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Transition Services Plan

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1 Transition Services Plan

2 Google Search: “TAGG Demo” from Safari or Internet Explorer
Tagg Demo Accounts Google Search: “TAGG Demo” from Safari or Internet Explorer Use this login on the demo site (user name) SpringTime1 (password) (username)

3 Tagg demo practice Fill out the teacher, parent, and student version of the TAGG for your created student.

4 Current Assessments

5 Present levels of performance

6 Example of present levels of performance

7 Present levels of Performance
From the TAGG demo, create a summary statement of present levels of performance (Hint: take the one already written for you on the TAGG results).

8 Post-secondary Goals These are the overarching goals based upon what the student wants to do in life after high school including education/training, employment, independent living, and community participation.

9 Annual transition goals
Annual Transition goals include what steps students will need to take or accomplish to meet their post-secondary goals. Each goal includes a condition, behavior, and criterion.

10 Coordinated set of activities
In the packet is examples of potential coordinated sets of activities by transition area. These also refer back to the post-secondary goal and annual transition goals.

11 Needs identified The needs identified will aid in the development of annual transition goals and coordinated set of activities.

12 Education and training
Post secondary Goal Annual Transition Goal Coordinated Activity

13 Create your own Post secondary goal for education/training

14 Create your own Annual Transition goal for Education/Training
Create a post-secondary goal for the student you used for the TAGG Demo.

15 Coordinated Set of Activities

16 Create your own coordinated set of activities for education

17 Employment Post-Secondary Goal Annual Transition Goal
Coordinated Set of Activities

18 Create your own for Employment
On the same form create a post-secondary goal, annual transition goal, and a coordinated activity for employment based on the TAGG demo results

19 Take the Life Skills Inventory
Independent Living Take the Life Skills Inventory

20 Independent Living Post-Secondary Goal Annual Transition Goal
Coordinated Activity

21 Create your own Independent living
Based on the ”student” create a post-secondary goal Use the results from the Life Skills Inventory to create the annual transition goal that relates to the post secondary goal Use the Coordinated Set of Activities Worksheet to create a coordinated activity that matches the Post-Secondary Goal and Annual transition Goal

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