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Prosiect Ysbyty Llandudno Llandudno Hospital Project

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1 Prosiect Ysbyty Llandudno Llandudno Hospital Project
Tîm y Prosiect Gofal heb ei Drefnu Adroddiad Cylch 3 Unscheduled Care Project Team Cycle Three Report Arweinydd Clinigol: Dr Dennis Williams Clinical Lead: Dr Dennis Williams

2 Paratoi’r Tir Setting the Scene
Argymhellion BILl Conwy 4 llif gwaith ag arweiniad clinigol Yr heriau gweithredol presennol Datblygu gwasanaethau diogel sy’n gynaliadwy Recommendations of Conwy LHB 4 clinically led workstreams Current operational challenges Developing safe, sustainable services

3 Derbyniadau Meddygol Brys Emergency Medical Admissions
Atebion a ffefrir: Dim derbyniadau brys ar ôl 6pm, ond derbyniadau o YG a YGC a derbyniadau uniongyrchol a drefnwyd a Datblygu Uned Fonitro Gofal Coronaidd Preferred Solution: No emergency admissions after 6pm, but transfers from YG & YGC, and direct scheduled admissions and Development of a Coronary Care Monitored Unit

4 Uned Mân Anafiadau Minor Injuries Unit
Atebion a ffefrir: Darparu UMA dan arweiniad meddygol o 8am – 10pm a Gwasanaethau meddyg teulu ar y cyd ag UMA ar benwythnosau, o 9am – 2pm Preferred Solution: Provide a medically led MIU from 8am – 10pm and Co-location of GP services with MIU at weekends, from 9am – 2pm

5 Gwasanaethau Dydd Arbenigol Specialist Day Services
Uned Ddydd Feddygol Man achosion dydd arhosiad byr ar gyfer imiwnoleg Rhaglen Adsefydlu Cardiaidd Clinig asesu mynediad cyflym ar gyfer poen y frest Medical Day Unit Short stay day case area for immunology Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme Rapid Access Chest pain assessment Clinic

6 Gwasanaethau Cymunedol Community Services
Further development of Conwy West Locality Improved joint planning & delivery of out of hospital services Risk stratification tool Community Resource Team Case Managers Datblygu Ardal Leol Gorllewin Conwy ymhellach Cydgynllunio a darparu gwell ar wasanaethau y tu allan i ysbytai Pecyn haeniad risg Tîm Adnoddau Cymunedol Rheolwyr achos

7 Newidiadau Gweithredol Operational Changes
Datblygu cynllun gweithredu i gynnwys: Cyfathrebu Trefniadau staffio Protocol derbyn a throsglwyddo Peilot MT allan o oriau Datblygu uned fonitro Dadansoddi anghenion hyfforddi Fframwaith gwerthuso Development of action plan to include: Communication Staffing arrangements Admission & transfer protocols GP out of hours pilot Development of monitored unit Training needs analysis Evaluation framework

8 Ystadau a Refeniw Estates & Revenue
Uned Mân Anafiadau Uned Ddydd Feddygol Goblygiadau staffio’r atebion a ffefrir MIU Medical Day Unit Staffing implications of preferred solutions

9 Arweinydd Cynllunio/Planning lead: Clare Jones
Unrhyw gwestiynau? Any Questions? Arweinydd Cynllunio/Planning lead: Clare Jones

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