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Three-year results from the multicentre PROMUS Element European Post-Approval (PE-Prove) Registry: outcomes in 1010 unselected patients treated with a.

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1 Three-year results from the multicentre PROMUS Element European Post-Approval (PE-Prove) Registry: outcomes in 1010 unselected patients treated with a platinum-chromium, everolimus-eluting stent Andreas Schaefer, MD Raul Moreno, MD; Gerald S. Werner, MD; Paul Barragan, MD; Rudolf Berger, MD; Tim Kinnaird, MD; Sarah C. Clarke, MD; Edouard Benit, MD; Franco Fabbiocchi, MD; Thomas Christen, MD, PhD; Keith D. Dawkins, MD For internal use only

2 Disclosures Speaker's name: Andreas Schaefer, MD
I have the following potential conflicts of interest to report: Consultant: Employment in industry: Honorarium: Institutional grant/research support: Owner of a healthcare company: Stockholder of a healthcare company: For internal use only

3 Introduction The PROMUS Element platinum chromium everolimus-eluting stent has demonstrated comparable outcomes to the predicate XIENCE V everolimus-eluting stent in the randomized controlled PLATINUM trial1 Also demonstrated favourable results in substudies of patients with small diameter vessels and long lesions.2,3 The PROMUS Element European Post-Approval Surveillance Study (PE-Prove) is a prospective, open-label, multicenter observational study Study objective: to collect outcomes from an unselected patient population treated with the PROMUS Element stent We have previously reported favourable results from this study at the primary endpoint of 1 year and at 2 years4,5 1Stone et al. JACC 2011;57:1700; 2Meredith et al. EuroPCR 2011; 3Teirstein et al. TCT 2011; Moreno et al. EuroPCR 20134; Thomas et al. EuroPCR For internal use only

4 Study Design & Patient Disposition
DESIGN: All-comers registry, single arm, observational PATIENTS: All patients eligible for coronary artery stenting FOLLOW-UP: 30 days, 6 & 12 months, and then annually to 5 years 1° ENDPOINT: 12-month Target Vessel Failure (cardiac death, target vessel-related MI, target vessel revascularization) -Adverse events adjudicated by an independent Clinical Events Committee ANALYSIS: Descriptive statistics only; no predefined comparator. Events were also categorized by the investigator for relatedness to PROMUS Element stent. Analysis Data Set Patients: 1010 Lesions: 1321 Vessels: 1164 Stents: 1679 Procedures: 1035 3-Year Clinical Follow-up 93.9% (948/1010) No 3-Year Follow-up: 62 Withdrew Consent: 6 Lost-to-Follow-up: 7 Missed 3-Year visit: 49 For internal use only

5 Baseline Characteristics
N=1010 patients Male 75.4% (762/1010) Age, years 64.7 ± 11.2 (1010) Current smoker 24.6% (248/1010) Medically treated diabetes 24.9% (251/1010) Insulin-dependent 8.2% (83/1010) Hyperlipidemia 68.2% (689/1010) Hypertension 70.2% (709/1010) Stable angina 40.8% (412/1010) Chronic heart failure 11.6% (117/1010) Prior PCI 38.8% (392/1010) Prior MI 34.4% (347/1010) Values are percent (n/N) or mean ± standard deviation (n) MI=myocardial infarction; PCI=percutaneous coronary intervention For internal use only

6 Lesion Characteristics
N=1321 lesions De novo lesion 87.4% (1154/1321) Reference vessel diameter, mm 3.0 ± 0.5 (1264) Reference vessel diameter ≤2.5 mm 26.5% (335/1264) Lesion length, mm 19.7 ±12.7 (1264) Lesion length >28 mm 17.3% (219/1264) Culprit lesion for STEMI 7.3% (96/1321) Type B2/C 50.0% (659/1317) Chronic total occlusion (>3 months) 6.1% (81/1321) Left main 3.1% (41/1318) Bifurcation 14.3% (189/1321) Thrombus present 7.6% (100/1321) Values are percent or mean ± standard deviation (n). Lesions may have belonged to more than one category. STEMI=ST-elevation myocardial infarction For internal use only

7 Procedural Characteristics
Emergent procedure 20.2% (209/1035) Pre-dilatation 63.4% (838/1321) Post-dilatation 45.7% (604/1321) Stents implanted per lesion, n 1.3 ± 0.60 (1321)* Stented length per patient, mm 34.0 ± 23.7 (1010)* Patients with multivessel stenting 14.3% (144/1010) Lesions with overlapping stents 14.5% (192/1321) Longitudinal stent deformation 0.1% (2/1679)† Bailout stenting 2.9% (29/1010) †Both events involved <5% proximal stent compression due to guide catheter interaction with the stent during the index procedure. One event occurred during attempted retrieval of a fractured guidewire that was jailed during treatment of an LAD/diagonal bifurcation lesion, and was treated with balloon angioplasty. This patient had a small NQWMI (peak CK-MB 43 U/L, troponin 2.4 ng/ml) associated with the index procedure. No patient injury was reported for the second event, which was successfully treated with placement of an additional stent. Values are percent (n/N) or mean ± standard deviation (n). *Study stents only. For internal use only

8 Antiplatelet Medications
Percent N=1010 Values are percent. ASA=acetylsalicylic acid; DAPT=dual antiplatelet therapy (ASA plus any P2Y12 inhibitor) For internal use only

9 Components of TVF at 12 Months
Primary Endpoint TVF at 12 Months Components of TVF at 12 Months Percent Percent N=1010 TVF=target vessel failure; TV-MI=target vessel myocardial infarction; TVR=target vessel revascularization. Binary analysis. For internal use only

10 Components of TVF at 3 years
Percent Percent N=1010 TVF=target vessel failure; TV-MI=target vessel myocardial infarction; TVR=target vessel revascularization. Time-to-event analysis. For internal use only

11 Days Since Index Procedure
TVF at 3 years PtCr-EES (N=1010) 15 10 5 10.1% Patients (%) 90 180 270 365 730 1095 Days Since Index Procedure 1010 1000 968 951 935 908 694 No. at risk PtCr-EES TLF = cardiac death or MI related to the target vessel or ischemia-driven TLR For internal use only

12 Other Cardiac Endpoints at 3 years
Time Period 0-1 days 2-30 days days 1-year Total 2-year Total 3-year Total ST Rate 0.1 (1) 0.2 (2) 0.3 (3) 0.6 (6) 0.8 (8) 0.9 (9) Percent n/a n/a N=1010 ARC ST (def/prob)=Academic Research Consortium definite/probable stent thrombosis; MACE=major cardiac adverse events (defined as cardiac death, all MI, TVR); MI=myocardial infarction; n/a=not applicable (events defined as regardless of relationship to stent); QWMI=Q-wave MI; NQWMI=non-Q-wave MI; TVR=target vessel revascularization. Time-to-event rates. For internal use only

13 Diabetes Subset N=237 Components of TVF Percent
ARC ST (def/prob)=Academic Research Consortium definite/probable stent thrombosis; TVF=target vessel failure; MI=myocardial infarction; TVR=target vessel revascularization. Binary analysis. For internal use only

14 Small Vessel Subset (RVD ≤2.5mm)
Components of TVF Percent N=273 ARC ST (def/prob)=Academic Research Consortium definite/probable stent thrombosis; TVF=target vessel failure; MI=myocardial infarction; TVR=target vessel revascularization. Binary analysis. For internal use only

15 Long Lesion Subset (Lesion Length >28mm)
Components of TVF Percent N=203 ARC ST (def/prob)=Academic Research Consortium definite/probable stent thrombosis; TVF=target vessel failure; MI=myocardial infarction; TVR=target vessel revascularization. Binary analysis. For internal use only

16 Conclusions In a large, real-world patient cohort, coronary artery revascularization with the PROMUS Element everolimus-eluting stent provides favourable results Low event rates related to PROMUS Element through 3 years 0.4% cardiac death 3.2% target vessel MI (cardiac enzyme testing required hours post-procedure in all patients) 3.7% target vessel revascularization 0.9% ARC definite/probable stent thrombosis Good results in subsets of patients with small vessels and long lesions Patients will continue to be followed annually for 5 years. For internal use only

17 Thank You For internal use only

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