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Getting into Graduate School and Life After

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1 Getting into Graduate School and Life After
Presented By: Dr. Carlee Beth Hawkins Dr. Sheryl Reminger Dr. Frances Shen Robin Vansacik Carlee – introduce the session (slides 1-4) --- what is the difference between master’s and phd and psyd ---diff fields in psychology Goal – get students excited about grad school Frances – personal statement and letters of rec Sheryl – GRE and researching schools

2 Overview What is the difference between Master’s, Psy.D., and Ph.D. programs? What criteria is important for admission? How to get good recommendation letters? What are personal statements? How to prep for the GREs? How to research schools? Robin

3 Questions to Consider Do you have a clear idea of the career you want to pursue? Is there another avenue for continued learning?   Have you looked at graduate certification programs? What is your motivation for continuing your education? Is this the right time for graduate school or should you get more experience in the field? Today, will focus on what to do to get in, but will have another workshop in the Spring on thinking about what to do with your psychology degree more broadly.  Robin

4 Master’s Degree vs. Doctoral Degree
Master’s Degree (M.A., M.S., M.S.W.) Doctoral Degree (Ph.D., Psy.D., M.D.) Shorter time to complete (2-4 years) Longer time to complete (4-8 years) Less expensive More expensive Less stringent admission requirements More stringent admission requirements May be the best degree for certain careers (e.g., counselor, social worker) May be the best degree for certain careers (e.g., psychologist, professor) Potentially lower salaries Potentially higher salaries Potentially fewer career options Potentially more career options Ph.D. vs. Psy.D. Ph.D. Psy.D. More research-oriented More practice-oriented Commonly acquired at universities Commonly acquired at professional schools Less expensive More expensive More financial assistance Less financial assistance More stringent admission requirements Less stringent admission requirements Longer time to complete (6-8 years) Shorter time to complete (4-7 years) Sheryl

5 Percentage of Students Who Apply & Are Accepted
Source: Norcross, Kohout, & Wicherski (2005) Program Areas Master’s Programs Doctoral Programs Clinical 53% 21% Counseling 66% 22% School 49% 37% Cognitive 32% Developmental 48% 27% Educational 57% 50% Experimental 55% 38% Social 19% Industrial/Organizational 26% Health 70% 31% Psychometrics/Quantitative 73% 43% Other Fields 33% 23% All Programs Sheryl

6 APA-Accredited Clinical Programs
Type of Program Number of Programs Number of Applications % Accepted % Students Awarded Assistantship % Students Awarded Assistantship and Tuition Free-standing Psy.D. 18 227 50 13 1 University Professional School Psy.D. 19 207 43 27 5 University Psychology Department Psy.D. 17 141 26 Practice-oriented Ph.D. 9 155 16 57 42 Practice- & research-oriented Ph.D. 67 160 14 20 54 Research-oriented Ph.D. 93 199 7 8 89 All Clinical Programs 223 183 Source: Norcross, Ellis, & Sayette (2010)

7 Questions?

8 Application Components
Curriculum vita – a resume for academics Letters of recommendation – establish good relationships with 3 professors or relevant supervisors Personal statement – obtain research, internship, volunteer, service and/or work experience to draw from GRE scores – general and perhaps subject test Transcripts – maintain good grades; take advanced classes Fees – for applications, transcripts, GRE Interview – may include travel (funded or not) Deadlines – often fall/winter; depends on program Carlee Dr. shen going to talk about how to write a personal statement and how to get good letters Dr. reminger going to talk about hot to prep for the GREs..

9 Which criteria is most important?
Rank Dimension Masters Doctoral Letters of recommendation GPA Personal statement GRE scores Research experience Interview Work experience Clinically related service Extracurricular/Psi Chi Carlee Pair and share to rank these

10 Which criteria is most important?
Rank Dimension Masters Doctoral Letters of recommendation 2 1 GPA Personal statement 3 GRE scores 4 Research experience 6 5 Interview Work experience 8 7 Clinically related service Extracurricular/Psi Chi 9 Bottom three can’t hurt you.. So do them if you have time – may be a good way to form relationships with professors/supervisors for letters Not going to talk about interview today b/c want to focus on features most relevant to all students, but we’re here to help you when that day comes Norcross et al., 2005 & Landrum et al., 1994

11 Resources at UIS to Help
The UIS Career Development Center can help! The Career Development Center can… Help you create a grad school application timeline with all of the schools you are interested in Help you research schools and programs Help with resumes, applications, and personal statements Offer mock interviews for job and school interviews Help you find valuable experience opportunities that may help you get into grad school Carlee

12 Letters of Recommendation
How many do you need? Who should you ask? At least 2 faculty, typically in your major People who can speak to: Academic abilities and potential for graduate work Clinical and/or Research skills Any honors or awards you have received Your career interests and qualifications for that career Are of good quality Have an established, positive relationship with the writer Frances

13 Letters of Recommendation
How should you ask? Preferably, in person Give plenty of notice (2 weeks +) Be clear about addresses, instructions, and deadlines Provide personal statement, GRE scores, and CV If asking professors in the Psychology Department, complete “Letter of Recommendation Form” at: Frances -hand out letter of rec form

14 Personal Statement Purpose of Personal Statement?
Get to know you beyond your “stats” Assessment of communication & writing skills Assessment of fit between their program and you! How to write a personal statement? Get their attention! Focus on specifics and examples, not generalizations Discuss: career goals, why graduate school, why this program Tailor each statement to the school/program Follow any instructions Get feedback and edit, edit, edit! Frances

15 Questions?

16 GRE: The Graduate Record Exam
GRE website: General Test and Subject Test (Psychology) Information about the GRE computer-based General Test 3 hour, 45 minute exam 2 Verbal Reasoning, 2 Quantitative Reasoning, and 2 Analytical Writing sections (in addition to unscored “Research” components) Where do I take it? Testing centers in Decatur, Peoria, St. Louis, Chicago How much does it cost to take? $205 for the General Test, $150 for the Subject Test How do I study for it? ETS preparation materials, Career Development Center online course, GRE study guides and practice test books Sheryl More questions available at the * For the Issue task, two essay topics are presented and you choose one. The Argument task does not present a choice of topics; instead one topic is presented. ** An unidentified unscored section may be included and may appear in any order after the Analytical Writing section. It is not counted as part of your score. *** An identified research section that is not scored may be included, and it is always at the end of the test. Verbal Reasoning: No More Antonyms and Analogies. More Focus on Reading. Quantitative Reasoning: Same Basic Math Concepts. More Real-life Scenarios. Analytical Writing One "Analyze an Issue" task and one "Analyze an Argument" task 30 minutes per task Verbal Reasoning (Two sections) Approximately 20 questions per section 30 minutes per section Quantitative Reasoning (Two sections) Approximately 20 questions per section 35 minutes per section Unscored† Varies Varies Research†† Varies Varies

17 How to research schools?
Which programs should I apply to? Explore your career options Look up information on the web Be careful to use only “reputable” sources! See “Resources for Lists of Graduate Schools” handout Talk to professors or professionals in the community Consider both master’s and doctoral programs Consider a mix of desirable and back-up programs Sheryl

18 Additional Resources Graduate study in psychology (published by APA every year) Insider's guide to graduate programs in clinical and counseling psychology (Norcross & Sayette, 2016) The psychology major: Career options and strategies for success (Landrum & Davis, 2013) Applying to graduate school in psychology (Kracen & Wallace, 2008) Getting in: A step-by-step plan for gaining admission to graduate school in psychology (APA, 2007) The complete guide to graduate school admission: Psychology, counseling and related fields (Keith-Spiegel & Wiederman, 2000) How are admissions decisions made for clinical psychology graduate programs? (Pashak, Handal, & Ubinger, 2012) Sheryl

19 Questions? All

20 Want to make an appointment at the Career Development Center?
Must use Career Connect on the Career Development website Create an account Follow the directions on the website Fill out questionnaire about interests, and purpose of appointment Schedule an appointment

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