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Human Figure - Overview

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Presentation on theme: "Human Figure - Overview"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Figure - Overview
Layered Construction Bone Muscle Skin Tasks Reaching & Grasping Walking Talking Motor Skills Intelligent behavior Other Motions Facial Expression Gestures Idiosyncratic Secondary Motion Reactionary Motions Clothes Hair

2 Modeling the Human Form
Artistic Anatomy Anatomy related to surface appearance versus Medical Anatomy Well-developed literature Forensic Science Facial Reconstruction Plastic Surgery Surface Appearance Reconstruction

3 Layered: Bone-Muscle-Skin
Muscle &Tendons Fatty Tissue Bone Skin

4 Modeling - Layered FFD muslces John Chadwick, ABD

5 Modeling - Thalmann, EPFL
Implicit surfaces From

6 Modeling Embed polyhedra in implicit surface
Implicits used for approx. collision detect & respond Polyhedra used for display Use M.-P. Cani technique to distort implicits based on collisions Karan Singh, PhD

7 Human Figure Ferdi Scheepers, PhD
Use artistic anatomy to design muscles

8 Human Figure

9 Human Figure

10 Figures - Wilhelms, UCSB

11 Reaching & Grasping Inverse Kinematics What is ‘human-like’ motion?
Path planning Holding and manipulating tools

12 Reaching Arm - 7 DoF Or 2 at elbow, 2 at wrist
Shoulder: 3 DoF Or 1 at elbow, 2 at wrist, add one at mid-forearm Wrist: 3 DoF Elbow: 1 DoF

13 Reaching - heuristic Decide on ‘reasonable’ plane for arm based on task Reduce problem to 2D arm position + hand configuration

14 Reaching Joint limits are a function of joint position
Collision avoidance with body, other limbs Strength a function of joint position

15 What’s ‘human-like’ ? Depends on orientation and task
straight-line path Minimize total torque Minimize maximum velocity, acceleration, jerk Maximize ‘comfort’

16 In obstacle-filled environment
Dave Miller PhD

17 Grasping Standard methods of grasping By handle Two finger Wrap around
Two hand

18 Walking Gravity Simplify dynamics Maintain balance (static) Decouple
reduce DoFs Maintain balance (static) Hip: 3 DoF Knee: 1 DoF Ankle: 3 DoF Toes: 1 ‘DoF’ but usually not independent (free)

19 Walking

20 Walk Cycle

21 Run Cycle

22 Walking - Hip Angles v. Time

23 Walking - Jessica Hodgins, CMU

24 Facial Animation Complex surface Very familiar structure
Deformable surface Very important - Principal means of communication Facial expressions, lip-synch, prosodic facial animation

25 Facial Animation by Texture Maps
Ebert - from Getting Into Art

26 Facial Animation

27 Facial Action Units (FACs)
From Eckman and Friesen

28 Facial Animation Fred Parke model

29 Digitizing Faces

30 Facial Modeling - Surface Springs

31 Facial Animation - Structural

32 Facial Animation Terzopolous, NYU

33 Facial Animation Scott King, PhD

34 Behavior AI, Spatial reasoning, human-like reaction
Intelligent interaction with user Engage in conversation w/gestures Cooperation w/ other agents

35 Behavior Daniel Thalmann, LIG, EPFL

36 Cloth and Clothes Texture maps draping flowing
Full collision detection and response

37 Simulate at what level? Fold level - catenary curves between points of support Patch level - triangles or higher order patches Weave level - warp and weft Thread level - property and structure of thread

38 Tight Fitting Clothes Daniel Thalmann, EPFL

39 Cloth

40 Cloth

41 Cloth

42 Cloth

43 Cloth

44 Cloth

45 Cloth Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, MIRALab

46 Clothes

47 Hair Texture map Rigid object Model each strand Model by clumps
Rigid underlayment w/ strands over top

48 Hair

49 Standards & Resources H-anim - human animation working group MPEG-4 - Moving Pictures Expert Group The Visible Human Project

50 The Major Players Daniel Thalmann - The Computer Graphics Lab (LIG) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne: Nadia Thalmann - MIRALab research group at the University of Geneva Norm Badler - Center for Human Modeling and Simulation athe University of Pennsylvania

51 The Major Players Jane Wilhelms - UCSC
Demitri Terzopolous - NYU Michiel van de Panne - Vancouver, B.C.

52 The Major Players Tom Calvert - Simon Fraser
Marie-Paule Cani - iMAGIS Michael Cohen - MicroSoft Research

53 The Major Players Michael Gleicher - Wisconsin
Jessica Hodgins - CMU

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