.8 billion.) (With a “b.”)

11 In your opinion, should Saturday mail delivery end? FACTOR #2:
Stopping delivery on Saturdays would save the Postal Service $ 3,000,000,000 (That’s $3 billion.) (Also with a “b.”)

12 In your opinion, should Saturday mail delivery end?
FACTOR #2: In your opinion, should Saturday mail delivery end? Is it worth it? A lot of people like getting mail on Saturdays! Decide what you think and mark your answer on your paper. Don’t forget to explain your choice.

13 Look at the checklist of values on your handout.
FACTOR #3: Would your political party support stopping mail delivery on Saturdays? Look at the checklist of values on your handout. Which value most matches the purpose of this bill?

14 FACTOR #3: Would your political party support stopping mail delivery on Saturdays? COST SAVING! That means the Republican Party would be most likely to support this bill.

15 WAIT! There are a few things you should know before you decide...
FACTOR #4: Would your voters support stopping mail delivery on Saturdays? WAIT! There are a few things you should know before you decide...

16 FACTOR #4: Would your voters support stopping mail delivery on Saturdays? In 1957, Congress passed a law to stop Saturday mail. It lasted one Saturday! Voters were so angry that Congress passed a bill to bring Saturday delivery back!

17 Would your voters support stopping mail delivery on Saturdays?
FACTOR #4: Did they have in 1957? Yes No (Do you think that would make a difference to voters today?)

18 Would your voters support stopping mail delivery on Saturdays?
FACTOR #4: Would your voters support stopping mail delivery on Saturdays? For this activity, let’s pretend the state or district you represent has more older voters than younger voters. (Older voters are more likely to still use the Postal Service. Younger voters are more likely to use .)

19 Would your voters support stopping mail delivery on Saturdays?
FACTOR #4: Would your voters support stopping mail delivery on Saturdays? So, do you think your voters will support this bill? Mark your papers.

20 TIME TO VOTE! You’ve looked at all four factors.
Now you must weigh them all and decide whether to vote “yea” or “nay.” Mark your papers.

21 TIME TO VOTE! If you marked “yea,” raise your hand.
If you marked “nay,” raise your hand.

22 TIME TO VOTE! Did the bill pass??

23 BILL “B” Increase the minimum wage from $7.25 to $7.50 per hour.
We’d better look at the four factors… 25 cents! That’s a lot!

24 Does Congress have the power to raise the minimum wage? FACTOR #1:
What is the minimum wage? Grr. It’s when a wabbit gets a tiny bit angwy B. It’s the smallest hourly rate an employer may pay an employee

25 Does Congress have the power to raise the minimum wage?
FACTOR #1: Look at the list of powers Congress has. Does it say Congress can set peoples’ wages? Yes No

26 Does Congress have the power to raise the minimum wage?
FACTOR #1: Look at the list again. Is there anything on the list that might somehow relate to the money people earn at their jobs?

27 Does Congress have the power to raise the minimum wage? FACTOR #1:
Here’s a hint: It’s one of these four powers: Establish post offices Collect taxes Pass laws about business that happens across state lines Declare war Hey! Why wasn’t this the right answer?

28 FACTOR #1: Does Congress have the power to raise the minimum wage? It’s true—the government collects taxes out of the money people earn at their jobs. But businesses are the ones that pay people a wage, so this power is more related to a bill about the minimum wage. Got it? Good!

29 Make any laws “necessary and proper” for laws on the list!
Does Congress have the power to raise the minimum wage? FACTOR #1: What power lets Congress do something that’s not on the list if it relates to something that is on the list? Make any laws “necessary and proper” for laws on the list!

30 FACTOR #1: Does Congress have the power to raise the minimum wage? Would it be possible… Just possible… For Congress to think a law about the minimum wage would relate to laws about business that happens in more than one state?

31 Mark your papers! FACTOR #1:
Does Congress have the power to raise the minimum wage? Mark your papers!

32 Important Information
There are possible minimum wages! A national minimum wage that Congress sets for everyone A state minimum wage that a state sets for itself

33 Important Information
Do you think a state is allowed to pass a lower minimum wage than the one Congress sets? Yes No

34 Important Information
Do you think a state must pass its own minimum wage law, even though Congress already has one? Yes No

35 Mark your papers! FACTOR #2:
In your opinion, should Congress raise the national minimum wage to $7.50 per hour? Mark your papers!

36 Look at the checklist of values on your handout.
FACTOR #3: Would your political party support raising the national minimum wage to $7.50 per hour? Look at the checklist of values on your handout. Which value most matches the purpose of this bill?

37 FACTOR #3: Would your political party support raising the national minimum wage to $7.50 per hour? GENEROSITY! That means the Democratic Party would be most likely to support this bill.

38 WAIT! There is some important information that will help you decide...
FACTOR #4: Would your voters support raising the national minimum wage to $7.50 per hour? WAIT! There is some important information that will help you decide...

39 Check out the minimum wage laws in your state:
The state’s minimum wage law is… higher lower equal to … the national minimum wage. Have students jot down the information for their state. They’ll need to refer to it a few slides later. If students ask, “AS” is American Samoa, which has its own minimum wage laws. No state minimum wage. January 1, 2010 Write down the information for your state. Source:

40 FACTOR #4: Would your voters support raising the national minimum wage to $7.50 per hour? What happens if a state’s minimum wage is lower than the national minimum wage? The people in that state can get paid less, because state laws have priority over federal laws. The national minimum wage applies, because federal laws have priority over state laws.

41 FACTOR #4: Would your voters support raising the national minimum wage to $7.50 per hour? Do you think voters in a state with a minimum wage higher than the national wage would support this bill? Probably Probably not

42 FACTOR #4: Would your voters support raising the national minimum wage to $7.50 per hour? Do you think voters in a state with a minimum wage lower than the national wage would support this bill? Probably Probably not

43 What about voters in states with no state minimum wage?
FACTOR #4: Would your voters support raising the national minimum wage to $7.50 per hour? Do you think voters in a state with a minimum wage the same as the national wage would support this bill? What about voters in states with no state minimum wage?

44 So, do you think your voters will support this bill?
Would your voters support raising the national minimum wage to $7.50 per hour? FACTOR #4: So, do you think your voters will support this bill? (Hint: How does your state’s minimum wage law compare with the national law?) Mark your papers.

45 TIME TO VOTE! You’ve looked at all four factors.
Now you must weigh them all and decide whether to vote “yea” or “nay.” Mark your papers.

46 TIME TO VOTE! If you marked “yea,” raise your hand.
If you marked “nay,” raise your hand.

47 TIME TO VOTE! Did the bill pass??

48 BILL “C” The government will give titles of nobility to some citizens.
Dunno! Better look at the four factors… Hey! Who made her Queen?

49 FACTOR #1: Does Congress have the power to grant titles of nobility to citizens? Is “granting titles of nobility” on the list of Congress’s powers? Yes No Absolutely not!!

50 FACTOR #1: Does Congress have the power to grant titles of nobility to citizens? The Constitution specifically says that “no title of nobility shall be granted by the United States.”

51 Mark your papers! FACTOR #1:
Does Congress have the power to grant titles of nobility to citizens? Mark your papers!

52 Mark your papers! FACTOR #2:
In your opinion, should Congress grant titles of nobility to citizens? Mark your papers!

53 Look at the checklist of values on your handout.
FACTOR #3: Would your political party support granting titles of nobility to citizens? Look at the checklist of values on your handout. Do any of the values match this bill?

54 Which party would support this bill?
FACTOR #3: Would your political party support granting titles of nobility to citizens? Which party would support this bill? Democratic Party Republican Party Neither one! This is just un-American!

55 Since not everyone would get a special title...
FACTOR #4: Would your voters support granting titles of nobility to some citizens? Since not everyone would get a special title... …do you think most voters would support this? Mark your papers!

56 TIME TO VOTE! WAIT! You’ve looked at all four factors.
Now you must weigh them all and decide— WAIT!

57 TIME TO VOTE! There is one factor that matters more than all the rest. Which one is it? Congress’s power Your personal opinion Political party support What your voters think

58 TIME TO VOTE! Do you think a bill so clearly against the power of Congress would make it to a vote? Probably Probably not

59 If this bill did come to a vote, would you vote yea or nay?
TIME TO VOTE! If this bill did come to a vote, would you vote yea or nay? Mark your papers.

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