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University of Reading 29 March 2011

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1 University of Reading 29 March 2011
Welcome to the National Centre for Earth Observation UKSA/ISRO Joint Working Group Andy Shaw Director of Knowledge Exchange University of Reading 29 March 2011

2 International presence
Mission statement To be a world leading centre in exploiting Earth Observation (EO) to address the challenges of climate and environmental change. NCEO World class science Economic impact Social relevance International presence

3 Introducing NCEO - key roles:
Network of 100+ UK researchers ... ~£6M per annum investment ... to develop UK national capability in EO science and applications: - directed research programme - informatics - EO services and facilities - training and outreach ... focal point for international collaboration Directorate at University of Reading

4 Data Assimilation NCEO Science: the big picture
Core challenge: using EO to test Earth system models stringently so that we can help develop them to make better predictions Cryosphere Cryosphere Cryosphere EO for Climate (Earth system) Diagnosis & Prediction Geohazards Dynamic Earth Atmospheric Composition Data Assimilation Hazardous Weather & Flooding Carbon, Carbon Cycles & flooding s 4

5 Christchurch Earthquake
Improving our understanding of earthquake dynamics

6 Monitoring Polar Oceans
Ocean topography from Cryosat-2 OBSERVATIONS MODEL PREDICTION

7 ESA Climate change initiative
ECV Science Leader cloud_cci DWD (OU/RAL) ozone_cci BIRA (RAL, U Cam) aerosol_cci DLR/FMI (RAL,OU,U Swan) ghg_cci U Bremen (U Leic) sst_cci U Edinburgh landcover_cci UCL (UKMO Hadley) sealevel_cci CLS (Logica, ECMWF) oceancolour_cci Plymouth Marine Lab glaciers_cci U. Zurich (U Leeds/Bristol) fire _cci U.Alcala (U Leic) - €75million programme - Major UK leadership

8 International Space Innovation Centre (ISIC) at Harwell
- £40m investment focus for international collaboration major focus on EO and climate monitoring

9 Earth Observation at ISIC

10 ISIC Visualisation and Application Centre

11 Facility for Climate and Environment Monitoring from Space

Thank you ...

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