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Storyboard Submission on

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1 Storyboard Submission on 12-04-2015

2 Storyboard Submission on 12-04-2015
25/5/2018 Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) is the designated national centre within the public sector healthcare network. Since its opening in 1990, SNEC has achieved rapid growth and currently manages an annual workload of 250,000 outpatient visits, 14,000 major eye surgeries and 13,000 laser procedures Today, SNEC's facilities include an 8-storey tower block and a 4 storey podium block and consists of 3 floors of outpatient clinics supported by comprehensive ancillary facilities and 9 operating theatres with day recovery suites. Insert some important descriptive demographics of your healthcare facility. You can also include a picture.

Storyboard Submission on 25/5/2018 DESIGNING A HIGHLY RELIABLE PROCESS FOR HAND HYGIENE Team Members SNC Eunice Loh TC (Program Manager) Ms Pan Chong (Data Analysis) SSN Cheryl Kek (Nursing) SSN Linda Siew (Nursing) SSN Foo Cui Shan (Nursing) Ms Yap Xin Yu (Pharmacy) Ms Nazimah Saini (OIT) Sponsors Ms Low Siew Ngim (Director, Nursing) Ms Charity Wai (COO) Dr. Dirk de Krone (Director, Innovation)

4 Storyboard Submission on 12-04-2015
25/5/2018 TEAM SNEC LSI Please insert a picture of your improvement team!

5 Project objective Aim to design a highly reliable process for hand hygiene, so that the hand hygiene compliance rate will be increased to 80% within SNEC Measurements Direct observation of hand hygiene opportunities and compliances SUE – MAYBE WE SHOULD USE THE MFI QUESTIONS FOR THIS SLIDE AND THE OTHERS THAT FIT ... REINFORCING THE METHOD? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH? Please insert your improvement Aim. You may include an overall aim and the individual aims for each of the work streams to which your team has committed.

6 Storyboard Submission on 12-04-2015
25/5/2018 Pilot site Ophthalmic Investigative Technologists (OITs) Hand hygiene data collected in SNEC over a twelve month period has shown that the allied health group had a low compliance rate Health Care Worker Group Compliance Range % (Median) Medical ( n= 88) 27 to 31.3 Nursing ( n= 211) 67.9 to 68 Ancillary ( n= 148) 43 to 44 Allied Health (n=68) 24 to 35 Within the allied health group, there are different distinct roles. the Ophthalmic Investigative Technologist Group (OIT) was selected as the pilot site Allied Health Group Staffing Numbers Ophthalmic Imaging 6 Optometrist, 22 Orthoptist, 5 Ophthalmic Investigative Technologist (OIT) 15 Pharmacy Staff 20 SUE – MAYBE WE SHOULD USE THE MFI QUESTIONS FOR THIS SLIDE AND THE OTHERS THAT FIT ... REINFORCING THE METHOD? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH? Please insert your improvement Aim. You may include an overall aim and the individual aims for each of the work streams to which your team has committed.

7 Storyboard Submission on 12-04-2015
25/5/2018 PDSA 1 Assumption: In order to understand a little more of their background, different individuals from the groups were interviewed. This led to the hypothesis that due to the minimum hospital attachment and hospital based activities (in some cases, this component was missing) there was a lack in the emphasis on the importance of hand hygiene Plan: A training session on hand hygiene is planned for OIT team. Knowledge assessment survey will be conducted before and after the Training session Please insert your improvement Aim. You may include an overall aim and the individual aims for each of the work streams to which your team has committed.

8 Storyboard Submission on 12-04-2015
25/5/2018 PDSA 1 Do: The training session was conducted on 17 June 2014 Please insert your improvement Aim. You may include an overall aim and the individual aims for each of the work streams to which your team has committed.

9 Storyboard Submission on 12-04-2015
25/5/2018 PDSA 1 Study: The training results in significant improvement in knowledge on hand hygiene. The hand hygiene compliance rate was improved from 45.1% to 52%. However, due to lack of baseline data, the significance is unknown Please insert your improvement Aim. You may include an overall aim and the individual aims for each of the work streams to which your team has committed.

10 Storyboard Submission on 12-04-2015
25/5/2018 PDSA 2 Assumption: The acceptance of the current hand hygiene product may have affected the compliance rate of hand hygiene. It was assumed that a new product will increase compliance. Plan Another hand hygiene product will be tested by OIT, survey will be conducted after the test Do: The new hand hygiene product replaced the old one, was tested by OIT from 30 July 14 to 6 Aug 14 Please insert your improvement Aim. You may include an overall aim and the individual aims for each of the work streams to which your team has committed. Old Product New Product

11 Storyboard Submission on 12-04-2015
25/5/2018 PDSA 2 Study: The evaluation (full score: 7) of the product shows OITs are generally satisfied with the product except the drying effect. However, the compliance data didn’t show any improvement. Please insert your improvement Aim. You may include an overall aim and the individual aims for each of the work streams to which your team has committed. Act: The new product was implemented although the intervention didn’t result in significant improvement in hand hygiene compliance

12 Storyboard Submission on 12-04-2015
25/5/2018 PDSA 3 Assumption: It was presumed that because the product was new, they were not used to the product. If the vendor was invited to help train the OITs, this may improve the compliance rate. Plan: A training session was arranged with the trainer from the vendor company. Do: The training session was conducted in September 2014 Study: No significant improvement in compliance rate was observed Please insert your improvement Aim. You may include an overall aim and the individual aims for each of the work streams to which your team has committed. Sample of Some Training Slides

13 Storyboard Submission on 12-04-2015
25/5/2018 PDSA 4 Assumption: It was assumed at this point that the non compliance was more related to the process during the service provided for the patient. Plan: A short training video (approximately 90 seconds) was developed for process training. Do: The training session was conducted in Feb 2015 Study: No significant improvement in compliance rate was observed Please insert your improvement Aim. You may include an overall aim and the individual aims for each of the work streams to which your team has committed.

14 Control Chart of Compliance Rate
Process Training Intervention Hand Hygiene Training by Vendor In-house Hand Hygiene Training New ABHR

15 What should we do next to improve compliance?
PDSA Description Status PDSA 5 Redesign the visual field process to reduce the opportunities of hand hygiene In “do”ing phase PDSA 6 Patient triggered reminder In “’plan”ning phase PDSA 7 Hand rub sensor driven reminder device Exploring the prototype of the device

16 Hand rub sensor driven reminder device
You get the final word. What did we leave out? What is important and missing? What would your team like to share or ask or express as a final word in this story board.

17 Final Word- Our Headline in 2016
Storyboard Submission on 25/5/2018 Final Word- Our Headline in 2016 To be the best rated Ophthalmic Ambulatory in Hand Hygiene Compliance among the Ambulatory Eye Centres World Class in Hand Hygiene SNEC You get the final word. What did we leave out? What is important and missing? What would your team like to share or ask or express as a final word in this story board.

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