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Fi8000 Valuation of Financial Assets

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1 Fi8000 Valuation of Financial Assets
Fall Semester 2009 Dr. Isabel Tkatch Assistant Professor of Finance

2 Currency Exchange Rate (Spot)
A spot currency transaction is an exchange of one currency for another. The currency exchange rate is a simple conversion factor: The direct exchange rate is the number of $US to be paid for 1 unit of foreign currency (usually for the £UK and the Euro); The indirect exchange rate is the number of foreign currency units paid for 1 $US (usually for the Swiss Franc and Japanese Yen).

3 Currency Exchange Rate
Numeric Example: The exchange rate between the $US and £UK is $US / £UK - i.e. one has to pay $ for £1 (direct). The same exchange rate can be presented as 1/ = £UK / $US - i.e. one has to pay £ for $1 (indirect).

4 Currency Exchange Rate
Example continued: The exchange rate between the $US and £UK is $US / £UK. The exchange rate between the $US and J¥ is $US / J¥. What should be the exchange rate between the £UK and the J¥?

5 Currency Arbitrage There are at least two ways to convert £UK to J¥:
Direct conversion of £UK to J¥ Conversion using an intermediary currency: Convert £UK to $US Convert $US to J¥ If there is no opportunity to make arbitrage profits, both conversion methods must imply the same £UK to J¥ exchange rate.

6 Currency Exchange Rate
Example (data): $US/£UK or £UK/$US. $US/J¥ or J¥/$US. We will use the no-arbitrage argument to calculate the no-arbitrage £UK/J¥ exchange rate.

7 Currency Exchange Rate
J¥/£UK = ? £UK/J¥ = ? £UK/$US $US/£UK $ $US/J¥ J¥/$US

8 Currency Exchange Rate
Conversion using an intermediary currency: Convert £UK to $US: the price of 1 $US is £UK Convert $US to J¥: the price of 1 J¥ is $US The £UK price of 1 J¥: £UK/$US * $US/J¥ = £UK/J¥

9 Currency Exchange Rate
The £UK/J¥ no-arbitrage exchange rate: The £UK/J¥ exchange rate is , i.e. the price of 1 J¥ is £UK. The J¥/£UK exchange rate is 1/ = , i.e. the price of 1 £UK is J¥.

10 Currency Exchange Arbitrage
Example continued: The $US/£UK exchange rate is The $US/J¥ exchange rate is Is there an arbitrage opportunity if the market £UK/J¥ exchange rate is ? Yes! The £UK/J¥ exchange rate in the market is different from the no-arbitrage rate (two-stage exchange rate): Market: £UK/J¥ > £UK/J¥ :No-arbitrage How can we make arbitrage profits?

11 Currency Exchange Arbitrage
Cross currency (triangle) arbitrage strategy: Sell the expensive J¥: convert J¥ to £UK in one step: 1. Sell J¥ for £UK (convert J¥ to £UK) Buy the cheap J¥: convert £UK to J¥ in two steps, using the $US as an intermediary: 2. Buy $US with £UK (convert £UK to $US) 3. Buy J¥ with $US (convert $US to J¥) Note: this is a round trip transaction. You start with J¥ (before step 1) and you end up with J¥ (after step 3).

12 Currency Exchange Arbitrage
Cross currency (triangle) arbitrage strategy: Sell the expensive J¥ - direct £UK to J¥ exchange rate: 1. Convert 1 J¥ to £UK. Buy the cheap J¥ - two stages, using the $US as an intermediary: 2. Convert £UK to $US. You will get £UK * $US/£UK = $US. 3. Convert $US to J¥. You will get $US * J¥/$US = J¥. Arbitrage profit: you started with 1 J¥ and ended up with J¥.

13 Currency Exchange Rate
£UK * $US/£UK = $US 1 J¥ * £UK/J¥ = £UK $ $US * J¥/$US = J¥

14 Currency Exchange Arbitrage
Cross currency arbitrage strategy (end up with $US): 2. Convert J¥ to £UK. You will get J¥ * £UK/J¥ = £UK. 3. Convert £UK to $US. You will get £UK * $US/£UK = $US. 1. Convert 1 $US to J¥. You will get 1 $US * J¥/$US = J¥. Arbitrage profit: you started with 1 $US and ended up with $US: an arbitrage profit of $US.

15 Currency Exchange Rate
£UK * $US/£UK = $US J¥ * £UK/J¥ = £UK $ Start Here: 1 $US * J¥/$US = J¥

16 Currency Exchange Rate (Forward)
Forward or Futures Contracts An agreement between a buyer and a seller, to trade at a specific date in the future, a specific quantity of a specific currency for an agreed exchange rate. Forward – tailored OTC market contracts for creditworthy traders and large trades. Futures – formal markets of standardized contracts (International Monetary Market in Chicago, London International Financial Futures Exchange).

17 Pricing Currency Forwards
There are at least two ways to invest money in a risk-free asset for one year: Domestic risk-free investment Buy US Treasury Bills Foreign risk-free investment Convert $US for foreign currency Buy foreign risk-free bonds for 1 year Convert the foreign currency back to $US (forward contract) If there is no opportunity to make arbitrage profits, both investment strategies should have the same dollar denominated risk-free return.

18 Covered Interest Arbitrage
Numeric Example: Suppose you would like to invest $100,000 in a risk-free security. In the US the annual risk free rate is 5.00%, while in the UK the annual risk free rate is 5.20%. Is there an arbitrage opportunity? – Find a way to compare the domestic and foreign investment strategies.

19 Covered Interest Arbitrage
Numeric Example Continued: We need the spot and forward (one year) $US/£UK exchange rates to answer that question. Note that if we do not use a forward contract to “lock in” the exchange rate, the foreign alternative becomes a risky rather than risk-free investment strategy (exchange rate risk). Is there an opportunity to make arbitrage profits, if the spot exchange rate is $US/£UK and the (one year) forward rate is $US/£UK?

20 Comparing the Two Strategies
1. Domestic risk-free investment: 1a. Buy US Treasury Bills Strategy t = 0 t = 1 CF ($US) CF (£UK) Buy T-Bills (5.00%) -100,000 +105,000 Total

21 Comparing the Two Strategies
2. Foreign risk-free investment: 2a. Convert $US for the foreign currency (£UK) 2b. Buy foreign (£UK denominated) risk-free bonds 2c. Convert the foreign currency (£UK) back to $US (forward rate) Strategy t = 0 t = 1 CF ($US) CF (£UK) Convert $US to £UK (spot rate ) -100,000 +59,701 Buy UK risk-free bonds (5.20%) -59,701 +62,806 Convert £UK to $US (forward rate ) +103,630 -62,806 Total

22 Arbitrage Strategy Buy Cheap: Domestic risk-free investment
Buy US Treasury Bills  get 5% dollar denominated risk free rate Sell Expensive: Foreign risk-free investment Convert £UK to $US Short sell UK risk-free bonds for 1 year Convert $US back to £UK (forward contract)  pay 3.63% dollar denominated risk free rate

23 Covered Interest Arbitrage
Strategy t = 0 t = 1 CF ($US) CF (£UK) Buy US T-Bills (5.00%) -100,000 +105,000 Convert £UK to $US (spot rate ) +100,000 -59,701 Sell UK risk-free bonds (5.20%) +59,701 -62,806 Convert $US to £UK (forward rate ) -105,000 +63,636 Total +803

24 No-Arbitrage Forward Exchange Rate
( F0($US/£UK) = ) Strategy t = 0 t = 1 CF ($US) CF (£UK) Buy US T-Bills (5.00%) -100,000 +105,000 Convert £UK to $US (spot rate ) +100,000 -59,701 Sell UK risk-free bonds (5.20%) +59,701 -62,806 Convert $US to £UK (forward rate F0) -62,806 * F0 = -105,000 +62,806 Total =0 =0 +803

25 No-Arbitrage UK Risk Free Rate
( rUK = % ) Strategy t = 0 t = 1 CF ($US) CF (£UK) Buy US T-Bills (5.00%) -100,000 +105,000 Convert £UK to $US (spot rate ) +100,000 -59,701 Sell UK risk-free bonds ( ruk ) +59,701 -59,701(1+r) Convert $US to £UK (forward rate ) -105,000 +63,636 Total =0 +803

26 Interest Rate Parity (Covered Interest Arbitrage)
Intuition: If two investments are risk-free they must have the same rate of return. Therefore, any difference in the domestic and foreign risk-free rates must be offset by a difference in the spot and forward exchange rates.

27 Interest Rate Parity (Covered Interest Arbitrage)
Notation: E0 = spot exchange rate ($US/£UK) or (£UK/$US) F0 = forward exchange rate ($US/£UK) or (£UK/$US) * Note that if you use the £UK/$US (indirect) exchange rate you will also have to reverse the ratio of interest rates.

28 Practice Problems Practice Problem #1
The annual risk-free rate in the US is 5.00% while in Japan it is 3.20%. What should be the spot J¥/$US exchange rate, if the (one year) forward J¥/$US exchange rate is ? Answer: E0(J¥/$US) =

29 Practice Problems Practice Problem #2
The annual risk-free rate in the US is 4.60% while in Japan it is 3.50%. The spot J¥/£UK exchange rate is The spot $US/£UK exchange rate is The (one year) forward J¥/£UK exchange rate is The (one year) forward $US/£UK exchange rate is Describe an arbitrage transaction: write down the strategy in the table format presented in the lecture notes.

30 Practice Problems BKM Ch. 23: 7th Ed.: 10, 12-14.
8th Ed.: 11-12, CFA: 2,3. Practice problems: Forward and futures contracts 1-5; Currency exchange rates 6-9.

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