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Lesion-Symptom Mapping (and Biological Motion)

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1 Lesion-Symptom Mapping (and Biological Motion)

2 Brain and “Behavior” ~1700 BC ~1861 ~1820
Humans have been interested in how their behaviors, thoughts, feelings, sensations, actions and consciousness are possible. For centuries, we have been fascinated by the brain and have tried to explore links between brain and behavior using many approaches, some of which are still in use today. Patient studies, lesion mapping in particular, have been criticial in the advance of neurology and cognitive neuroscience because it is these studies that can allow us to explore causal links between specific brain areas and specific symptoms or outcomes.

3 Lesion-Symptom Mapping
Patient K: Male, 68. CVA. Wernicke’s aphasia. Fluent, speech. Language comprehension severely impaired. Patient L: Female, 66. CVA. Mild anomia. Fluent speech, no comprehension problems. No other deficits measured. Patient M: Male, 65. CVA. Mild anomia. Fluent speech. No speech comprehension deficits but non-verbal auditory agnosia. K, L, and M had nearly identical left temporoparietal lesions Saygin et al., 2010, Neuropsychologia Yet, as many of you know, this is not easy work… There is a huge amount of variability in the effects of many kinds of brain damage, as well as in recovery patterns. I’d like to tell you about my first encounter with this. This will be familiar to many of you.. But when I first started working in this field all I knew about neuropsyhcology and neurology seemed very simple. I was working on language and it seemed like we knew pretty much all there was about aphasias. I mean Broca’s area, Broca’s aphaisa, Wernicke’s area, Wernicke’s aphasia - it’s gonna be hard to come up with a trick question there! Then I went out to test some patients and these are the individuals I encountered on my first day:

4 Lesion-Symptom Mapping
Patient K: Male, 68. CVA. Wernicke’s aphasia. Fluent, speech. Language comprehension severely impaired. Patient L: Female, 66. CVA. Mild anomia. Fluent speech, no comprehension problems. No other deficits measured. Patient M: Male, 65. CVA. Mild anomia. Fluent speech. No speech comprehension deficits but non-verbal auditory agnosia. K, L, and M had nearly identical left temporoparietal lesions Saygin et al., 2010, Neuropsychologia Yet, as many of you know, this is not easy work… There is a huge amount of variability in the effects of many kinds of brain damage, as well as in recovery patterns. I’d like to tell you about my first encounter with this. This will be familiar to many of you.. But when I first started working in this field all I knew about neuropsyhcology and neurology seemed very simple. I was working on language and it seemed like we knew pretty much all there was about aphasias. I mean Broca’s area, Broca’s aphaisa, Wernicke’s area, Wernicke’s aphasia - it’s gonna be hard to come up with a trick question there! Then I went out to test some patients and these are the individuals I encountered on my first day:

5 Lesion-Symptom Mapping
It is difficult to infer lesion-behaviour relationships from single case studies or small groups Fortunately, lesion-behaviour relationships are not random… Fortunately it is not

6 Two Common Approaches: Lesion-based Selection
Patients selected based on lesion site e.g. dorsolateral prefrontal cortex Behavioral (or neural) measures of interest are compared to controls, or other groups Fellows & Farah, 2003, Brain Powerful approach Clear testing of hypotheses and possible dissociations Only pre-hypothesized lesion sites tested

7 Two Common Approaches: Behaviour-based Selection
Patients selected based on diagnosis/deficit e.g. apraxia of speech (Dronkers, 1996) Overlays of “impaired” or “spared” patients Possible to not have lesion hypotheses at outset Need more precise lesion information Where to draw the line? Dronkers, 1996, Nature Saygin et al., 2003, Brain

8 Limitations These methods are not ideal for every question a neuropsychologist might want to probe Can lead to potential loss of information - How to determine ‘impaired’ - How to select lesion locations to be tested

9 What is VLSM? Lesion mapping method and software
Bates, Wilson, Saygin, Dick, Sereno, Knight, & Dronkers, 2003, Nature Neuroscience Free and open source Matlab Toolbox: Voxel-based approaches to lesion mapping in general

10 VLSM: Goals neglect vs not, impaired vs. normal
No need to know lesion regions of interest No need to categorise patients neglect vs not, impaired vs. normal Use the ‘voxel-based statistics’ idea And facilitate link between lesion mapping and neuroimaging

11 VLSM: The Procedure A group of patients and a behaviour of interest
Patients’ lesions on a common space e.g., MNI “Colin” Statistics over voxels using behaviour(s) of interest Plot statistics over space + Behaviour

12 Lesion Information Binary – each voxel is marked as ‘lesioned’ or ‘not lesioned’ Methods can generalise to continuously marked lesions (e.g., ANOVA  Regression) Lesion reconstruction methods vary Outlined by trained neurologist on template

13 What we have… LESION BEHAVIOUR Patient 1 68 Patient 2 74 . Patient N

14 A Given Voxel Each patient’s lesion either includes or excludes that voxel Voxel INTACT Voxel LESIONED Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 5 Patient 3 . Patient N Patient M

15 A Given Voxel Each patient’s lesion either includes or excludes that voxel Each patient has (one or more) behavioural measures Voxel INTACT Voxel LESIONED 68 74 89 71 . 93 65

16 A Given Voxel Each patient’s lesion either includes or excludes that voxel Each patient has (one or more) behavioural measures Compare Intact and Lesioned to get a statistic (e.g., t and p) Voxel INTACT Voxel LESIONED 68 74 89 71 . 93 65

17 Repeat… Calculate statistics across all voxels Plot the statistics
A massive univariate approach similar to fMRI analysis and subject to similar challenges Bates et al., 2003, Nature Neuroscience

18 Applications Many different domains
Attention/Space: e.g., Committeri et al, 2007; Molenberghs et al, 2008; Verdon et al., 2010; Karnath et al., 2009; Language: e.g., Dronkers et al, 2004; Borovsky et al, 2007; Piras & Marangolo, 2007; Leff et al., 2009; Schwartz et al., 2009; Motor: e.g., Lo et al., 2010; Schlaug et al., 2009; Memory: Tsuchida & Fellows, 2010; Haramati et al, 2008; Mathematical cognition: Baldo & Dronkers, 2007; Piras & Marangolo, 2009; General intelligence: Glascher et al., 2010; Action and body perception: Saygin et al, 2004; Saygin, 2007; Moro et al., 2008

19 Example: WAB Subscales
Western Aphasia Battery N=101 Fluency Insula, parietal white matter; also IFG Auditory comprehension MTG, also STG Bates et al., 2003, Nature Neuroscience

20 Example: Neglect Verdon et al., 2010, Brain

21 Example: Neglect Committeri et al., 2007, Brain

22 Example: Biological Motion Perception

23 Biological Motion Motion – Dorsal System
But you also see Form – Ventral System? Form-from-Motion, Structure-from-Motion You see an action – Action Perception (or “Mirror Neuron” system)

24 Stimuli and Task ‘Point to the person’
And the correct answer is… ‘Point to the person’ Behavioural measure: Number of noise dots at 82% accuracy Adaptive estimation (Quest, Watson & Pelli, 1983)

25 Behavioural Data Both LHD and RHD patients significantly impaired
Limitation caused by lesions in the sample Sufficient lesion reconstructions available only for the left hemisphere Also insufficient power, e.g. occipital cortex N=60 Chronic stroke Normal/corrected vision Controls > LHD p<0.0001 Controls > RHD p<0.01 RHD, LHD n.s. p=0.7

26 Patient Lesions Voxel INTACT Voxel LESIONED Patient 1 Patient 2
. Patient n Patient m

27 Biological Motion Thresholds
Voxel INTACT Voxel LESIONED 12.9 14.8 21.6 19.4 . 17.1 11.9

28 Statistics Voxel INTACT Voxel LESIONED 12.9 14.8 21.6 19.4 . 17.1 11.9
Now we do this over all voxels and plot in the brain. Going back to biological motion, we do this, our behav measure being the threshold estimated for each subject.

29 VLSM: Biological Motion
Map of the t-statistic at each voxel Large region in temporal and parietal (BA 21, 22, 37, 39, 40) Smaller area in inferior frontal (BA 44, 45, 6) Saygin, 2007 Brain

30 Independence of Multiple Foci
Covary FRONTAL ANCOVA map – Biological Motion Saygin, 2007 Brain

31 Independence of Multiple Foci
Covary FRONTAL Covary POSTERIOR ANCOVA map – Biological Motion Saygin, 2007 Brain

32 Combining Lesion and fMRI
Saygin, 2007 Brain

33 Combining Lesion and fMRI
Saygin, 2007 Brain; Saygin et al., 2004, J. Neurosci

34 Combining Lesion and fMRI
Lesion and fMRI data in same space and format – quantitative analyses facilitated Voxel by Voxel lesion and fMRI data are correlated (r=0.55) LESION FMRI Some differences: - Involved vs. Necessary Lesion data limited to lesion distributions Lesion data provides more information from white matter

35 Another Example: Conversational Speech Production
Structured interviews with 50 LH patients Transcripts coded for measures from computational linguistics Tokens – overall fluency Mean Length of Utterance (MLU) in morphemes – grammatical complexity Type/Token ratio – lexical diversity of speech

36 VLSM Borovsky, Saygin, Bates & Dronkers, 2007, Neuropsychologia

37 Primary Methodological Issues
Anatomy Multiple comparisons Power

38 Anatomy Lesions can be:
Represented binary (as we did) or continuous (Leff et al, 2009; Ashberger & Friston, 2000) Drawn directly on a standardised template Manually marked on structural scans (e.g. with MRICro) and registered to standard space Automatically or semi-automatically derived from structural scans (e.g. intensity cutoffs)

39 Multiple Comparisons A pervasive problem in imaging analysis
Bonferroni is too conservative Resolution is not necessarily same as voxel size Voxels often not “independent tests” Alternatives Random Field Theory (Worsley, 1996) Requirements often not true of lesion datasets False discovery rate (Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995) Controls the expected proportion of false positives Calculating the actual number of comparisons Permutation (or Monte Carlo) based approaches See also: Kimberg, Coslett & Schwartz, 2007; Rorden, Karnath & Bonilha, 2007; Chen & Herskowitz, 2010; Medina et al., 2010

40 Power No lesion  No inference
Some areas are more likely to be lesioned than others (e.g., perisylvian for MCA strokes) Supplement data with power in regions of interest e.g., if lack of an effect is theoretically important Voxel-based map of power across the brain Power is optimal in voxels where N(lesioned)=N(intact) Exclude voxels where either N is small Use N See also: Kimberg, Coslett & Schwartz, 2007, JOCN; Medina et al., 2010, Neuropsychologia; Rudrauf et al., 2008

41 Summary: VLSM Eliminates reliance on behavioural categories, clinical diagnoses, or predefined lesion regions of interest Facilitates (quantitative) comparisons between lesion and imaging results Is flexible and can be extended to run complex models THIS IS THE ENDING

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