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Rob Roebeling, Peter Miu, and Sebastien Wagner

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Presentation on theme: "Rob Roebeling, Peter Miu, and Sebastien Wagner"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rob Roebeling, Peter Miu, and Sebastien Wagner
Landing Pages Calibration Event Logging GSICS GRWG & GDWG, March 2015, New Delhi, India Rob Roebeling, Peter Miu, and Sebastien Wagner EUMETSAT

2 Outline CGMS & GSICS actions on Calibration Event Logging
CGMS Task Team on calibration events logging Linking existing calibration databases to WMO OSCAR What is next?

3 CGMS & GSICS Actions - Calibration Events -

4 CGMS & GSICS Actions CGMS-41: WGII/3 Action 41.21:
GSICS to take on calibration event monitoring activities following the recent work on calibration event monitoring. Such information should be included in the next update of the WMO OSCAR database. CGMS-42: WGII/3 Action 42.01 EUM/NOAA/NASA/JMA/CMA/WMO and others to provide names for a task team on calibration events logging GSICS GRWG/GDWG 2014 Action 33: All GPRCs to provide satellite instrument specific links to calibration events to WMO-OSCAR.

5 Calibration Event Logging
CGMS Task Team on Calibration Event Logging

6 CGMS Calibration Events Task Team
Table 1: CGMS Task Team for opening up Calibration Information

7 Calibration Information
Opening up Calibration Information through WMO OSCAR

8 WMO OSCAR - The database ( -

9 WMO OSCAR - Status on linking calibration event information to WMO OSCAR -
WMO OSCAR is a central data base that provides information on satellites and instruments operated by different space agencies. WMO OSCAR is recognised by CGMS as suitable infrastructure to provide access to calibration events data bases operated at different space agencies. WMO OSCAR needs to be updated to allow linking to calibration landing pages (one per satellite per instrument) at the space agencies (ongoing). CGMS Task Team members to prepare stable landing pages, including information on the instrument, calibration events, and calibration monitoring (ongoing). CGMS Task Team members to provide WMO OSCAR with addresses of stable landing pages (ongoing). Table: Examples of links to instrument calibration events data bases Agency Satellite Instrument Landing Page EUMETSAT Meteosat-8 SEVIRI Metop-A IASI JMA Himawari-8 AHI MTSAT-2 IMAGER

10 WMO OSCAR - Proposed structure stable landing pages –
Satellite/Instrument Main Categories Instrument Specifications Calibration Events Instrument Monitoring Data Outages Instrument Specifications General information on the platform, instruments, and sensors operated in the mission that is relevant to all users of the satellite data (see OSCAR website). Calibration Events Database (and graphical interface) of events at satellite and processing level that are not occurring systematically and that impact the radiometric or geometric quality of the observations due to instruments calibrations, manoeuvres or miscellaneous. Data Outages Events that triggered the temporary or definitive end of the data collection. Instrument Monitoring Database (and graphical interface) of quasi continues information on the present state of the instruments and sensors operated on the platform;

11 Stable Landing Page – Example JMA (http://www. data. jma. go

12 Stable Landing Page – Example EUMETSAT (http://wwwc. eumetsat

13 Calibration Events Page – Example EUMETSAT

14 What is Next?

15 Proposed Actions to GSICS
CGMS-42: WGII/3 Action 42.02 CGMS Task Team for calibration information to identify a common set of parameters to be monitored as part of the calibration events logging and sensor performance monitoring. Other space agencies to consider nominating a representative for the CGMS Task Team on calibration events logging. CGMS Task Team to provide addresses of stable landing pages (one per satellite per instrument) to WMO-OSCAR. CGMS Task Team to adopt stable landing pages to proposed main structure. CGMS Task Team to prepare a White Paper providing a common proposal for the use of standard naming conventions for calibration event logging.

16 Thank You Questions and Answers

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