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Welcome to K-1 Dual Language!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to K-1 Dual Language!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to K-1 Dual Language!
Chinese Teacher: Lily Wang(1st homeroom) English Teacher: Katie Jiang (K homeroom)

2 About the Dual Language Program
Your child is entering a unique program through which he or she will learn both Chinese and English. Our kindergarten students will learn English in the morning and Chinese in the afternoon. First graders learn Chinese in the morning and English in the afternoon. The switch happens at lunch time. The Common Core and NC Essential Standards will be covered in both languages. Concepts will be taught in a linguistically and developmentally appropriate approach. Students develop bilingualism and multicultural concepts through concrete learning experiences.

3 Lesson Topics Each child will be taught the curriculum mandated by NC Department of Public Instruction. We, as teachers, do not have a choice of curriculum topics or the material with very few exceptions.

4 Kindergarten Social studies Science Math Good citizenship
Cultures and diversity All About Families Where We Live Technology & transportation Change over time Animals Weather concepts Tools & measurement Properties of common objects Number sense Geometry Algebra Data analysis

5 First Grade Social studies Science Math Good citizenship
Cultures and diversity Geographic relationship Neighborhood and Community Technology & transportation Change over time Needs of living organisms Earth Materials Properties and relationships of objects Balance, Motion, and Weight of objects Number sense Geometry Algebra Data analysis

6 Differentiated Education
As we have a diverse group of students, we have different expectations for each student. This in turn determines our different approaches in terms of instruction. Our ways of differentiation include: Multiple Intelligences teaching style Differentiated questioning Guided reading group at appropriate instructional level Differentiated reading books for independent reading Differentiated vocabulary list & writing tasks Differentiated work projects

7 Discipline Plan (Kindergarten)
In the kindergarten classroom, we use a positive behavior system to address their behavior. Students will be asked to move up the ladder when they meet classroom expectations. Students will be rewarded for ending the day at the top of the ladder. Students who do not go up the ladder or meet the expectations will have a conference with the teacher to improve their behaviors.

8 Discipline Plan (1st Grade)
In the first grade classroom, we will use cooperative learning roles to reinforce positive behavior. In this system, students in each table will be assigned to different jobs. They will be rewarded for taking responsibility and doing their jobs in a timely manner. The whole class will be rewarded if each table is meeting the expectations.

9 Routines and Procedures
Morning Routine Students will greet the teacher and teacher assistant Students check-in for attendance and their lunch choices. Students place their take-home folders in the designated bin, placing homework (when applicable) in a separate bin, and put away their back packs. Students will be expected to use the restroom, get a drink of water, and return to their seats to read quietly while awaiting the arrival of all students. Sometimes, students will have assignments to complete at their seats during this time. The teacher will signal students to the group area and the class begins. During the Morning Meeting, the teacher will announce student jobs for the week.

10 Routines and Procedures
Bathroom Procedure Students will be reminded to use the bathroom periodically throughout the day. In addition to class bathroom breaks, students may use the bathroom during independent work time and whole group instruction in an emergency. When a student needs to use the bathroom, they take the bathroom pass to their seat. After they use the bathroom and wash their hands, they return the pass to its hook. If the pass is at another student’s seat, they are expected to continue working until the bathroom is available.

11 Routines and Procedures
Hand Signal To Obtain the Teacher’s Attention, Raise One Hand: “I wish to speak.” One Finger: “I wish to drink some water.” Two Fingers: “I wish to use the bathroom” Three Fingers: “I need your help.”

12 Routines and Procedures
Hand Signal Students will not need the signals in order to get water and to use the bathroom during the following time block: DEAR Time Independent work time Center time

13 Parent Participation Throughout the school year there will be a variety of special classroom activities and celebrations. We encourage you to attend these functions whenever possible and to support them by sending needed supplies or treats. Your support of school activities makes your child feel important and sends the message that you value school.

14 General Class Rules Show respect (to yourself, to other people, and the environment) Do your personal best (take risks, believe in yourself, come prepared, ask others for help, and always try as hard as you can) Have fun (learning is an enjoyable journey!)

15 Changes in Transportation
If you plan to pick up a child that normally rides the bus or you wish for your child to ride a different bus than usual, you must send a written note. Do not rely on your child to tell us this information, because children often become confused and relay messages incorrectly. If no written note is received, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation.

16 Money Always send money in a sealed envelope with the following information written on it: 1 Your child’s first and last name. 2 The amount of money. 3 The purpose for the money (book money, party money, etc). 4 Teacher’s name.

17 Snack Students will bring their own snack every day. Please help your child pack a snack that is healthy. (Pretzels, crackers, veggies, and fruit are great!) Snack time is around 9:00am.

18 Birthdays Birthdays are special occasions for young children.

19 Homework Policy Students will receive a monthly calendar with both English and Chinese assignments. Students will be responsible for completing daily assignments. Work will be collected each Friday. Disctrict Homework Expectations: Kindergarten: Occassionally, in addition to reading daily. First Grade: 20 minutes per night, in addition to reading daily.

20 Bi-weekly Progress Reports
Key: 3 Meeting Expectations 2 Inconsistent 1 Unsatisfactory _____ Pays attention during instruction _____ Completes class work on time _____ Completes homework on time _____ Demonstrates responsible behavior _____ Follows directions the first time given Progess reports are our way of communicating your student’s classroom behavior. If we require parent help or intervention, we’ll be sure to contact you ASAP.

21 Thank you for coming! Please sign up to donate or volunteer if you’re interested!

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