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Global Warming General Studies Unit F732.

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1 Global Warming General Studies Unit F732

2 Learning Objectives To explain the terms greenhouse gases and global warming. To outline at least 5 possible effects of global warming. To identify the steps being taken by industries to curb the output of greenhouse gases. To attempt an A2 exam question (in groups) Culture, Science and Society: Making Connections

3 What is global warming? Try a definition of Global Warming
Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth.

4 Video Clip

5 Some of the sun’s rays get ‘trapped’ in the atmosphere.
Some of them get reflected back into space. The ones which get through the atmosphere warm the earth up. The sun sends out energy as heat and light. This energy comes to our earth during the day time.

6 All the time, the earth radiates heat into space, which cools it down
All the time, the earth radiates heat into space, which cools it down. We only really notice this at night, when there is no heating from the sun. Some of the heat going out is trapped by the atmosphere. This is what makes our planet warm enough to live on. But if too much heat is trapped, our planet will warm up and the climate will change.

7 What is the atmosphere and why does it trap heat?
The atmosphere is the air around the surface of the earth. It is made from a mixture of gases. We need it for animals and plants to survive. Some of the gases act like a blanket, trapping heat. These gases are called ‘greenhouse gases’. This is known as the ‘Natural Greenhouse Effect’. Without it, the earth would be much colder.

8 So why is global warming happening?
Some things that people do are increasing the amounts of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, so more heat is trapped. The heating of the earth through human activities is called the ‘Enhanced Greenhouse Effect’ and this is causing the earth to heat up, or global warming. Global warming doesn’t just mean that the earth gets hotter, it means that the whole climate is changing.

9 Natural Greenhouse effect Enhanced Greenhouse effect
Atmosphere has more greenhouse gases Heat radiates from the earth Heat radiates from the earth Less heat goes out to space Some heat goes out to space Atmosphere traps some heat Atmosphere traps more heat Quite a lot of heat is trapped and the earth is warm enough for life. More heat is trapped and causes global warming

10 Which gases in the atmosphere trap heat?
The atmosphere is made of 78% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen. But these gases don’t trap heat and cause global warming or climate change. What % of the atmosphere is left? The gases which trap heat make up less than 1% of the atmosphere! They are called the ‘greenhouse gases’. The main greenhouse gases are: Carbon dioxide Methane Nitrous oxide Ozone Water vapour Halocarbons Human activity increases the amount of these gases in the atmosphere.

11 How do humans increase carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere?
Burning fossil fuels releases the carbon dioxide stored millions of years ago. Most of the increased carbon dioxide comes from fossil fuels. Deforestation releases the carbon stored in trees. Less trees also means less carbon dioxide can be removed from the atmosphere.

12 How do humans increase methane levels in the atmosphere?
Increased rice growing Methane is produced when bacteria rot organic matter. Increased rubbish in landfill Increased livestock farming Methane is also released when fossil fuels are extracted. The amount of methane in the atmosphere has increased by two and a half times since the Industrial Revolution.

13 Poster challenge Use that knowledge to create a poster explaining Global Warming Text and images We will pick a winner 10 minutes

14 Possible Effects Work as a team to discuss/find out the possible effects to the planet, society and flora/fauna. Heat Waves Climate Change Ocean Warming Glacier Melting Vote your scribe Draw out what you have on the board

15 Industry and Economics
For each of Energy, Industry, Transport, Agriculture and Forestry… Use the i-pads to state the ways in which nations are seeking and adopting methods to cut greenhouse emissions.

16 A2 Exam Question 2013 [50 marks/45 minutes]
Using the three sources and your own knowledge and experience, discuss the impact of culture, science and society upon our choice and use of energy. To what extent do you think our choice and use of energy will change in the future? 2013 is the centenary death of Rudolf Diesel. He was an inventor and mechanical engineer. He is mostly famous for the invention of the diesel engine which he first developed in recently diesel engines have been favoured over petrol engines as they don’t pump out as much ‘greenhouse gas’ Can wind power really reduce energy bills? (Newspaper headline)

17 The question is concerned with:
a discussion of the impact of the domains on choice of energy a discussion of the impact of the domains on use of energy an examination of the extent that choice of energy will change in the future an examination of the extent that use of energy will change in the future.

18 culturally media coverage of use of energy, e.g. eco-friendly ratings (use) ‘scaremongering’ tactics on the part of media, e.g. potential danger as a result of nuclear power (use) religious/cult beliefs about use of energy and the ‘life of the Earth’ e.g. living off the land, ‘back to nature’ (choice and use) local factors specific to groups/cultures, e.g. third world countries (choice and use) attitudes of some groups in relation to production of energy, e.g. sites for wind farms (use).

19 scientifically methods of production: nuclear, solar, water, wind, use of fossil fuels (choice) investment in renewable technologies vs ‘back to basics’ approach (choice and use) how long will fossil fuels last? (choice and use) development of new technologies for production of energy (choice and use) newer technologies to save energy: light bulbs; hybrid vehicles (choice).

20 socially costs of installation of renewable energy methods and ‘payback’ time (choice and use) rising costs of electricity and gas (choice and use) government policy: green taxes; carbon offsetting (choice and use) education of the nation; proposed removal of these issues from the National Curriculum (choice and use) local Government ‘recycling targets’ (use) own transport versus public transport (use)

21 Extent to which our approach to energy will change in the future:
restrictions due to production costs (choice and use) competition between solar, wind and traditional methods of generating power (choice) restrictions due to supplies of natural gas (use) controversies about charging policies by providers (choice) privately owned companies versus a state owned system for energy production (choice) ‘eyesore’ of wind power (choice) power stations: how will these be fuelled? (use) will more power be needed due to new ‘gadgetry’? (use) development of ‘power-save’ and ‘sleep modes’ as alternatives to switching off the power (choice and use).

22 5 quick questions 1. What are the two main greenhouse gases?
2. Name two possible effects of global warming. 3. What is the ‘natural greenhouse effect’? 4. What is the ‘enhanced greenhouse effect’? 5. Name one way in which humans increase CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

23 Homework/extension Watch this video: Attempt this question:
Ted Talk: Al Gore – New thinking on climate change Attempt this question: India and China have vast reserves of coal. They would argue that this is the time for their industrial revolution; countries in the West had theirs 100 years ago. Assess the validity of this argument. Few paragraphs. No more than 1 side.

24 Learning Objectives To explain the terms greenhouse gases and global warming. To outline at least 5 possible effects of global warming. To identify the steps being taken by industries to curb the output of greenhouse gases. To attempt an A2 exam question (in groups) Culture, Science and Society: Making Connections

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