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from non-fissile targets
Possible SPES beams from non-fissile targets + + + + Michele Ballan INFN - LNL & UNIFE – Department of Physics and Earth Sciences
Overview ⚛ The SPES project: Introduction
☢ Non fissile targets for the SPES project ꙮ Carbides ꙮ Oxides ꙮ Other cheramics ⚗ ISOLPHARM: SPES RIBs for medicine ⚐ Conclusions
Radioactive Ion Beams for Science
1- The SPES project: Radioactive Ion Beams for Science + + + +
Introduction: the SPES project
SPES is: 1) A second generation ISOL RIB Facility (for neutron-rich radioactive ion beams) 2) An interdisciplinary Application Facility (for p,n applications) New infrastructure for: Cyclotron RIB Facility Application Facility
Introduction: the SPES facility
Application Facility PROTON BEAM Cyclotron RIB Facility ISOL bunker RIB
Introduction: ISOL Method overview
1 2 4 3 Final beam intensity In-target production Release efficiency Ionization efficiency Transport efficiency = * * *
SPES main apparatus 1 - Driver: 2 – RIB production source:
25/05/2018 SPES main apparatus 2 – RIB production source: NEW CONCEPT (Multi-foil UCx target) Target-Ion Source Complex: optimized for 8 kW beam power - Eproton = 40 MeV for RIB 1013 fission/s. 4 - Post Accelerator: ALPI existing complex 1 - Driver: ‘Commercial’ cyclotron 3- RIB manipulation Mass Separator (WF) Beam Cooler HRMS Charge Breeder RFQ 7
The SPES production target
Desgined for stopping a 40 MeV 200 µA PPB (FLUKA) X [cm] Y [cm] [p+/cm2] Desgined for working temperatures above 2000°C (ANSYS®) [°C] Tested and commissioned for high temperature operation IT = 700 A IIS = 200 A
Isotope production: UCx target
PPB: 40 MeV, 200 μA b) a) [nuclide/s] b) a) FLUKA calculations experimentally ORNL
The SPES Ion Sources Main fission (p-> 238U) fragments 1 18 H 2 13
delivered beams surface ionization mechanism 1 18 H 2 13 14 15 16 17 He 3 Li 4 Be 5 B 6 C 7 N 8 O 9 F 10 Ne 11 Na 12 Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar 19 K 20 Ca 21 Sc 22 Ti 23 V 24 Cr 25 Mn 26 Fe 27 Co 28 Ni 29 Cu 30 Zn 31 Ga 32 Ge 33 As 34 Se 35 Br 36 Kr 37 Rb 38 Sr 39 Y 40 Zr 41 Nb 42 Mo 43 Tc 44 Ru 45 Rh 46 Pd 47 Ag 48 Cd 49 In 50 Sn 51 Sb 52 Te 53 I 54 Xe 55 Cs 56 Ba 57 La 72 Hf 73 Ta 74 W 75 Re 76 Os 77 Ir 78 Pt 79 Au 80 Hg 81 Tl 82 Pb 83 Bi 84 Po 85 At 86 Rn 87 Fr 88 Ra 89 Ac 104 Unq 105 Unp 106 Unh 107 Uns 108 Uno 109 Une 110 Unn beams under production (WIP) laser ionization mechanism electron impact ionization mechanism not extracted target + hot-cavity ion source target + hot-cavity ion source + laser target + FEBIAD ion source Main fission (p-> 238U) fragments Mattia Manzolaro
The SPES Ion Sources: efficiency
Element Ion source Efficiency Sodium Na SIS 47,6% Argon Ar PIS 6% Potassium K 55,4% Copper Cu 10% Gallium Ga 1,4% Bromine Br 8% Krypton Kr 8,5% Rubidium Rb 54,5% Strontium Sr 18,5% Yttrium Y Very low Silver Ag Indium In 3,2% Tin Sn 9,5% Iodine I 19% Xenon Xe 11% Cesium Cs 43,2% Barium Ba 58,8% Lanthanum 20,1% Experimental values obtained with stable beams of the same element
2- Non-Fissile targets for the SPES project:
Towards the first SPES RIBs + + + +
Why non-fissile targets? SPES commissioning phase
40 MeV, 20 µA 40 MeV, 20 µA, 1012 f/s the full-scale SPES target for high intensity RIBs to high proton beam intensities (increase by a factor of 10) 40 MeV, 200 µA, 1013 f/s UCx target the low-scale SPES target for low intensity RIBs SiC target UCx target 13 mm 40 mm First SPES RIB (26Al) first n-rich fission isotopes within the end of 2019 The very first SPES RIBs will be obtained with a SiC target (non-fissile). Non-fissile targets are easier to handle, and have similar safety concerns. Other non-fissile targets may be irradiated while waiting for the possibility of using UCx target, making available earlier a wider range of RIBs. Non-fissile targets could make available a larger range of n-poor (the improperly called “p+-rich”) nuclei. Some n-poor RIBs could be interesting also in the later phases of the project.
Non-fissile targets: requirements
In case of SPES, target materials have to meet some specific mandatory requirements: They have to be solid -> Safety requirement They have to be refractory (the higher the reachable temperature the better the release) -> ISOL requirement In addition to the mandatory requirements there are some additional characteristics that make them good candidates for the application as SPES target material: Their emissivity value should be high (higher emissivity means better thermal radiative exchange. The more proficient the thermal exchange the higher the beam power - in terms of current - that the target is capable to sustain) They should be easy to produce/purchase
Non-fissile targets (I): carbides
Emissivity Availability 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Graphite – C Melting point: 3600°C Working temperature: 2200°C Purchased Titanium carbide – TiC Melting point: 3100°C Working temperature: 2200°C Purchased/synthetized Zirconium carbide – ZrC Melting point: 3500°C Working temperature: 2200°C Synthentized Boron carbide – B4C Melting point: 2700°C Working temperature: 2200°C Synthetized Silicon carbide – SiC Melting point: 2700 °C Working temperature: 2200°C Purchased Carbides are good candidates as ISOL target materials
Non-fissile targets (II): oxides
Emissivity Availability 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Zirconium oxide - ZrO2 Melting point: 2700°C Working temperature: 2200°C Purchased Hafnium oxide - HfO2 Melting point: 2700°C Working temperature: 2200°C Purchased Cerium oxide - CeO2 Melting point: 2100°C Working temperature: 1800°C Purchased
Non-fissile targets (III): other ceramics
Emissivity Availability 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 Zirconium germanide – ZrGe Melting point: 2300°C Working temperature: 1800°C Synthetized Cerium sulfide – CeS Melting point: 2450°C Working temperature: 2000°C Synthetized
2.1 - Non-fissile targets:
Isotope production: C target
Proton beam: 40 MeV, 200 µA Working temperature: ≈2200 °C Expected in-target production yield (FLUKA) Expected available beam intensity [nuclides/s]
Isotope production: B4C target
Proton beam: 40 MeV, 200 µA Working temperature: ≈2200 °C Expected in-target production yield (FLUKA) Expected available beam intensity [nuclides/s]
Isotope production: SiC target
Proton beam: 40 MeV, 200 µA Working temperature: ≈2200 °C Expected in-target production yield (FLUKA) Expected available beam intensity [nuclides/s]
Isotope production: TiC target
Proton beam: 40 MeV, 200 µA Working temperature: ≈2200 °C Expected in-target production yield (FLUKA) Expected available beam intensity [nuclides/s]
Isotope production: ZrC target
Proton beam: 40 MeV, 200 µA Working temperature: ≈2200 °C Expected in-target production yield (FLUKA) Expected available beam intensity [nuclides/s]
2.2 - Non-fissile targets:
Isotope production: ZrO2 target
Proton beam: 40 MeV, 5 µA Working temperature: ≈2200 °C Expected in-target production yield (FLUKA) Expected available beam intensity [nuclides/s]
Isotope production: CeO2 target
Proton beam: 40 MeV, 5 µA Working temperature: ≈1800 °C Expected in-target production yield (FLUKA) Expected available beam intensity [nuclides/s]
Isotope production: HfO2 target
Proton beam: 40 MeV, 5 µA Working temperature: ≈2200 °C Expected in-target production yield (FLUKA) Expected available beam intensity [nuclides/s]
2.3 - Non-fissile targets:
Other ceramics
Isotope production: CeS target
Proton beam: 40 MeV, 100 µA Working temperature: ≈2000 °C Expected in-target production yield (FLUKA) Expected available beam intensity
Isotope production: ZrGe target
Proton beam: 40 MeV, 100 µA Working temperature: ≈1800 °C Expected in-target production yield (FLUKA) Expected available beam intensity [nuclides/s]
2.4 - Non-fissile targets:
Comments on the results
Reliability of the calculated in target yields: The FLUKA cross section libraries are based on the PEANUT model, a refined model based on experimental and calculated data. FLUKA cross section data are regularly updated by CERN developers and are considered reliable by the scientific community. Reliability of the calculated beam intensities: Beam intensities were calculated taking into account the experimental ionization efficiency when possible, or by compared evaluation of the first ionization energy with experimental data. Beam intensity were reasonably corrected considering the release efficiency, obtained evaluating both the half-life of each single isotope and the chemical properties (expected diffusivity, sticking time) of each element. A transport efficiency of 90% was reasonably considered. → The presented results are reliable with a good confidence level
3 - The ISOLPHARM Project ISOL for radiopharmaceuticals
+ + + +
What is a radiopharmaceutical?
Radiopharmaceuticals are medicines that deliver a predefined amount of radiation to a target tissue for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes They are made of a “radioactive core” and a “carrier system”, the latter allows the deposition of radiation onto the malignant cell population and avoids damage to healthy tissues Radionuclides properties: Decay properties Therapeutic agents Half-life Chemical properties Diagnostic agents Production Feasibility
Carrier-added radionuclides
The Specific activity The specific activity is a measure of the activity per mass -> GBq/mg (or Ci/mg). A) Radionuclides diluted by isotopic impurities of the same element Carrier-added radionuclides (low specific activity). B) Radionuclides without other isotopic impurity Carrier-free radionuclides (high specific activity). Carrier free radionuclides are ideal to achieve high binding affinities to the receptors. Only few sites are available on the cells -> optimization of radionuclide action!
ISOLPHARM Method overview
The ISOLPHARM method is capable of selecting and isolating a SINGLE ISOTOPE → extremely high specific activity The use of ISOL technique for the production of radiopharmaceuticals is a INFN PATENT Patent title: «Method for producing beta emitting radiopharmaceuticals and beta emitting radiopharmaceuticals thus obtained» ISOL PHARM
ISOL Isotopes of medical interest Theragnostic isotopes
Almost 60 isotopes (up to now!) are producible with the ISOL technique Diagnostic isotopes Therapeutic isotopes Theragnostic isotopes ZrGe target TiC target
Isotope production: ZrGe & TiC target
Michele Ballan
64/67Cu production: ZrGe target
4- Conclusions & future developments
+ + + +
Conclusions & future developments
The FLUKA calculated yields will be compared using other models with other Monte Carlo codes (Geant4) in order to verify the expected results. A refined study of the material properties is ongoing, in order to understand the optimal working conditions for each target concepts. A SPES architecture target design (multi-foil) will be developed for each studied material, performing also Finite Element Method (FEM) analyses. The finalization of the design of each target concept will be focused on the most promising in terms of produced RIBs. Additional target materials may be studied if requested by the final RIB users.
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