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Esther Series Kingdom Principles.

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1 Esther Series Kingdom Principles

2 Esther Series – Kingdom Principles Part 1 - “Hidden in the Evil Day”
Part 2 –“Preparing to Meet The King” Part 3 –“Righteousness & Persecution” “Doing What is Right” Part 4 – “Reaping & Sowing” Part 5 – “Esther & The End Times”

3 Esther Series Part 1 “Hidden in the Evil Day”

4 As We Look at Esther’s Life
We Will See This is not a Book of the Past … Esther is a Book about Great Things to Come In the Book of Revelation & In the Book of Esther That which is Concealed Will be Revealed

5 to ENCOURAGE the Church to Strengthen the Believers
With each session and the Help of the Holy Spirit We can discover spiritual principles for our lives to ENCOURAGE the Church to Strengthen the Believers That in Times of Great Challenge God is STILL doing a great Work For Us, In Us, and Through Us Just as Esther’s Identity is Hidden From Evil all Around her …a all except Mordecai, We will be Hid In Him during the Evil Day

6 Are you Ready for a Great Adventure in the Book of Esther?
Chapter One – Here We come “King Xerxes & His Kingdom”

7 1.Now it came to pass in the days of Xerses (who reigned from India to Ethiopia – over 127 provinces) 2.That in those days, which King Xerses sat on the throne of his kingdom, was in Shushan the citadel .

8 3.That in the 3rd year of his reign, he made a feast to all his princes and his servants - the power of Persia and Media, the nobles and the princes of the provinces, being before him – 4. When he showed the riches of his glorious kingdom and the honor of his excellent majesty for many days, even 180 days in all. 5. And when these days were completed, the King made a feast lasting 7 days for all the people that were present in Shushan the citadel, from great to small, in the court of the garden of the King’s palace.

9 9. Queen Vashti also made a feast for all the women in the royal house belonging to King Xerses On the 7th Day, when the heart of the King was merry with wine, he commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zetha & Carcas, the 7 chamberlains that served in the Presence of the King, 11. to bring Queen Vashti before the King wearing her crown royal in order to show the people and the officials her beauty, for she was very fair to behold. 12. But Queen Vashti refused to come at the King’s commandment by his chamberlains, therefore the King was furious and his anger burned within him.

10 13. Then the King said to the wise men who understood the times
(for this was the King’s manner toward all who knew law and justice) 14. those closest to him being Carshena, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena and Memucan, the 7 princes of Persia and Media, who had access to the King’s presence, and who ranked highest in his kingdom.” 15. What shall we do to Queen Vashti, according to law, because she didn’t obey King Xerxes’ command brought to her by the eunuchs?” 16.Memucan answered before the King and the princes, “ Queen Vashti hasn’t only wronged the King, but all the princes and all the people who are in all the provinces of King Xerxes.

11 Memucan proposed that Vashti be removed as Queen and that another more worthy be chosen. This would prevent Vashti’s rebellion from encouraging all women throughout the kingdom to also dishonor their husbands. This reply pleased the King - so letters were sent out to all 127 provinces.

12 By Refusing to Submit to the King’s authority,
Vashti is judged guilty of Dishonor – She will lose her Place in the Kingdom.

13 Spiritual Principle - Submission to Godly Authority
What a wonderful Blessing to Understand this Truth which is sometimes so hard for us! Submission to God’s Order Shuts the Door to the Enemy Blessing & Honor Protection & Provision Happiness & Fruitfulness Unity in the Holy Ghost Promotion in God’s Kingdom What a powerful Spiritual Principle!

14 Chapter 2 “ The Great Beauty Queen Pageant” 1.After these things, when the wrath of King Xerxes was appeased, he remembered Vashti and what she had done, & what was decreed against her 2. Then the King’s servants that ministered to him said, Let there be fair young virgins sought for the King. 3. Let the King appoint officers in all the provinces of His Kingdom, that they may gather together all the fair young virgins to Shushan the Palace, to the house of the women to be given to Hegai, the King’s chamberlain, keeper of the Women; and let things for their purification be given them. And let the maiden which pleases the King be Queen instead of Vashti. And the thing pleased the King, and he did so.

15 5. Now in Shushan the Palace there was a certain Jew whose name was Mordecai, the son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, a Benjamite. 6. Who had been carried away from Jerusalem with the captivity which had been carried away with Jeconiah King of Judah, whom Nebuchadnessar King of Babylon, carried away. 7. And he brought Hadassah, that is Esther, his uncle’s daughter: for she had neither father nor mother, and the maid was fair and beautiful: whom Mordecai when her father and mother died, took for his own daughter.

16 9. “And the maiden pleased him, and she obtained kindness of him
8.So it came to pass, when the King’commandment and his decree was heard & when many maidens were gathered together to Shushan the palace, to the custody of Hegai, that Esther was also brought to the King’s house, to the custody of Hegei, keeper of the women.” 9. “And the maiden pleased him, and she obtained kindness of him and he speedily gave her things for her purification, with such things as belonged to her, and 7 maidens: which were given to her out of the King’s house, and he preferred her and her maids to the best place of the House of the Women.”

17 Esther is taken from her happy home with Mordecai.
10. Esther had not showed her people nor her kindred: for Mordecai had charged her that she should not show it.” 11. And Mordecai walked every day before the Court of the Women’s House, to know how Esther did, and what would become of her.” Esther’s real identity is hidden- She is perfectly hidden in God’s Plan, yet neither she nor Mordecai know it … Esther is taken from her happy home with Mordecai. Everything she knows suddenly changes.

18 There will also Come Suddenly Times in Our Lives
Times of Great Change Just as Esther kept precious things hidden We need to hide precious things in our hearts until the right time When We Need Wise Counsel Don’t tell Everybody our precious things God can show us Who to Share our Hearts with Guard the Dreams God Has Put in Your Heart Guard the Ministry He trusted You with Guard Your marriages, Your homes, Your children

19 When We are Hidden in Him…. in God’s Plan for Our Lives
We Guard closely those People, Places and Things that are Precious to Us in God Jesus told us ,"Give not that which is HOLY unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. " (Matthew 7:6)

20 God Has Hidden His Plan in Times’ Past from the Evil to Come
And He uses regular people– like Us! Men and Women... There are so many in the Bible So we will pick just a Special Few!

21 Moses’ mother hid from Pharoah’s evil decree for 3 months, risking all
Moses’ mother hid from Pharoah’s evil decree for 3 months, risking all. Then she put him in a basket in the Nile River…..God’s Plan at work! Exodus Chapter 2

22 When Rahab Hid the 2 Spies She Protected Israel &
She Risked Her Own Life Joshua Chapter 2 God then Redeemed Her whole Family from Destruction

23 When King Saul and Jonathan died, Jonathan’s only surviving son, little Mephibosheth was hidden from evil by his nurse – to save his life. 2nd Samuel Chapter 4:2-4

24 2 Kings 11:1-4 Joehosheba hids little Joash for 6 years – while wicked Queen Athaliah reigned , but in the 7th year he is crowned King! 1. When Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the royal heirs. 2. But Jehosheba, the daughter of King Joram, sister of Ahaziah, took Joash the son of Ahaziah, and stole him away from among the king’s sons who were being murdered; and they hid him and his nurse in the bedroom, from Athaliah, so that he was not killed. 3. So he was hidden with her in the House of the Lord for 6 years, while Athaliah reigned over the land.4 In the 7th year Jehoiada sent and brought the captains of hundreds—of the bodyguards and the escorts—and brought them into the House of the Lord to him. And he made a covenant with them and took an oath from them in the House of the Lord, and showed them the King’s son. Jezebel’s corrupted all the 10 tribes of Israel with her witchcraft and idolatry. Her daughter Queen Athaliah married the King of Judah and was even more wicked. When her husband and then her son King Ahaziah died, Athaliah killed all her own grandchildren so she rule. Only little Joash was hidden by his aunt for 6 years from his wicked grandmother

25 in caves from wicked Jezebel - 1 Kings 18:4
Obadiah hid 100 of Israel’s true prophets in caves from wicked Jezebel Kings 18:4

26 Luke 2:19 – “And when they that heard it wondered at these things
Luke 2:19 – “And when they that heard it wondered at these things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary hid all these things in her heart and thought about them.”

27 Psalm 119:11 “Your Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”


29 We will be Hidden in the Wedding Chamber with HIm during theTime of the Tribulation –
Isaiah 26: “Come My people, enter into your chambers and shut the door about you: Hide yourselves as it were for a little moment until the Indignation by past. For Behold, the Lord comes out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity. The earth shall disclose her blood and no more cover her sin.”

30 Just Like Esther – Our Identity as the Bride of Christ at the Rapture Is Hidden from the Evil One And from the Unbelieving World Just Like The Book of Esther Everything will be Revealed in God’s Perfect Time!

31 Zephaniah 2:3 “Seek you the LORD, all you meek of the earth, which have wrought His judgment: seek righteousness, seek meekness: It may be that you shall be hid in the Day of the Lord’s anger.”

32 “For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested;
neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.” Mark4 :22

33 ……the mystery of Christ, Which in other ages
Ephesians 3: 4-5,8,9 ……the mystery of Christ, Which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed by the Holy Spirit to His apostles and prophets: that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs of the same body, and partakers of His promises in Christ through the Gospel” Preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ “And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ.”

34 “Even the mystery which has been hid from ages and from generations,
but now is made manifest to His saints:” Colossians 1:26

35 In Times of Great Challenge God is STILL doing a great Work
For Us, In Us, and Through Us Just as Esther’s Identity is Hidden During the Evil Day …From all except Mordecai, We will be Hid In Him during the Evil Day

36 Esther Series Kingdom Principles “Hidden in the Evil Day”

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