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1 When editing this presentation, remember to be compliant
*When editing this presentation, remember to be compliant. Do not state or imply that any given product is suitable for any specific ailment. Please see the dōTERRA Quick Claims Guide and Approved Claims List on You may now delete this disclaimer. WOMEN’S HEALTH

2 Women’s Health With modern medicine and hygiene practices, poor health in women is less common. When we talk about women’s health, often the focus is on achieving optimal women’s health. With the advent of modern medical and hygiene practices, fewer women experience truly poor health. That’s not to say it doesn’t happen, but for most women, the biggest concern is improving health. Most women would love to have a more balanced diet, a better exercise regimen, and a lot less stress! But even in speaking about “optimizing women’s health,” what does that mean? How can a woman realistically reach her best health?

3 It’s estimated that 77% of women don’t know what to do to stay healthy.
A recent report estimated that 77% of women don’t know exactly how to stay healthy. Does that sound familiar? Perhaps a healthy lifestyle seems too complicated, too time-intensive, or just plain out of reach. Well, the truth is that women’s health can be influenced profoundly with just a few simple things. —2015 CTI Report

4 KEY POINT: Optimal women’s health is achieved when nutritional, emotional and hormonal balance are combined with proper hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. That brings us to a key point: Optimal women’s health is most likely to occur when nutritional, emotional, and hormonal balance is achieved in conjunction with proper hygiene and lifestyle.

5 Nutritional Balance* dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack
Let’s talk first about nutritional balance in attaining and maintaining optimal women’s health. Our modern diets often focus on convenience and taste rather than on nutritional value. Many of the big “temptation” foods are delicious…but, unfortunately, they simply can’t fill your body’s nutritional requirements. To help everyone meet their nutrient needs, dōTERRA has created the dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack®. The three core products of the dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack— Alpha CRS®+, xEO Mega® or vEO Mega®, and Microplex MVp®—are formulated to provide you with ideal levels of essential nutrients, resulting in optimal health, energy, and longevity.* dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack supplies key nutrients that are especially important for women’s health, including: absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium to support optimal bone health; a balanced blend of B-Complex vitamins to support energy and metabolism; and a variety of antioxidants and healthy fats to help maintain the health of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. By supplementing your nutrient intakes with the highly bioavailable nutrients in the dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack supplements, you are more likely to maintain the proper nutrient levels required for optimal health. To use, take 4 capsules of each formulation (Alpha CRS+, xEO Mega and Microplex MVp) each day. For best results, take the capsules throughout the day rather than at a single point in time. For many, this is most easily achieved by taking capsules with meals. I recommend two capsules of each type at breakfast and at dinner. Just find a consistent supplement schedule that works for you. And remember, any supplement works best when coupled with a reasonably healthy diet and appropriate exercise. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

6 Bone Nutrients* In addition to core nutrition, nutrients required for bone density are also of critical importance. From a young age, women build bone density, peaking in their late twenties. A diet rich in key nutrients is essential in early years of bone development, but a recent survey suggested that women consume just half of the calcium and other nutrients for optimal bone health. As a woman ages, healthy bone mass and density becomes a more significant influencer of overall health and quality of life. Scientists agree that adequate calcium and vitamin D throughout life, as part of a well-balanced diet, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Building strong bones through a woman’s formative years (including the teen years) and maintaining bone mass and density as she ages are critical parts of a lifelong health strategy. dōTERRA Women Bone Nutrient Lifetime Complex is a blend of vitamins and minerals that are essential for bone health in women beginning in adolescence and continuing through menopause.* Bone Nutrient Lifetime Complex is formulated with bioavailable forms of natural nutrients that include vitamins C and D, plus calcium, magnesium, and other trace minerals that support healthy bone density as a woman ages.* Who wouldn’t want to have beautiful bones? *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

7 Emotional & Hormonal Balance
Emotional and hormonal Balance are inextricably connected. Emotional balance and hormonal balance tend to go hand in hand when it comes to a woman’s health. This is because a woman’s hormones often affect her emotional state. This is why at times women feel as though their emotions are in constant flux. That may be putting it mildly—all too often, emotions can change without warning from calm water on a sunny day to a full-blown hurricane! (This last sentence was written by one of our female scientists who was going to give this presentation, if you feel it’s inappropriate, feel free to remove it). As a woman’s monthly cycle begins, the hormone estrogen is produced. This hormone generally encourages women to be upbeat, social, physically active, and it may have a slight appetite suppressant effect, so you’re likely to eat healthier and exercise better during this part of the cycle. Estrogen can also cause subtle changes in skin tone and appearance, which helps a woman look and feel her best. About half-way through the cycle, the hormone progesterone rises. As a result, you may notice a bit more mental fogginess, a bit less physical stamina, and perhaps the appearance of comfort food cravings. These two hormones gracefully rise and dip throughout the cycle until the end, when they simultaneously fall to signal the onset of menses and the start of a new cycle. And most women are familiar with the physical and emotional symptoms that accompany the monthly fall of hormones. For many women, “that time of the month” is a dreaded occurrence. But what if it didn’t have to be?

8 Hormonal Balance* Phytoestrogen Lifetime Complex™ dōTERRA Women
So, the rise and fall of the two primary hormones, estrogen and progesterone, contribute to the mood irregularities frequently felt by women during their cycle. That’s why taking steps daily to maintain hormonal balance can be so beneficial to emotional balance. But the benefits of maintaining daily hormonal balance don’t end at emotional health. Almost every function in a woman’s body is controlled by hormones. Estrogen and progesterone are particularly important hormones for women and will influence a woman’s good health and emotional well-being throughout her lifetime. High estrogen production in young women can result in significant issues related to menstruation. The production of too little estrogen as a woman ages can impact many aspects of a woman’s reproductive health and can be a contributing factor to the health challenges that some women experience during and after menopause. Balancing healthy estrogen levels will help minimize monthly hormone swings and the hormone fluctuations associated with menopause. And that can make for nicer days! What can you do on a daily basis to help promote hormonal balance? One very powerful option is the use of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are compounds found in plants that have a structure similar to estrogen made by a woman’s body. Because their size and shape are similar to estrogen, they can bind to estrogen receptors in cells. In tissues that benefit from increased estrogen activity, such as the skin, bone and heart, phytoestrogens can have positive health benefits. They can also help balance hormones by blocking estrogen from binding to cells in tissues where high estrogen activity may be a concern, such as uterine or breast tissues. Simply put, phytoestrogens help balance hormones to promote whole body wellness, including greater emotional balance for women. doTERRA Women Phytoestrogen Lifetime Complex is a blend of standardized plant phytoestrogens that support hormone balance gently and naturally.* It also includes concentrated flax seed lignans to promote healthy metabolism.* Eating right, exercising, and maintaining hormonal balance can help reduce uncomfortable issues associated with PMS and the transition through menopause. Balanced hormones can provide additional support for healthy bones, heart, breast tissue, and other body structures and function as a woman ages.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

9 Emotional Balance There are times though, even when hormonal balance is achieved, that emotional balance can be difficult. It’s likely that nearly all women have experienced this because of the natural flux of hormone levels that come with each monthly cycle. In those instances, additional help to achieve emotional balance can feel like a real lifesaver. One of those additional sources of help is ClaryCalm®, a blend formulated specifically to provide a soothing and calming effect during a woman’s menstrual cycle. ClaryCalm provides a cooling effect to the skin and helps to balance emotions with a topical blend of Clary Sage, Lavender, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Fennel, Carrot Seed, Palmarosa, and Vitex. dōTERRA Serenity blend can also help reduce feelings of tension and provide a calming effect on emotions. Clary Calm and dōTERRA Serenity can be diffused for a grounding, harmonizing effect on the emotions. Both can also be applied over the heart to provide constant aromatic benefits on the go. For some women, it may be especially helpful to use ClaryCalm in a warm bath to simultaneously provide topical and aromatic benefits. dōTERRA Serenity can be used in a similar fashion and also offers great emotional support when applied to the soles of the feet. I often recommend applying a drop to the hands and then inhaling as the hands are cupped over the nose.

10 Soothing and Cooling The normal physical discomfort associated with monthly menstrual cycles should also be taken into account when addressing women’s health. The essential oil blend ClaryCalm® can be applied topically to the abdomen to experience a soothing and calming massage. The essential oil Clary Sage is one of the most relaxing and soothing essential oils available, with a high linalyl acetate and linalool content. It can also be applied to the abdomen for a soothing massage as needed. Other times, you may want something for those moments when you suddenly feel warmer than usual. In these instances, ClaryCalm may also be a great comfort as it can provide a gentle cooling sensation when applied to the skin.

11 Recap Optimal women’s health is a combination of nutritional, hormonal and emotional balance. Essential oils may offer relief of monthly discomforts. In conclusion, there are simple things every woman can do to optimize her health. Taking nutritional supplements, achieving hormonal balance, and building emotional support can provide a strong foundation in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise. Essential oils can also offer significant benefits in decreasing monthly discomforts and supporting a healthy lifestyle. With so many great tools provided by dōTERRA, the opportunity for optimal health is right at our fingertips. Thank you for joining me for this presentation on Women’s Health. Be sure to download the presentation slides and take a look at the supporting materials provided on dōTERRA’s website so you can learn more about the dōTERRA products mentioned here. Remember, your experiences are your most powerful sharing tool. Be sure to talk about the benefits you’ve seen in your own life as you talk about these wonderful products. Enjoy!

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