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Paris, France 9/2/14 Computer Art Vivian Monteagudo

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1 Paris, France 9/2/14 Computer Art Vivian Monteagudo
Le Musee du Louvre Paris, France 9/2/14 Computer Art Vivian Monteagudo

2 The Galerie d’Apollon was the outcome of a fire
The Galerie d’Apollon was the outcome of a fire. On February 6, 1661, there was a fire in Le Petite Galerie. After the damage was repaired, Louis XIV had artist Charles Le Brun decorate the gallery with paintings representing the passage of the Roman sun god Apollo, since Louis XIV was seen as “The Sun King”. Despite it’s beauty, it remained unfinished.

3 Originally, the Louvre was a palace, where royalty such as Louis XVI lived. In 1793, it was opened as the Museum Central des Arts. The only galleries used and opened to the public were Grande Galerie and the Salon Carré.

4 The Michelangelo Gallery is a hall of marble sculptures that depict the human form as well as the complexity of the art of sculpting itself. It is amazing how these are the real works of the famous sculptor himself.

5 In September 1939, as World War II erupted, the museum had to be closed and the art removed for safe keeping. The larger pieces however could not be removed, so sand bags were placed around them for protection. In the September of 1940, the museum was reopened.

6 On March 30, 1989, the glass pyramid in the center of the Cour Napoleon. First thought of by French president François Mitterrand in 1981, this marvel serves as an entrance as well as a piece. Then in 1993, it was inverted to anchor a shopping mall in the empty area below, le Carrousel du Louvre.

7 While exploring the and history art of Le Musee du Louvre, I realized how much I want to visit now. The history behind it is amazing. It began as a grand palace, the home of royalty, and progressed through the time, housing monarch after monarch until it ultimately became a museum. Also, the works there are extraordinary! There are the actual works of Michelangelo and real ancient Egyptian and Asian artifacts.There is such rich culture behind the Louvre, it doesn’t surprise me how this is one of the national landmarks of France. Hopefully I’ll be able to visit someday.


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