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Minerals Naturally occurring Inorganic= not from living materials.

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Presentation on theme: "Minerals Naturally occurring Inorganic= not from living materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerals Naturally occurring Inorganic= not from living materials.
Solid= particles pack tightly together. Crystal structure= particles line up in repeating patterns. Definite chemical composition= contains certain elements in the same proportions.

2 Identifying Minerals Each mineral has its own characteristic that can be used to identify it. Hardness Color Streak Luster Density Crystal shape Cleavage and Fracture

3 Crystal Structure A crystal is a solid in which the atoms are arranged in a pattern that repeats again and again. It is sort of like a repeating wallpaper pattern.                                                                                                                    

4 Birthstones January - Garnet July - Ruby
February - Amethyst August - Peridot March Aquamarine September Sapphire April – Diamond October - Opal May – Emerald November - Topaz June - Pearl December - Turquoise


6 Hardness Mohs hardness scale
Ranks ten minerals from softest to hardest based on their ability to be scratched. Any mineral harder can scratch a softer mineral but a softer mineral can not scratch a harder mineral.

7 Mohs Hardness Scale Minerals are ranked by hardness on a scale of 1(softest/graphite) to 10 (hardest/diamond). The scale is based on a scratch test.

8 Color Not a great identifying factor since many minerals are the same color and the same mineral can be different colors. All three of these are quartz.

9 Streak Color of the mineral powder.
Observe by rubbing on a streak plate.

10 Luster Ability to reflect light. Dull to shiny Metallic luster

11 Density All minerals have a distinct density.

12 Crystal Shape Mineral are grown atom by atom so each mineral has the same crystal shape. Six groups = cubic, hexagonal, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic. Triclinic Tetragonal

13 Cleavage and Fracture Cleavage = Easily splits along flat surfaces.
Fracture = what a mineral looks like when it breaks apart.

14 Special Properties Fluorescence- some minerals glow under ultraviolet light ex.) Fluorite Magnetism- some metallic minerals are naturally magnetic ex.) Magnetite Effervescence- some minerals such as Calcite fizz when acid is placed on it Electrical Properties- a few minerals, such as quartz produce an electrical current


16 Earth Science Reference Tables

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