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The exxon valdes environmental disaster

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1 The exxon valdes environmental disaster

2 Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989
According to the official reports, the ship was lead by captain Joseph Hazelwood who had been drinking all day before. He decided to change the direction without any allowance of the administration of the Exxon Company and turned the tanker other way round.

3 The point is that tanker didn't have enough time to make the turning, as there was no equipment.
The radar was disable to show the reef, so nobody knew that the danger was nearby.


5 Other factors, that could have made an influence on the accident
Crew were not told about the previous practice No state-of-the-art iceberg monitoring equipment Sailing outside the normal sea lane The number of staff was reduced The tanker did not test for serviceability Lack of available equipment

6 Effects of the spill No one will ever know how many birds were actually lost. There were piles of feathers two feet high on some of the beaches. According to the official reports, the ship was carrying approximately 55 million US gallons (210,000 m3) of oil, of which about 10.1 to 11 million US gallons were spilled into the Prince William Sound.

7 Liquidation of consequences of the accident included mechanical cleaning of the coast and pumping of oil and dispersants, precipitating an oil slick. The United States imposed new laws related to tankers. Tankers shall be equipped with double hulls and improved navigation equipment.

8 Thank you for your attention

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