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Anthony Wiles MTS#34 Rome, April 2002

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1 Anthony Wiles MTS#34 Rome, April 2002
TD011 STF 213 Status Report (formerly STF187) (Jens Grabowski, Gyorgy Rethy, Ina Schieferdecker, Anthony Wiles, Colin Willcock) Anthony Wiles MTS#34 Rome, April 2002

2 CRs resulting from vote
Over 100 CRs received after extended voting period Mainly from Ericsson All resolved to agreement of STF213/Ericsson/TTCN-3 list etc) All changes are tracked in document + CR list Catagories of comments Editorial (17) Test Components (2) String/character types/values (10) Type compatability etc. (12) Import (8) Regular expressions (3) BNF (4 + TTCN-3 list) Test steps (1) ASN1 (7) Encoding (3) Miscellaneous (40) STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

3 Changes to the Core (1) (from v.1.1.0 not just CRs)
Editorial/restructuring General editorials, corrections to examples, etc. Operational semantics -> Part 4 Predefined functions included from TS Clarifications Scope mechanism, allowed connection of PTCs Structural equivalence/type compatability issues Corrections/simplifications BNF Consitent/simpler Import mechanism Named alts -> teststeps -> altsteps (macro --> functional) Timers (no negative values, zero values) STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

4 Changes to the Core (2) Corrections/simplifications (cont)
Operator precedence revised PTCs (e.g., scope of PTC identifiers) Verdicts (set.verdict -> setverdict) ASN.1 issues (named bits/identifiers, mapping) Additions/improvements Regular expressions Power operators Refinement of the port model Return value on expressions Addition of superset/subset Any type Additional types (short, long, strings) by encoding) Ranges for float STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

5 Changes not done Default encoding for TTCN-3 Power operators
Should be opened as new WI if needed Power operators Not urgent - can be added later IDL Interface Some work done outside ETSI External global timer Should be done in connection wit RT TTCN-3 STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

6 Early CRs on v2.2.0 Received some CRs on v.2.2.0
One or two BNF corrections Few editorials Keyword table param -> parameters Change example for referencing nested fields Can approve version here in Rome and fix these points in the meantime? Put to vote meanwhile STF213 produces 2.2.1? Produce then vote? When? STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

7 Changes to the Tabular Format (from v.1.1.0 not just CRs)
Some editorials A few corrections Better format/layout (not technical) Brought in-line with changes in Core Language Have received some late comments which should be fixed No real technical change - corrections to mapping BNF, examples, references, couple of clarifications Accepted by the TFT Editor (Thomas Wernitz) Can approve version here in Rome and fix these points in the meantime? Put to vote meanwhile STF213 produces 2.2.1? Produce then vote? When? STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

8 Part 3 - GFT Presentation by Ina Co-ordination with ITU-T
OMG (Testing Profile)? STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

9 Part 4 - Operational Semantics
An ES or TR? Plan was to produce version 1 for approval in April Version 2 in October Go to ES twice in same year ….! Propose to downgrade to TR for version 1 (April) and go for ES in October Or no approval at this meeting (go straight to v2) Problem - What to refer to from Part 1? TR (which will soon be replaced by )? ES (to appear)? Nothing? STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

10 CR Mechanism CR Mechanism is in place Defines Rules and Procedure
Can be found on Direct links from MTS Portal and PTCC Website Defines Rules and Procedure Submission by CR only (downloadable template) Full solutions must be provided Mailing list Initial follow-up (record, number, status, etc) - Gyorgy Rethy Resolution by STF213, SG, MTS (in that order) Discussion (but not decision) on TTCN3 mailing list Final follow up All CRs plus Status List on web) Some proposal for text version of CR template Word is ETSI standard format Need Word formatted solutions, not ASCII STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

Telecommunications and Internet protocol Harmonization Over networks EP TIPHON WG6 Testing and Validation STF196: Test specs based on TIPHONTM profiles for: H.225 (TTCN-2) H.245 (TTCN-2) H.248 (TTCN-2) SIP (TTCN-3) OSP (TTCN-3) BICC (TTCN-2) Security - ? Interoperability scenarios for H.323-SIP interworking (Text) STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

12 What is SIP? Session Initiation Protocol, draft RFC2543
IETF Internet control protocol for establishing, changing and tearing down voice and multimedia calls Like http Can build services like web pages Client-Server behaviour (simple) SIP Components Use Agents SIP Servers (proxy server, redirect server) SIP messages are text based Defined by a quite complex BNF Loose syntax STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

13 Status of TIPHONTM SIP Conformance Test Specifications
IETF SIP draft RFC 2543 bis4 437 Test Purposes (TSS&TP) Complete TTCN-3 ATS April 2002 (pure SIP) Currently validating ATS on experimental test platform Will be input to 10th SIPit April 2002 Fully validated test suite May-June 2002 Upgrade to bis9 (RFC) July-September Upgrade to TIPHON profile based on finalized RFC September-December STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

14 What is OSP? Open Settlement Protocol, TS 101 321 V.2.1.1
Facilitates the exchange of inter-domain … Pricing Authorization and Settlement Information … between Internet telephony operators. Works between multiple administrative domains in a secure manner XML- based ASN.1 for authorization Can be used with SIP or H.323 STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

15 Status of TIPHONTM OSP Conformance Test Specifications
TS V.2.1.1 30 Test Purposes (TSS&TP) Protocol is very open TIPHON profile => more TPs No authorization tests yet => more TPs Currently validating TTCN-3 ATS on experimental test platform Remote OSP server in US Complete June 2002 May add new test cases in the Autumn (v2) E.g., authorization if base standard or profile develops STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

16 Conclusions Specific problems when dealing with text-based protocols
How to represent messages TTCN-3 has several advantages (over TTCN-2) Trigger Address type Map operations Interleaved behaviour Data types such as set and set of (no need to use ASN.1) Regular expressions Programming paradigm closer to datacom community Have implemented and executed the test suites So we know it works! Learning curve TTCN-2 -> TTCN-3 not too high ETSI TBs will use TTCN-3 if there is tool (test system) support TIPHON, 3GPP STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

17 Acknowledgements EP TIPHONTM STF 176 SIP/OSP team Background support
Chairman Mr. Hans Van Der Veer WG6 Chairman Mr. Klaus Sambor STF 176 SIP/OSP team Frederique Aurouet, ACACIA (SIP) Csaba Koppany, Ericsson (SIP) Theo Vassilou-Gioles, Testing Technologies (SIP) Scott Moseley, FSCOM (SIP/OSP) Sebastian Mueller, FSCOM (OSP) Jean-Claude Wattelet, Wattelet Telecoms (OSP) Background support Nokia, NetTest, Alcatel, Nortel STF 213 (MTS#34, Rome, April 2002)

18 Thank you!

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