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EURONu Collaboration Board,
EUROnu WBS Detectors EURONu Collaboration Board, CERN, 10 October 2011 Paul Soler, on behalf of WP5 group University of Sofia
MIND engineering concept
MIND steel plates: 14 m octagonal plates (3 cm thick) Two planes of scintillator (1 cm each) between steel plates Toroidal field by having100 kA through STL in centre Engineering and magnetic field maps being developed at Fermilab Two detectors M~ KTon 14mx14mx3cm plates EUROnu: 11th October 2011
MIND engineering concept
Dimensions of each plane and support structures Bross, Wands (FNAL) 1.23 m Area plate=156.6 m2 Mass plate=37.6 t (159.6 t with the ears) m Total length = 140 m 2800 modules (5 cm) Total 105 kton steel (assume €1000/ton) 9.2 kton scintillator (assume €6000/ton) EUROnu: 11th October 2011
MIND magnetisation Magnetisation can be achieved using Superconducting Transmission Line (STL) developed for VLHC: $500/m Can carry 100 kA turn Only need 10 cm diameter hole f=8 cm Bross STL Test stand EUROnu: 11th October 2011
MIND scintillator Scintillator: x-view and y-view planes 1 cm thick each plane Baseline: rectangular scintillator strips (3.5 cm wide, s ~ 1 cm) Alternative: triangular strips (s ~ 5 mm) times more channels Co-extrusion fibre-scintillator Wavelength shifting fibres Kuraray currently is the only manufacturer in the world that can deliver WLS fibres of consistently good performance Numbers: 788 scint./module x 2800 modules = 2.2 M bars 25,000 km of WLS fibre (~€1/m) (makes project ~20% more expensive) 1.5 cm 3 cm 1 cm 3.5 cm EUROnu: 11th October 2011
Photon detectors Photodetectors: SiPMT (also known as MPPC, MRS, etc.)
SiPMTs improving and cost is lowering (assume €10/channel) – total estimated number of channels = 4.4 M Silicon avalanche photodiode operating in Geiger mode Multi-pixels: number of pixels that fire is prop. number of photoelectrons Hamamatsu are already producing quads (ie 4 channel devices) Further encapsulation might be possible EUROnu: 11th October 2011
MIND WBS Work Breakdown Structure
MINOS and NOvA provide useful examples of WBS for MIND Note: 2.3 Magic baseline detector (the same as 2.2 but cost ~50%) 2.2. Intermediate baseline detector (MIND 100 kton) 2.2.1. Detector R&D 2.2.2. Underground cavern 2.2.3. Steel plate fabrication 2.2.4. Magnet coil 2.2.5. Scintillator detector fabrication 2.2.6. Electronics, DAQ and database 2.2.7. Detector installation 2.2.8. Project management EUROnu: 11th October 2011
MIND WBS Work Breakdown Structure 2.2.1. Detector R&D
Scintillator R&D STL R&D Photon detector and electronics R&D 2.2.2. Underground cavern Geomechanical studies Cavern construction Cavern outfitting EUROnu: 11th October 2011
MIND WBS Work Breakdown Structure 2.2.3. Steel plate fabrication
Engineering, design Steel management Detector plane prototypes Steel procurement Steel plate assembly Steel transport Steel support structures and handling fixtures 2.2.4. Magnet coil STL fabrication STL cryo plant Power supplies
MIND WBS Work Breakdown Structure 2.2.5.
Scintillator detector fabrication Engineering, design Scintillator strips WLS fibre Scintillator modules Photon detectors (SiPMTs) Multiplexing boxes and connectors Calibration systems Assembly and test equipment Factories Scintillator management EUROnu: 11th October 2011
MIND WBS Work Breakdown Structure 2.2.6. Electronics, DAQ and database
Front end electronics Data routing and trigger farm Data acquisition and triggering Database Auxiliary systems Slow controls and monitoring High Voltage systems Electronics management EUROnu: 11th October 2011
MIND WBS Work Breakdown Structure 2.2.7. Detector installation
Management Lab infrastructure Plane assembly area Installation Alignment and survey 2.2.8. Project management EUROnu: 11th October 2011
Water Cherenkov design
MEMPHYS concept: engineering of cavern from LAGUNA Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane Fréjus at 4800 m.w.e. Fiducial: 440 kton (3 x 65mX60 modules), or 572kton (3 x 65mX80m) Readout : ~3 x 81,000 12″ PMTs (alternatively 8″, 10″) for 30% cover EUROnu: 11th October 2011
MEMPHYS R&D R&D on photon detector readout: 12” and 8” PMT design
Groups of 16 PMTS read out by one ASIC: PArISROC MEMPHYNO Prototype 16 channel front end chip testboard EUROnu: 11th October 2011
MEMPHYS WBS Work Breakdown Structure: to be included in each project
Cern2Frejus WBS: 5. Far Detector (x=5) Beta Beams WBS: 4. Main Detectors (x=4) x.2. Water Cherenkov detector (MEMPHYS) x.2.1. Detector R&D x.2.2. Underground cavern x.2.3 Tank x.2.3. Photomultiplier tubes x.2.4. Electronics, DAQ and database x.2.5. Detector installation x.2.6. Project management
MEMPHYS WBS Work Breakdown Structure x.2.
Water Cherenkov detector (MEMPHYS) x.2.1. Detector R&D x PMT R&D x Electronics R&D x.2.2. Underground cavern x Geomechanical studies x Cavern excavation x.2.3. Tank x.2.3.1 Materials x.2.3.2 Manpower EUROnu: 11th October 2011
MEMPHYS WBS Work Breakdown Structure x.2.4. Photomultiplier tubes
PMT Housing x PMT support x Cables x Calibration systems x Assay and test equipment EUROnu: 11th October 2011
MEMPHYS WBS x.2.5. Electronics, DAQ and database x.2.5.1.
Front end electronics x High Voltage x Online computing x Data acquisition x Database x Auxiliary systems x Electronics management x.2.6. Detector installation x Management x Detector assembly x Water/purification x.2.7. Project management EUROnu: 11th October 2011
Near Detectors Near detector for a Neutrino Factory: n beam
Neutrino flux (<1% precision) and extrapolation to far detector Charm production (main background) and taus for Non Standard Interactions (NSI) searches Cross-sections and other measurements (ie PDFs, sin2qW) n beam 3 m B>1 T ~20 m High Res Detector Mini-MIND Vertex Detector 4 near detectors at Neutrino Factory (one per straight) EUROnu: 11th October 2011
Near Detector WBS Work Breakdown Structure: start off with Neutrino Factory For Beta Beam and Super-beam, it is the same, but removing the silicon vertex 2.1. Near Detector 2.1.1. Mini-MIND 2.1.2. High resolution tracker 2.1.3. Silicon vertex 2.1.4. Computing 2.1.5. Installation 2.1.6. Project management
Near Detector WBS Work Breakdown Structure 2.1.1. Mini-MIND
Steel plane fabrication MIND Scintillator MIND Fibre MIND SIPM MIND Electronics MIND Coil Mind EUROnu: 11th October 2011
Near Detector WBS Work Breakdown Structure 2.1.2.
High resolution tracker Scintillator HighRes Fibre for scintillator HighRes SiPM for scintillator HighRes Electronics for scintillator HighRes SciFi fibres SiPM SciFi Electronics SciFi Coil Cryo plant EUROnu: 11th October 2011
Near Detector WBS 2.1.3. Silicon vertex Silicon
Silicon electronics 2.1.4. Computing Central system and trigger farm Data acquisition Database 2.1.5. Installation Infrastructure Materials receiving and handling Detector assembly Alignment and survey 2.1.6. Project management
Conclusions WBS is the same as presented at the last costing meeting
I have added comments on the safety of each of the detector components. The main issues arise in the construction and operation of detectors underground There is already experience from MINOS, SuperK and other underground detectors on these issues. EUROnu: 11th October 2011
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