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ICE Innovation, Collaboration and Execution

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1 ICE Innovation, Collaboration and Execution
CNA / Nurse Leadership Conference November 1, 2016

2 Today’s Agenda INNOVATION – expanding possibilities
COLLABORATION – combined capabilities EXECUTION – getting things done

3 “The Foundation” ICE at Work! “The main ingredient for stardom is the
rest of the team.” UCLA Coach John Wooden “The Foundation”

4 INNOVATION in the Workplace
Evolving Technology Changing Workforce Customer Expectations

5 INNOVATION - Evolving Technology
Impact on Communication Maximizing Usage

6 INNOVATION – Changing Workforce
Generational Overlap Management Evolution Opportunity Areas

7 INNOVATION – Customer Expectations
Speed Consistency ZERO Tolerance

8 COLLABORATION in the Workplace
Proactive Collaborative Management Effective Communication Tools Coaching and Conflict

Collaborative Management… “Various techniques to promote unity and teamwork among managers to work together and achieve a goal.”

10 COLLABORATION - Core Principals
Innovation, Creativity and Open-Mindedness REQUIRED! Shared Leadership Dedication to the Goal or Mission Clarity of Roles Within the Organization LISTENING!!!!! ‘Flattening’ of Hierarchy Flexible and Responsive Strategies and Decision Making

11 Stages of Collaboration
Preparation as a Group Review as an Individual IDEA / CONCEPT Creation Selection Reset / Evaluate / Decide

12 Background For Team or GroupThink
The Keys for an Effective and Creative Team Innovation Emerges Over Time Concentrated Effort to Listening Team Members Build on their Team’s Ideas Questions Emerge Innovation Emerges From the Bottom Up Group Flow – A Group Performing at the Top of It’s Ability Don’t Use Groups for Additive Tasks Maximize Group Time and Effort ‘Know’ The Group Dynamic – social anxiety vs. outgoing

13 COLLABORATION - Communication Methods
Spoken Communication – Most Effective When… Exchanging information Problem Solving Seeking Questions or Clarification Responding to Input Written Communication – Most Effective When… Communicating Specific Details Distributing information in volume There is the need for recorded information / details

14 COLLABORATION - Communication Styles
Directive Communication Tells a fact or instruction One way – not soliciting response nor feedback Clear and concise The best choice for disciplinary warnings Consultative Communication Collaborative dialogue ‘We’ vs. ‘I’ Encourages participation and questions Engages others to listen, provide ideas, show initiative

15 COLLABORATION - Coaching Employees
Supervisor’s Role Total Business Benefit Coaching Processes

16 Conflicts and Ethics Manager’s Role
Effective Definition and Communication REPEAT!!

17 Management’s Role

18 Conflict Resolution Tools
When Conflict Arises…. Talk privately with each employee involved Explain the impact of this conflict on the workplace Listen to their side of the story Keep the dialogue professional and not personal Ask questions for clarity and avoid taking sides Ask the employees involved to propose a solution Try to gain agreement that helps both sides Put it in writing when necessary / add a timetable Impose a solution or use a third-party for a solution when necessary

19 EXECUTION in the Workplace
Information Gathering Planning and Delivering Measure / Modify / Repeat

20 EXECUTION – Information Gathering
Continuous Communication ‘Vetting’ the Info Avoiding ‘Paralysis by Analysis’

21 EXECUTION – Planning and Delivering
Process Mapping ‘With the End in Mind…’ Quantifiable Deliverables

22 EXECUTION – Measure / Modify / Repeat
Measuring Results vs. Expectations Modifying Processes for Continuous Improvement Repeat….

23 The Perfect World Heightened Employee Creativity
Will You Know It When You Get There? Heightened Employee Creativity Increased Productivity Greater Sense of Accountability Enhanced Efficiency in the Operation Higher Employee Morale Positive Impact on Vendor Relations ‘Happier’ Customers

24 Final Message – BE PRESENT!!!

25 Questions? Contact Daren Fristoe by email at
or by phone (816)

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