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A new offering of Horizons Unlimited

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Presentation on theme: "A new offering of Horizons Unlimited"— Presentation transcript:

1 A new offering of Horizons Unlimited

2 What is Job Connect? Job Connect encompasses 2 services:
Horizons Community Employment Services Horizons Employment Network (“EN”)

3 What is Job Connect? Horizons Community Employment Services
Serves individuals with intellectual disability and/or mental illness Clients are usually on the “ID Waiver,” a waiver funded by Medicaid Job coaches support these clients by job coaching the client, arranging job shadows and work experiences for the client, and working with employers to customize jobs specifically for the client

4 What is Job Connect? Horizons Employment Network (“EN”)
Serves anyone who is on SSI or SSDI and between the ages of 18 through 64 years old For individuals who used to live a normal life, something happened that resulted in them having to go on SSI or SSDI, and they want to get off benefits and go back to work Job Connect partners with ADEN (American Dream Employment Network) to put clients in touch with job-finding resources Part of the Social Security “Ticket to Work” program

5 How is Horizons Unlimited’s Job Connect EN different from our regular employment services?
Job Connect EN can serve anyone on SSI or SSDI, regardless of whether the disability is intellectual or just physical Job Connect EN involves placing clients at jobs, but not coaching them Job Connect EN can assist a client that lives a long distance away in finding a job in their own town (i.e. not just Palo Alto County residents) Job Connect EN’s ultimate goal is for the client to reduce or eliminate Social Security benefits and work as many hours as possible

6 What is ADEN (American Dream Employment Network)?
ADEN is an organization based out of Washington, DC ADEN helps Job Connect with administrative tasks ADEN makes payments to Job Connect to pay us for certain services we provide ADEN refers potential clients to Job Connect ADEN provides marketing materials to Job Connect ADEN provides resources to Job Connect and our clients More info at

7 Success Story

8 Where will you see Job Connect in the near future?
Job Connect will host informational outreach events periodically in Emmetsburg Job Connect will have booths at job fairs and career days in Emmetsburg and around the state of Iowa Horizons Unlimited’s traditional job developers/job coaches will also be Job Connect EN representatives

9 Where to find out more about Job Connect:
Website Facebook Horizons Unlimited office 2107 Main St., Emmetsburg, Iowa Ask for Jen Kraus, Betsy Elbert, or Josiah Schmidt Call (712)

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