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Welcome to Foundation Key Stage 2

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Foundation Key Stage 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Foundation Key Stage 2
Curriculum meeting for Maple Class, Holly Class and Birch Class

2 Reception Staff Mrs Church Miss Humphreys Mrs Hazel Mrs Brady
Mrs Rothwell Mrs Simjee Mrs Hutchinson Mrs Blaine (helps with reading) Mrs Payne (lunchtime supervisor for Holly class) Mrs Faki (lunchtime supervisor for Birch Class) Mrs Abi (lunchtime supervisor for Maple Class) Kerri and Emma.(support staff)

3 7 Areas of learning Prime areas Specific Areas
Personal, social and emotional development Communication and language Physical Development Specific Areas Expressive arts and design Understanding the world Literacy Mathematics

4 Reception Learning Themes
The learning theme changes on a weekly basis. Please see your weekly newsletter which is ed out. Autumn – Colour, Autumn, People who help us, Christmas. Spring – Traditional tales, Growing Summer – Mini beasts, Wild animals.

5 Assessment The children are assessed using a baseline assessment initially and then using development matters statements which are age related. Children are assessed using observations, small group work and sometimes one to one activities. After the baseline assessment, further assessments are all ongoing throughout the year.

6 Reading diaries We listen to your child read each week individually. Reading happens at many other times throughout the day! Please comment in their diary. Date and initial each time you listen to them read.

7 Reading with your child
Try to practise little and often. Try sticking words your child finds tricky around the house for extra practice! Enjoy sharing books!

8 Book bags In school everyday please with reading books and diaries in.
No back packs please. Keyrings!

9 Phonics Phonics is using the sounds letters make instead of their names. For example, c a t Please practise with your child. Each weeks phonic focus will be on the newsletter. There are words we can’t sound out and we call these ‘tricky words’. For example, said There is a helpful link on our website if you need more information. There is a Family Workshop on reading and phonics in October (11th or12th depending on class).

10 Writing Name writing – please only use a capital for first letter. Lower case for the rest of their name. We introduce cursive font as the year progresses. Pencil grip!

11 Targets Each half term children are given targets for reading, writing and maths. A copy of these is sent home and they are displayed in the classroom. This enables you to help support your child at home and you will know what we are working on with them at school.

12 P.E P.E happens on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Please make sure your child is able to get undressed and dressed independently. Please check all clothing is named! Children should not be wearing earrings or any other jewellery for health and safety reasons. They will not be allowed to join in if they are wearing jewellery.

13 Philosophy for children (P4C)
P4C is a strategy that uses philosophy to deepen thinking ability in children. The children are encouraged to ask questions based on a stimulus.


15 E - Safety Children in reception will not use the internet alone. All access to the internet will be done alongside an adult. Reception children will not be using Google independently. Please think about e-safety when children play on your phone or tablet.

16 Homework Homework will be sent home weekly after October half term. Lots of the homework will be practical. It will be given out on Fridays and hopefully returned by the following Wednesday. Please don’t do it for them!

17 Understanding the World: People and Communities
WOW moment books Understanding the World: People and Communities 40 – 60 months Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines Explanation I like to join in with routines, like going shopping, and times that are special to me and my family like birthdays, Eid, Diwali, Christmas, Easter, Passover, or Chinese New Year. Examples of evidence Molly recalled events from her holiday. She explained that a seal had been washed up on the beach. She also described the jelly fish (It had tentacles). “I went to see the fireworks. The park was really big ~ I got scared and so Daddy held my hand” We decorate our hands with Mendhi for Diwali. Fred took part in the Remembrance Day parade with Beavers. On Saturday James made a card for his Granny’s 60th birthday. He took it to her party on Sunday and she was really pleased with it.

18 B.L.P (Building Learning Power)
Your children will be taught about the benefits of, Reciprocity Resilience Resourcefulness Reflectiveness

19 Trips We will go on several trips during the year and always welcome parents to help and support us. No prior visits please!

20 How to help at home Hear your child read as often as possible.
Help and support your child with their homework. Let them dress and undress themselves. Toilet manners. If possible let them use a computer with a mouse to develop hand eye co-ordination. Also give them opportunity to use a keyboard. Touch screens are also used in school. Practise name writing, encouraging correct pencil grip.

21 Things to remember Water bottles go home on Friday and need to be returned full on Monday. Not in book bags! Homework given on Friday, back by Wednesday. Library bags on Thursday or Friday depending on class. Book bags everyday. Coats with hoods every day please. We go out what ever the weather! Please practise putting on and taking off coats! Please send in a pair of named wellies to keep in school. If someone different is picking up your child please inform staff either by letter or on the door in the morning. Milk- Free until your child is 5 and then you will be invoiced by Cool Milk. However all children need to be registered so they appear on our lists.

22 Any Questions ??

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