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Preparing for Increase (Isaiah 54: 1 - 3)

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1 Preparing for Increase (Isaiah 54: 1 - 3)
RCCG Canaan Land Digging Deep March 14, 2017 Preparing for Increase (Isaiah 54: 1 - 3)

2 Preparing for Increase Text: Isaiah 54:1-3
Things to note in the season of increase Increase connotes: Growth Fruitfulness/productivity Harvest/profit Increase is the natural progression of nature. You cannot remain stagnant; if you are not growing, then you are either dying or dead. If you are not increasing or progressing, then you are not just stagnant but decreasing or regressing God loves increase and his earnest desire is for us to be fruitful, increase and multiply Gen 1:27-28, Ex 23:26, Ps 35:27

3 Preparing for Increase Text: Isaiah 54:1-3
Things to note in the season of increase cont’d There are rewards/consequences for increase/fruitfulness or lack of it. Lk 13:6-9, Mt 25:14-30 There is no increase without personal involvement. You must actively participate in bringing about your increase. Take ownership Is 54:2, Josh 1:8

4 Preparing for Increase Text: Isaiah 54:1-3
Why does God love our Increase? It mirrors our resemblance of him Gen 1:26-27 It is a sign of life, a source of satisfaction and a fulfilment of purpose Jer 29 :11 A natural end product of healthy relationship with him Jn 15:4-5 It glorifies God and shows his faithfulness Jn 15:8, ps 92:12-15

5 Preparing for Increase Text: Isaiah 54:1-3
In preparing for increase, we must get to answer these questions: Do I really what increase How much increase do I want Where do I want the increase What must I do to increase

6 Preparing for Increase Text: Isaiah 54:1-3
What must I do to increase? Recognise that true and enduring increase can only come from God. 1 Cor 3:6 Deut 8:18, Identify your area of gifting/talents. It will eliminate struggle in your life. Prov. 18:16 Make plans to remedy every identified deficiencies in skill, character, capacity etc. 2 Tim 2:15 Wage war against every enemy of increase; internal or external.

7 Preparing for Increase Text: Isaiah 54:1-3
In conclusion This is our season of Increase! It is time to work the word of the Lord. Choose to believe God’s word. Let God’s word overpower all negative doubts and unbelief. Stand firm in your position of faith. Be expectant for s, telephone calls, open doors, new help, divine visitations, greater wisdom and opportunities in this season of increase.

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