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Welcome To Cuba.

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1 Welcome To Cuba

2 Cuba Cuba is on the continent of the United States of America.
The capital of Cuba is Havana.

3 The people of Cuba speak Spanish, Castillan.

4 Two animals from Cuba Peacock Cuban Butterflys

5 Foods eaten in Cuba Cuban crushed potatoes, Spanish stew, Salted codfish, Escabeche, Rice with pork, Pork abodo, Breaded steak, Frita hamburger, Vaca frita,

6 Cuba Schools In primary you have to start like this. Start grade 1 go to grade 6.From age 6 to age 11.Years 6. In secondary its like this. Age from 15 to 18.Years 3.And they get 3 years off school.

7 Things you can see unique in Cuba

8 Foods grown in Cuba Bananas, vegetables, fruit, escapage, lettuce, corn, onions, wheat, watermelon.

9 Interesting facts about Cuba
I found that there are 5,641,100 males in Cuba and there are 5,667,644 women in Cuba There holiday’s are January 1st Liberation Day, December 25th Christmas, July Revalution Day.

10 Anything else Cuba has a lot of people with good talent like Alicia Alsono she is a ballerina, Desi Arnez singer and actor, Yasiel Puig, baseball player, and Jose Canseco baseball player. And those are mostly all the talented people in Cuba.

11 Thanks for visiting Cuba by Mason Timmons #23

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