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Common Features of Adult Insects

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1 Common Features of Adult Insects
Hard Exoskeleton (skeleton is on the outside of the body) Three body parts: Head, Thorax, Abdomen 6 legs Wings One pair of compound Eyes One pair of Antennae Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum:Hexapoda Class: Insecta

2 Bee Eye Wings (Front wings longer than back) Antennae 6 Legs

3 Fly Antennae (short) One Pair of Wings Eye 6 Legs

4 Earwig Antennae Eye Pinchers 6 Legs

5 Beetle Antennae Eye Wings (Front wings made of hard material) 6 Legs

6 Grasshopper Antennae Eye 6 Legs: Hind legs big for jumping

7 Butterfly or Moth Wings Eye Antennae 6 Legs

8 Dragonfly Antennae Eyes Six Legs Wings
(Front and back wings same size)

9 Ant Antennae Eye 6 Legs May also have wings at certain stages of their
life cycle Antennae Eye 6 Legs

10 ARACHNIDS How are they different from insects?
Two Body Parts 8 Legs No Wings Usually One to six pairs of Eyes Scorpions – Ticks - Spiders – Mites Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum:Chelicerata Class: Arachnida Order: Araneae

11 Spider Head Pedapalps Eyes 8 Legs

12 Millipede or Centipede
Antennae Many Legs

13 Pill Bug Antennae Lots of Legs (2 legs per segment)

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