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Presentation on theme: "KATY ARNETT & CALLIE MADY (Senior Authors)"— Presentation transcript:

1 KATY ARNETT & CALLIE MADY (Senior Authors)
Connexions Meaningful Differentiation for Grade 9 Core FSL, Academic and Applied KATY ARNETT & CALLIE MADY (Senior Authors)

2 Getting Started Getting Started
Who is here with us today? Getting to know Katy & Callie Introducing the rest of the Connexions team CALLIE Consultants Grade 9 core teachers Ontario Outside of ontario Outside canada

3 Author Team Katy Arnett, St. Mary’s College of MD, former FSL teacher
Senior Authors: Katy Arnett, St. Mary’s College of MD, former FSL teacher Callie Mady, Nipissing University, former FSL teacher Authors: Bob Hart, retired FSL teacher Sue Lawrence, FSL teacher at Bluewater DSB Philippe Morin, FSL teacher at Bluewater DSB (Textbook only) Lorraine Richard, FSL consultant & teacher, retired from York DSB Jennifer Robertson, FSL teacher at Niagara DSB Maureen Smith, Ontario College of Teachers, former FSL teacher Our specialists: Maureen Smith, CEFR Advisor Dann Crandall, Senior Advisor Callie 3

4 FSL in 2015 and beyond Getting Started
What is new in FSL? (new = in past 5 years) How does Connexions respond? Katy will type first column as Callie facilitates then reverse for 2nd column

5 Exploring Connexions Guiding Principles & How they are embedded
Callie Support your needs in responding to various demands and to facilitate you supporting your students’ diverse needs 5 Learning Units

6 Functional language in context
Sports/Activities Food/Healthy Living Clothing/Equipment Environment/Nature Francophone Countries Language and content are mapped to the new Ontario curriculum & CEFR: Units anchored to functional language Tasks are action-oriented Vocabulary is spiraled Callie Purpose of each unit is to have students gain functional language that they can use in a variety of contexts, the functional language progresses with the units Students provided opportunities to use and reuse language with action oriented tasks in a limited number of thematic contexts that are spiraled throughout text 6

7 Unit 1: Establish and Develop New Relationships
Callie 7

8 Unit 2: Give, Seek and Respond to Opinions
Callie 8

9 Unit 3 : Express and Respond to Needs and Wants
Callie 9

10 Unit 4: Critique and Use Facts
Callie 10

11 Bonus Enrichment Material

12 Language use is authentic
Students engage with a variety of text types (print, audio, digital) Students learn language across social and academic settings Students explore fictional, informational, and graphic texts. Katy 12

13 Language use is authentic

14 Variety of Texts KATY 14

15 Differentiation Texts, activities, and lessons are designed to be accessible to students in both Academic & Applied classes Activity & path choices are designed to provide students with more support, more challenge, or more autonomy. Options for teachers to reorganize lessons or adjust/extend/enrich activities to meet student needs Assessment moments offer differentiated options for students KATY 15

16 Differentiated paths in each lesson

17 Differentiated Fiches

18 Differentiated Fiches

19 Differentiation at Assessment Moments

20 METACOGNITION Through the Connexions boxes – Perso, Info, Langue, Culture, Stratégies – students use reflection to build understanding, ask questions, and make connections between what they are learning and the world around them. CALLIE 20

21 METACOGNITION Through the Connexions boxes – Perso, Info, Langue, Culture, Stratégies – students use reflection to build understanding, ask questions, and make connections between what they are learning and the world around them. CALLIE 21

22 METACOGNITION Through the Connexions boxes – Perso, Info, Langue, Culture, Stratégies – students use reflection to build understanding, ask questions, and make connections between what they are learning and the world around them. CALLIE 22

23 METACOGNITION Through the Connexions boxes – Perso, Info, Langue, Culture, Stratégies – students use reflection to build understanding, ask questions, and make connections between what they are learning and the world around them. CALLIE 23

24 METACOGNITION Through the Connexions boxes – Perso, Info, Langue, Culture, Stratégies – students use reflection to build understanding, ask questions, and make connections between what they are learning and the world around them. CALLIE 24



27 Language Support CALLIE 27

28 ASSESSMENT Assessment as, for and of learning.
AOL tasks are aligned with Ontario achievement chart. Students are expected to help formulate success criteria for key assessment moments. Diagnostic assessment at program start helps inform “route” through program Principles of differentiation are applied to assessment tasks and to expectations of what teachers do following those tasks in light of students results with the task. KATY 28

29 The Assessment Structure in Connexions
Diagnostic Assessment at beginning 2 Learning Checks per targeted strand in EACH unit half Point de connexion (AFL) at unit midpoint. Au jeu (AAL) at end of second half of unit. Point de contrôle (AOL) at unit’s end. KATY 29

30 Assessment as Learning
KATY 30 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

31 Assessment of Learning
KATY 31 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

32 E-text of Connexions includes more tools
Katy: Preload features E-text of Connexions includes more tools

33 Components 4 PEARSON 33

34 Connexions Components
SIMPLE AND EASY! 1. Student resource, two formats are available: One print book AND/OR One E-Text 2. Teacher resource, two components: One E-Teacher Guide One DVD (offline version) Possibility to print all the teaching notes and fiches PEARSON 34

35 One E-Text is Everything you Need !
Advantages Student’s view Access to videos, audio listening texts, interactive activities (drag & drop, charts, etc.) Access to short visual tutorials on language patterns Access from home/can redo activities, listen to texts/videos Learner autonomy reinforcement Teacher’s view All the above + Each text features a link to the corresponding teaching notes, as well as the required fiches. PEARSON 35

36 QUESTIONS? Merci beaucoup!

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