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دکترامیر هوشنگ واحدی متخصص طب فیزیکی و توانبخشی قسمت 1

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1 دکترامیر هوشنگ واحدی متخصص طب فیزیکی و توانبخشی قسمت 1
body muscels system 1 دکترامیر هوشنگ واحدی متخصص طب فیزیکی و توانبخشی قسمت 1



4 B. Anatomy of Skeletal Muscles - Gross Anatomy
Surrounds muscle Bundle of muscle fibers Surrounds each muscle fiber, and tie adjacent fibers together Divides muscle into compartments, each contain a bundle of muscle fibers called fascicle

5 Structural Organization of Skeletal Muscle
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings Structural Organization of Skeletal Muscle

6 The Formation and Structure of a Skeletal Muscle Fiber

7 Development of a skeletal muscle fiber
Sarcomere Structure Fig 9.4

8 Levels of Functional Organization in a Skeletal Muscle Fiber
Muscle Fascicle Muscle Fiber Myofibril Sacromere

9 Orientation of the SR, T Tubules, and Individual Sacromeres

10 Thin and Thick Filaments

11 Changes in the appearance of a sarcomere during contraction of a skeletal muscle fiber
During a contraction, the A band stays the same width, but the Z lines move closer together and the I band and H band are reduced in width

12 The Effect of Sarcomere Length on Tension

13 The Neuromuscular Synapse

14 The Events in Muscle Contraction

15 The Arrangement of Motor Units in a Skeletal Muscle

16 Nerve Stimulus to Muscles
Skeletal muscles must be stimulated by a nerve to contract Motor unit One neuron Muscle cells stimulated by that neuron



19 Neuromuscular junction, microscopic view

20 Skeletal Muscle Innervation
Each muscle fiber is stimulated by a nerve fiber usually located midway along its length - the synaptic terminal of the neuron is bound to the motor end plate (specialized area of the muscle cell membrane) - entensive vascular supply delivers oxygen and nutrients

21 The Neuromuscular Junction
axon axon terminal motor unit 1 neuron and all the muscles it stimulates

22 The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction
Activation by nerve causes myosin heads (crossbridges) to attach to binding sites on the thin filament Myosin heads then bind to the next site of the thin filament Figure 6.7 Slide 6.17a

23 The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction
This continued action causes a sliding of the myosin along the actin The result is that the muscle is shortened (contracted)

24 The Sliding Filament Theory

25 Contraction of a Skeletal Muscle
Muscle fiber contraction is “all or none” Within a skeletal muscle, not all fibers may be stimulated during the same interval Different combinations of muscle fiber contractions may give differing responses Graded responses – different degrees of skeletal muscle shortening

26 Energy for Muscle Contraction
Initially, muscles used stored ATP for energy Bonds of ATP are broken to release energy Only 4-6 seconds worth of ATP is stored by muscles After this initial time, other pathways must be utilized to produce ATP

27 Energy for Muscle Contraction
Direct phosphorylation Muscle cells contain creatine phosphate (CP) CP is a high-energy molecule After ATP is depleted, ADP is left CP transfers energy to ADP, to regenerate ATP CP supplies are exhausted in about 20 seconds

28 Energy for Muscle Contraction
Aerobic Respiration Series of metabolic pathways that occur in the mitochondria Glucose is broken down to carbon dioxide and water, releasing energy This is a slower reaction that requires continuous oxygen

29 Energy for Muscle Contraction
Anaerobic glycolysis Reaction that breaks down glucose without oxygen Glucose is broken down to pyruvic acid to produce some ATP Pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid

30 Energy for Muscle Contraction
Anaerobic glycolysis (continued) This reaction is not as efficient, but is fast Huge amounts of glucose are needed Lactic acid produces muscle fatigue

31 Muscle Fatigue and Oxygen Debt
When a muscle is fatigued, it is unable to contract The common reason for muscle fatigue is oxygen debt Oxygen must be “repaid” to tissue to remove oxygen debt Oxygen is required to get rid of accumulated lactic acid Increasing acidity (from lactic acid) and lack of ATP causes the muscle to contract less Slide 6.27 Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

32 Types of Muscle Contractions
Isotonic contractions Myofilaments are able to slide past each other during contractions The muscle shortens Isometric contractions Tension in the muscles increases The muscle is unable to shorten Slide 6.28 Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

33 Muscle Tone Some fibers are contracted even in a relaxed muscle
Different fibers contract at different times to provide muscle tone The process of stimulating various fibers is under involuntary control Slide 6.29 Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

34 Muscles and Body Movements
Movement is attained due to a muscle moving an attached bone

35 Muscles and Body Movements
Muscles are attached to at least two points Origin – attachment to a moveable bone Insertion – attachment to an immovable bone

36 Effects of Exercise on Muscle
Results of increased muscle use Increase in muscle size Increase in muscle strength Increase in muscle efficiency Muscle becomes more fatigue resistant

37 Calcium Troponin-Tropomyosin Interaction

38 Results of actin-myosin interaction

39 Action Potentials on the Sarcolemma

40 Skeletal Muscles Responsible for movement of body and all of its joints Muscle contraction produces force that causes joint movement Muscles also provide protection posture and support produce a major portion of total body heat

41 Skeletal Muscles Over 600 skeletal muscles comprise approximately 40 to 50% of body weight 215 pairs of skeletal muscles usually work in cooperation with each other to perform opposite actions at the joints which they cross Aggregate muscle action - muscles work in groups rather than independently to achieve a given joint motion

42 Muscle Nomenclature Muscles are usually named due to
visual appearance anatomical location function Shape – deltoid, rhomboid Size – gluteus maximus, teres minor Number of divisions – triceps brachii Direction of its fibers – external oblique

43 Muscle Nomenclature Location - rectus femoris, palmaris longus
Points of attachment - coracobrachialis, extensor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus Action - erector spinae, supinator, extensor digiti minimi Action & shape – pronator quadratus

44 Muscle Nomenclature Action & size – adductor magnus
Shape & location – serratus anterior Location & attachment – brachioradialis Location & number of divisions – biceps femoris

45 Shape of Muscles & Fiber Arrangement
Cross section diameter factor in muscle’s ability to exert force greater cross section diameter = greater force exertion Muscle’s ability to shorten longer muscles can shorten through a greater range more effective in moving joints through large ranges of motion

46 Shape of Muscles & Fiber Arrangement
2 major types of fiber arrangements parallel & pennate each is further subdivided according to shape Parallel muscles fibers arranged parallel to length of muscle produce a greater range of movement than similar sized muscles with pennate arrangement

47 Fiber Arrangement - Parallel
Categorized into following shapes Flat Fusiform Strap Radiate Sphincter or circular

48 Fiber Arrangement - Parallel
Flat muscles usually thin & broad, originating from broad, fibrous, sheet-like aponeuroses allows them to spread their forces over a broad area Ex. rectus abdominus & external oblique

49 Fiber Arrangement - Parallel
Fusiform muscles spindle-shaped with a central belly that tapers to tendons on each end allows them to focus their power onto small, bony targets Ex. brachialis, biceps brachii

50 Fiber Arrangement - Parallel
Strap muscles more uniform in diameter with essentially all fibers arranged in a long parallel manner enables a focusing of power onto small, bony targets Ex. sartorius

51 Fiber Arrangement - Parallel
Radiate muscles also described sometimes as being triangular, fan-shaped or convergent have combined arrangement of flat & fusiform originate on broad aponeuroses & converge onto a tendon Ex. pectoralis major, trapezius

52 Fiber Arrangement - Parallel
Sphincter or circular muscles technically endless strap muscles surround openings & function to close them upon contraction Ex. orbicularis oris surrounding the mouth

53 Fiber Arrangement - Pennate
Pennate muscles have shorter fibers arranged obliquely to their tendons in a manner similar to a feather arrangement increases the cross sectional area of the muscle, thereby increasing the power

54 Fiber Arrangement - Pennate
Categorized based upon the exact arrangement between fibers & tendon Unipennate Bipennate Multipennate

55 Fiber Arrangement - Pennate
Unipennate muscles fibers run obliquely from a tendon on one side only Ex. biceps femoris, extensor digitorum longus, tibialis posterior

56 Fiber Arrangement - Pennate
Bipennate muscle fibers run obliquely on both sides from a central tendon Ex. rectus femoris, flexor hallucis longus

57 Fiber Arrangement - Pennate
Multipennate muscles have several tendons with fibers running diagonally between them Ex. deltoid Bipennate & unipennate produce strongest contraction

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