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Practice Quiz Number #1 - #10

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1 Practice Quiz Number #1 - #10

2 1. The Supreme Court’s decision in Miranda v
1. The Supreme Court’s decision in Miranda v. Arizona was based on its reinterpretation of the Fifth amendment Eighth amendment Fourth amendment Sixth amendment

3 2. The Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v
2. The Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education overturned a previous decision made in McCulloch v. Maryland Betts v. Brady Dred Scott v. Sandford Plessy v. Ferguson

4 3. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke both modified and limited the application of Judicial review Executive privilege Affirmative action Equal protection

5 4. The case of the United States v. Virginia dealt mainly with
Racial discrimination Public segregation Gender equality Affirmative action

6 5. In Adarand Constructors v
5. In Adarand Constructors v. Pena, the court ruled on the constitutionality of Using subcontractors on federal projects Federal affirmative action programs Federal funding for highway construction State regulation of federal highways

7 6. Which of these cases most clearly strengthened the power of the federal government?
United States v. Nixon Adarand Constructors v. Pena Plessy v. Ferguson McCulloch v. Maryland

8 7. Which of these cases most clearly limited the power of the Executive Branch?
Marbury v. Madison Miranda v. Arizona United States v. Nixon Brown v. Board of Education

9 8. Which of these cases most clearly reinforced the doctrine of “no suspect classifications”?
Plessy v. Ferguson Brown v. Board of Education Miranda v. Arizona McCulloch v. Maryland

10 9. Which of these cases involved an action of the federal government rather than state governments?
Brown v. Board of Education Adarand Constructors v. Pena Plessy v. Ferguson United States v. Virginia

11 10. Which of these cases DID NOT involve an educational institution?
Brown v. Board of Education Regents of the U.C. v. Bakke Plessy v. Ferguson United States v. Virginia

12 1. The Supreme Court’s decision in Miranda v
1. The Supreme Court’s decision in Miranda v. Arizona was based on its reinterpretation of the Fifth amendment Eighth amendment Fourth amendment Sixth amendment

13 2. The Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v
2. The Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education overturned a previous decision made in McCulloch v. Maryland Betts v. Brady Dred Scott v. Sandford Plessy v. Ferguson

14 3. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke both modified and limited the application of Judicial review Executive privilege Affirmative action Equal protection

15 4. The case of the United States v. Virginia dealt mainly with
Racial discrimination Public segregation Gender equality Affirmative action

16 5. In Adarand Constructors v
5. In Adarand Constructors v. Pena, the court ruled on the constitutionality of Using subcontractors on federal projects Federal affirmative action programs Federal funding for highway construction State regulation of federal highways

17 6. Which of these cases most clearly strengthened the power of the federal government?
United States v. Nixon Adarand Constructors v. Pena Plessy v. Ferguson McCulloch v. Maryland

18 7. Which of these cases most clearly limited the power of the Executive Branch?
Marbury v. Madison Miranda v. Arizona United States v. Nixon Brown v. Board of Education

19 8. Which of these cases most clearly reinforced the doctrine of “no suspect classifications”?
Plessy v. Ferguson Brown v. Board of Education Miranda v. Arizona McCulloch v. Maryland

20 9. Which of these cases involved an action of the federal government rather than state governments?
Brown v. Board of Education Adarand Constructors v. Pena Plessy v. Ferguson United States v. Virginia

21 10. Which of these cases DID NOT involve an educational institution?
Brown v. Board of Education Regents of the U.C. v. Bakke Plessy v. Ferguson United States v. Virginia

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