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Joint Elementary and High School Counselors’ Articulation Meeting

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1 Joint Elementary and High School Counselors’ Articulation Meeting
Advanced Placement Joint Elementary and High School Counselors’ Articulation Meeting Mark Klimesh Director of Advanced Placement Teaching + Learning Friday, January 28, 2011

2 What is Advanced Placement?
AP courses are modeled after and correspond to courses offered at colleges and universities. Thirty-four courses are available to students. Students may earn college credit while in high school with a qualifying AP exam score of 3, 4 or 5. College Board creates and administers the AP course. (College Board also administers the SAT and PSAT.) 1,845,000 students worldwide took an AP class in 2010 with 3,213,225 exams taken.

3 AP Course Offerings Art History French Language
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Biology German Language Physics C: Mechanics Calculus AB Government and Politics: Comparative Psychology Calculus BC Government and Politics: United States Spanish Language Chemistry Human Geography Spanish Literature Chinese Language and Culture Japanese Language and Culture Statistics Computer Science A Latin: Vergil Studio Art: 2-D Design English Language and Composition Macroeconomics Studio Art: 3-D Design English Literature and Composition Microeconomics Studio Art: Drawing Environmental Science Music Theory United States History European History Physics B World History

4 Student Enrollment Number of students enrolled and exams taken is increasing… Year AP Courses # of Exams %of 3+ scores Enrollment 2004 5,934 8,433 2005 6,682 9,645 2006 8874 12,653 2007 11,137 15,682 2008 12,464 17,869 31% 2009 12,791 18,553 33% 2010 14,208 19,909 35%

5 High School Coursework as Indicator of College Success
AP courses provide a more rigorous curriculum and additional Grade Point Average (GPA) points, which are used to calculate class rank. Higher expectations are placed on AP students, and they have access to college-level academic texts. AP courses provide students a college-oriented social network; focused, post-secondary support for college; and the confidence of a proven record of success at the university level. Roderick, Nagaoka, Allensworth (2006)

6 Case for Opening Doors to Advanced Placement
By 2014, nearly two-thirds of jobs will require at least some college; currently, only 25 percent of high school graduates earn a bachelor’s degree in six years. Source: Fifth Annual AP Report to the Nation

7 College Eligible, Not College Ready
Approximately 70% of all students in public high schools graduate, but only 32% of all students leave high school qualified to attend four-year colleges. “College ready” can be defined as the level of preparation a student needs to enroll and succeed—without remediation—in a credit-bearing general education course. College readiness by ethnic group: African American 20% American Indian 14% Asian American % Hispanic 16% White 37% Source: Public High School Graduation and College Readiness Rates in the United States, 9/03, Funded: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Jay P. Greene, Ph.D.; Greg Forster, Ph.D., Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. Public High School Graduation and College Readiness Rates in the United States, 9/ 03, Funded: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Jay P. Greene, Ph.D.; Greg Forster, Ph.D., Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. This measure is based on three variables: high school graduation rate, HS transcript (four years of English, three years of math, and two years each of natural science, social science, and foreign language), and NAEP Reading score of 265.

8 4-Year Graduation Rates
Time to Degree: 4-Year Graduation Rates Students who scored a 2 or higher on an AP exam were more likely than other students to earn a bachelor’s degree within 4 years. Source: Hargrove, Godin, and Dodd Students who participate in either AP or dual enrollment are more likely than other students to complete a bachelor’s degree within 4-years. However, AP score appears to be related time to degree – the higher a student scores on the AP exam, the more likely he/she is to earn a bachelor’s degree within 4-years. While students who participate in dual enrollment fare better than AP students who scored a 1 on the exam and students who took neither AP nor dual enrollment, they are still much less likely to complete a bachelor’s degree in 4-years than most AP students. Source: Linda Hargrove, Donn Godin, and Barbara Dodd, “College Outcomes Comparisons by AP and Non-AP High School Experiences,” New York: The College Board, 2008.

9 What You Can Do to Promote College Readiness
Discuss college and work place readiness with 6th grade students. Share statistics about college success with students. Stress the preparation for rigorous high school courses early in 8th and 9th grades. Encourage and support low-income and minority students. Teach parents about being “college ready.” Be positive and promote student success.

10 students experiencing success in college.
“AP is not for the elite, it is for the prepared.” –Terry Grier, former superintendent Guilford County Schools Recent research shows that participation in high quality curricula, held true and consistent by a universal, external assessment such as the AP® Exam, dramatically boosts the likelihood of traditionally underserved students experiencing success in college.

11 Contact Information: Mark Klimesh Director of Advanced Placement Teaching + Learning (773)

12 Thank you

13 After creating matched groups of students, the students who took AP courses and exams achieve significantly higher rates of on-time bachelor’s degree completion. Source: Linda Hargrove, Donn Godin, and Barbara Dodd, “College Outcomes Comparisons by AP and Non-AP High School Experiences,” New York: The College Board, 2008.

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