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Found Poem.

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1 Found Poem

2 Poetry can be found anywhere.
After reading “The Masque of the Red Death” and “The Pit and the Pendulum”, you will make a list of words that describe the atmosphere/mood that is created within the text. Focus on the words used in association with the five senses (taste, touch, smell, sight, sound) You need to have about 40 words total on your list. Then go through and choose the ones that you really feel capture the tone/mood of the story. (Overall feeling you get)

3 How it works. Take the words you have and arrange them in a way that makes a poem. You can add punctuation, letters, tense changes. Arrange the words so that they make a rhythm you like.

4 Word list “MofRD” Ghastly, sagacious, Prospero, darkness, black, sable, pains, blood, etc Word List from “PandP” Slimy, cold, damp, echoes, silence, terror, night, darkness, unclosed, etc.

5 Let’s Get Started Find a particular passage you liked from one of Poe’s short stories Grab a newspaper or magazine. Start cutting words, phrases, punctuation that you can use for your poem. When you have 30 or so words, go through your words and eliminate the ones that don’t work. Put the ones that do work into a poem The poem must reflect a tone/mood found somewhere throughout “The Masque of the Red Death” of “Pit and the Pendulum”.

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