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Court Cases Brown v. Board of Education

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1 Court Cases Brown v. Board of Education
Overruled Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) separate but equal doctrine… stated that races can be segregated, but equal By separating, one race was being determined inferior to another… not equal Oliver Brown was one of the original plaintiffs in the case in Kansas… more cases came under this one.

2 Court Cases Gideon v. Wainwright
… Dealt with the 14th amendment, and rights considered fundamental and essential to a fair trial. Just b/c you are poor, one should still receive a lawyer even if they can’t pay Originally only for serious crimes, now all crimes fall under this statute.

3 Court Cases Mapp v. Ohio Extended the Exclusionary rule in Weeks v. United States… Evidence seized in violation of the 4th Amendment could not be used as evidence in any court- Federal, State, or local Searching for a bombing suspect, found pornography instead, was illegal at the time.

4 Court Cases Miranda v. Arizona
Gave us the Miranda rights… You have the right to remain silent; you have the right to an attorney; anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law Miranda was picked out of a line-up and confessed to a kidnapping and rape; but he was never allowed a chance to speak to an attorney. Ruling was overturned b/c of this.

5 Court Cases Summarize these: 3-4 sentences, include Amendment & Outcome Roe v. Wade Texas v. Johnson Marbury v. Madison Miller v. California Also, write out the 1st Ten Amendments (Bill of Rights) in your own words. This along with your 4 court case summaries is due Tuesday Nov. 29 at the beginning of class.

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