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Presentation on theme: "“INSIDES INTO STOVES MARKETING” By Josephine Muzira"— Presentation transcript:


Presentation outline Marketing strategies at MAEVE Challenges Opportunities

3 STRATEGIES IN PLACE 1. Signing Up of Retailers WHY?
Sustainability and ensured supply Extension of geographical reach 2. Door to Door Sales This strategy has helped MAEVE in locating areas which need more focus depending on the feedback collected from the community. This strategy also helped the organization in signing of local retailers depending on the potential demand.

4 Strategies Conti……. 3. Competitions and awards amongst retailers MAEVE uses this strategy as a motivation to the retailers as well as the producers, Through this strategy there has been an increase in number of stoves produced and sold over the past year. MAEVE employed a strategy whereby retailers will be competing in such a way that the retailer with highest sales will be receiving a reward. This reward might be shared amongst the members in that particular outlet. This will encourage individual retailers to put own promotional tactics in order to sell more stoves of which in turn will increase the stove sales.

5 Strategies conti…… 4. Road shows and consumer awareness campaigns
MAEVE has been conducting stove market road shows in striving to bring the product in areas where it is needed but not produced. So far road shows have been done targeting all the regions. During last year, MAVE worked with other stakeholders e.g. Plan intl and doing road shows in different urban center to continue consumer awareness

6 Strategies continues…..
Participation in social responsibilities Donation of old/unsellable stoves to different locations including guardian shelters. Assisted in the procurement and distribution of Chitetezo Mbaula during relief exercises for flood victims- Chikwawa and Nsanje.

7 CHALLENGES Cost of implementing effective marketing strategies on the ground- transportation costs which include fuel and vehicle hiring sometimes as well as promotion materials Off season- during rainy season, promotional campaigns are not effective. Inability to continue stove collection: shifting focus of impact areas from one place to another may result in potters loosing a continuous market for their stoves. Organizations must ensure that productive groups are continuously supported even after funding/activity is complete for a certain area.

8 Challenges continues……
Inability to collect stoves due to factors beyond the organization’s control: keeping demotivates the potters and in some cases, this result in some groups becoming dormant. Unwillingness to buy the stoves- I.e. when there are no promotion materials Quality versus demand

9 OPPORTUNITIES Supply and Demand; Currently demand of Chitetezo Mbaula is very high compared to last year consequently we are now facing low supply. For this reason we need to keep on finding means on how to increase supply of our product on the market until we reach the desired peak. Competition; Over the past two years there has been a number of stakeholders in stove dissemination and this has given MAEVE a great opportunity to enhance its capacity and push for quality at local level.

10 Save Energy, Save environment. Thank You For Your Attention
God Bless You!

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