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Presentation on theme: "IB BIOLOGY MRS. McCOBB."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why are you here?? For the intellectual challenge
Preparation for college Possible college credit To become an IB “Citizen of the World”

3 These three domains are addressed through the IB Learner Profile.
IB Diploma Programme As seniors in the IB Diploma Program, you are integrating the three domains of learning: Knowledge, Attitude, and Skills. These three domains are addressed through the IB Learner Profile.

4 What is a citizen of the world?
World view Responsibility to ourselves Responsibility to others, including other countries Responsibility to future generations

5 IB Diploma Programme According to IB, “The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.”

6 IB Learner Profile Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators
The aim of all IB programs is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-minded Caring Risk-takers Balanced Reflective


8 A Little Bit About Mrs. McCobb…

9 Mrs. McCobb Has always had a love for science
Have a 15mo old son named Nolan Grew up in Diamond Bar and went to DBHS. Graduated in 2001 I love photography This is my 10th year teaching. 7th here at Nogales H.S. Mrs. McCobb Graduated from CSUF in 2006 with a BA in Liberal Studies, and again in 2012 with an MS in Education Only child Loves Animals. I have 2 dogs (Leila and Jasper) and 1 cat (Finn) I’m 32 I currently live in Anaheim Go Angels!!!!! I’ve been married for 9 years I’m on a bowling league I am always planning my next vacation!

10 What you will need for this class…
2 spiral notebooks EVERYTHING you do in this class will be taped into this notebook. NEVER leave it at home or in your locker Keep it on you at ALL times One per semester BIOZONE on campus at all times

11 Textbook NHS Planner Notes from last year Others:
Biology Concepts and Connections (5th ed) Can stay home for assigned reading and resource NHS Planner Notes from last year Others: Pens/Pencils Highlighters Colored pencils/crayons Tape

12 Please send someone up to get a syllabus and honor code
Highlight my # This will be taped in the front of your notebook on Thursday

13 Grow and Glow Snake Lab


15 School-wide Expectations
Nogales Nobles have P.R.I.D.E. Personal Responsibility Respect Integrity Determination Excellence

16 Classroom Expectations
Be on time and sit in your assigned seat. I will mark you tardy each and every time. Bring your materials to class EVERYDAY (NOTEBOOK) No eating or drinking in the classroom, except for water Use the restroom BEFORE coming to class. You will have limited trips available School rules will be enforced No ipods, cell phones, headphones, or other electronic devices. Follow the dress code- no hoods or hats allowed. I will send you up to SSC for LONERS

17 Absences If you are absent, please check online for your homework, missed notes, the PowerPoints Etc Previous homework due the day you return (docked points) New homework due ONE DAY after your return EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT or LATE, YOU MUST TURN IN YOUR ASSIGNMENTS ON TIME. GET IT ON CAMPUS!!! Notebooks for notebook checks BIOZONES Docked 3 pts/per pg/ per day Labs Docked 5 pts per day

18 Absences If you are absent on the day of a lab you will be removed from your lab group and will have to do the lab on your own There will be no make-up tests. If you are planning to be absent the day of a test, you MUST take it early. If you are unexpectedly absent, you must contact me my or text by 8am to make alternative plans. Nothing is guaranteed.

19 If you are absent you can access your homework on my website, which you can find at
Go to NHS website Search Box “McCobb” Click Find period

20 Classroom Management Positive Consequences: Verbal Praise
Extra Credit? A free assignment pass Not for use on a project or test  A GOOD call or note home Negative Consequences: Warning Meeting with me Lunch detention with me not fun After school detention in B.I.C. Call home/meeting with your parents

21 Class Expectations LEARN FOR THE LONG TERM Notes/notebook
Prepare for labs Learn the vocabulary STUDY-READ Make your best effort to pass “The TEST”

22 IB TESTING Multiple choice Written questions Short answer
Extended answer

23 Grades Tests 40% Labs/Lab Reports 30% Notebook/Homework 30% A=90-100
C=70-79 D=60-69 F= 59 or below

24 IB Animal Experimentation Policy

25 Guidelines for the use of animals in IB World Schools
Why have guidelines for use of animals in the classroom? Respect for animals is a fundamental stepping stone in the development of respect for fellow human beings What do the guidelines apply to? Refer to the treatment of animals in ALL IB World Schools To all students of all levels To classrooms and laboratories

26 Guidelines for the use of animals in IB World Schools
Keeping live animals in the classroom Classroom pets OK (as long as…) Student allergies taken into consideration, Type of animal: domestic (not wild, not venomous, non vicious) Housing, safety, cleanliness of animal habitat maintained Long term care, weekends, holidays arranged How will students interact with animal? Ensure safety for students and animal Live animals in experimentation Consider a replacement to the animal (cells, tissue, plants, or computer simulations) Animal should not be caused distress Limit the # of animals Only should involve observing the animals NO cruelty to ANY animal (vertebrate or invertebrate)

27 Guidelines for the use of animals in IB World Schools
Animal dissection No requirement for students to witness or carry out a dissection of any animal Teacher can implement dissections but strict guidelines must be followed Experiments involving human subjects Must be with their direct, legally obtained written permission and must follow strict guidelines Written consent Results must be anonymous Must participate on their own free will Subjects can withdraw at any time

28 Guidelines for the use of animals in IB World Schools
The use of secondary data Secondary data can be used under certain circumstances Data must be acquired by professional researchers (academic journals, groundbreaking) Research that was considered ethical at the time the research was conducted (but not now) is acceptable. Research gathered that was considered unethical when it was obtained MAY NOT BE used What happens if the guidelines are not followed? IA moderators or extended essay examiners who see evidence that guidelines were not followed must fill out a problem report form (PRF) to be submitted to IB Cardiff

29 Semester 1: Tentative Schedule
Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis (Topic 2 and 8) Cell Respiration Photosynthesis  Plant Science (Topic 9) Transport in xylem and phloem Plant Growth Plant Reproduction  Human Health and Physiology (Topics 6 and 11) Reproduction Ecology and Evolution (Topic 4 + Option C; Topic 5) Species, communities and ecosystems Population Ecology Energy flow Finals in Dec: Mock IB Biology Final exam   

30 Semester 2: Tentative Schedule
Ecology (Topic 4 + Option C) Carbon cycling Climate change Impacts of humans on Ecosystems Conservation of biodiversity Evolution (Topic 5/10) Evidence of Natural Selection Gene pools/ speciation Classification/ cladistics April/May: Prepare for IB Biology Final Exam

31 Honor Code

32 NHS Cheating Policy First violation: Second violation:
Zero on assignment Teacher meets with parent Cheating policy is signed by student and parent Second violation: Teacher and V.P. meet with parent and sign cheating policy Student is placed on behavior contract, Saturday School, and essay written on cheating Third violation: Student sent to SSC with referral V.P. meets with parent and student is suspended.

33 The following activities are in violation of the NHS honor code:
The giving or receiving of any unauthorized aid or assistance on any form of academic work Plagiarism that includes the copying, or representation, of another’s work as one’s own without appropriate attribution to the source Claiming as your own, work that is “published” via the Internet

34 IB Ethical Practice “Students will exercise academic honesty in all aspects of their work. They will acknowledge the work of others, including material taken from other sources. They will not claim as their own the work of others. They will not give their work to others to pass off as their own. They will observe the integrity of the examination room.”

35 IB Honor code Because IB has a zero tolerance policy for cheating, the following rules supersede the school rules on cheating. Student receives 0 on assignment(s) Conference with student/teacher/parents The student WILL NOT be allowed to take the IB exam Student may be removed from the course NO refund of any money paid for the exam

36 Getting to know you…. Please answer these questions on the back of your ½ sheet of paper
Name and nick name Period Birthday and age Something special you can do (talent etc…) What sport/club you plan to be apart of here at Nogales or outside of Nogales HS. I will come watch! Something I should know about you (anything)

37 Grow and Glow Snake Lab

38 Getting to Know Your Peers
Go around your table and introduce yourself What Middle Schools and High Schools have you attended? What did you do this summer? Did you travel any place? Where? What do you plan on doing when you graduate high school? (college, jobs, family, etc) What is your favorite hobby? TV show? Movie? Talents? Sports?

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