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Creating Independent Studiers

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1 Creating Independent Studiers
Getting students to think about the standards

2 Current Review / Study Methods
Jeopardy games Kaboom! Study guides Trivia Bingo games Powerpoint review Study guides w/ answers What do all of these methods have in common? They are designed by the teacher.

3 Common Core Directive Common Core Assessment Video Series: How Do the Common Core Assessments Fit into our Children's Education? | EngageNY

4 Data Data is used to drive our instruction – both for remediation and in the determination of successful strategies. Does the utilization of current review and study methods distort the data?

5 Higher Order Thinking Who is doing the thinking with our current review practices? Certainly, students are recalling information, but are they thinking about it critically?


7 Let the standard be your (and your student’s) guide
Using the standard, ask students to write 10 open-ended questions that they believe would best determine mastery of the standard. Put the students in groups of 5 – now they have 50 questions. From those 50, have them choose the top 10 best questions. Write their top 10 questions on chart paper (no answers, just questions). Hang around the room, and have students rotate with their group, working together to answer the questions. When a student reaches a question they cannot answer, have them write on a sticky note the topic. This can now guide their study at home.

8 S3L1 – Students will investigate the habitats
Differentiate between habitats of Georgia (mountains, marsh/ swamp, coast, Piedmont, Atlantic Ocean) and the organisms that live there. Identify features of green plants that allow them to live and thrive in different regions of Georgia. S3L1 – Students will investigate the habitats of different organisms and the dependence of organisms on their habitat. Identify features of animals that allow them to live and thrive in different regions of Georgia. Explain what will happen to an organism if the habitat is changed.

9 Let’s Try It! Using the standard, ask students to write 10 open-ended questions that they believe would best determine mastery of the standard. Put the students in groups of 5 – now they have 50 questions. From those 50, have them choose the top 10 best questions. Write their top 10 questions on chart paper (no answers, just questions). Hang around the room, and have students rotate with their group, working together to answer the questions. When a student reaches a question they cannot answer, have them write on a sticky note the topic. This can now guide their study at home.

10 Variations Ask groups for their best question. Write it on the board and discuss the correct answer to the question. Students who do not know the answer make a note. Give students a copy of the standard. When they find they need to review something, they simply mark the standard. Have student groups present test questions to the class and take answers. Class can discuss and clear up misconceptions. Use questions generated by the class on your test. You will find that many of the questions they create are more difficult than the ones you write.

11 Review Slides Create charts that guide students to the important ideas contained within the standard. Appoint a student scribe – have this student write down all the things the class comes up with. Be sure to clear up any misconceptions, guide students in the right direction if they seem to be faltering

12 Atlantic Revolutions American French Haitian Latin American P S E


14 Industrial Revolution
Causes Effects


16 Boggle Using standard as guide, students have 2 minutes to record any information they can remember. Students then have 2 minutes to share with a partner and record any new knowledge to list. Students then move around the room, spending 2 minutes with each new partner. They receive a point for each fact they have that their partner does not. After designated time, student with the most points wins. Be sure to debrief your class – What did they know? What do they need to study?

17 Capsule Vocabulary Have students generate a list of 10 vocabulary words from the unit. Make a list of these words on the board. Divide students into pairs. Pairs will hold a conversation using as many words as they can in a meaningful way. Students will keep track of each other’s word usage. Students then write a paragraph to summarize the unit, using these vocabulary words.

18 Reading Quiz While students are reading text, have them create a quiz.
Fold a piece of paper in half, lengthwise (hot dog). On one side of the fold, write the question. On the other side of the fold, write the answer. Remind students to avoid very specific data unless that is what you are looking for.

19 “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” - Plutarch

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