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Vigilant Guardian Exercise 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Vigilant Guardian Exercise 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vigilant Guardian Exercise 2017
Building Radiological Preparedness and Security Capabilities throughout the Bay Area” March 1st, 2017 PRND MSEL Planning Meeting

2 Welcome Philip D. White, Fire Chief Ret. CBRNE Program Manager Bay UASI

3 Introductions Name Organization

4 Administrative Remarks
Safety and emergency information Restrooms Refreshments Sign-in Sheet

5 Agenda Vigilant Guardian Training and Exercise Series Concept and Construct Review Full Scale Exercise Week Overview PRND MSEL Development Venue Selection Participation Confirmation Review/Action Items Questions

6 Vigilant Guardian Series Concept
Includes multiple PRND and radiological training events Includes multiple tabletop exercises focusing on both prevention and response Culminates in a multi- day, multi-jurisdictional full-scale exercise

7 Vigilant Guardian Exercise Construct
Senior Leader’s TTX For: Elected Officials, Appointees, and Agency Leadership Policy-Level PRND TTX For: Agency Management & Intel Fusion Ctr Officials Incident Response TTX For: Agency Management & Intel Fusion Ctr Officials IC/EM Response Tng For: Operational Coordination Level Vigilant Guardian Full Scale Exercise (FSE) – 7 Events For: Comprehensive Response Structure for the Bay Area PRND Leader Tng For: Mission Planners HAZMAT Rad Response Tng For: Q: We are currently inconsistent with what we call the exercises (pre/post det, CM, Response, Left/Right), what terms do we want to use? Tactical Level PRND Maritime Trng For: Interdiction personnel (3) PRND Land-based Trng For: Interdiction personnel FD/EMS Rad Response Tng For:

8 Vigilant Guardian Exercise Construct
Vigilant Guardian Full Scale Exercise (FSE) – 7 Events Q: We are currently inconsistent with what we call the exercises (pre/post det, CM, Response, Left/Right), what terms do we want to use? North, South, East, West Bay and Maritime PRND FSE

9 Exercise Week Schedule
Day 1: North, South, & East Bay PRND Drills Day 2: North, South, & East Bay PRND FSE Day 3: West Bay and Maritime PRND Drills Day 4: West Bay and Maritime PRND FSE Day 5: Preparations for RDD Response FSE Day 6: RDD Response FSE

10 PRND MSEL Development Facilitator will get updates from the planning team

11 2017 2017 Still to be scheduled: Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
Hospital/First Receiver (REACTS) Training (Tentative Date) 6/5/2017 PRND TTX C/E Brief 6/19/2017 HazMat Rad Responder Training (Tentative Date) 6/28/2017 MSEL Planning Meeting (PRND) 6th Planning Meeting RDD TTX C/E Brief 3/1/2017 9/20/2017 6/21/2017 MARS Training (Tentative Date) MSEL Planning Meeting (RDD) Senior Leaders TTX C/E Brief 10/26/2017 4/5/2017 7/18/2017 After Action Meeting 3rd Planning Meeting IC/EM Rad CM Training FSE C/E Brief 5/3/2017 7/26/2017 10/20/2017 12/13/2017 2017 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2017 Today 6/20/2017 10/30/2017 PRND TTX Conduct FSE C/E Debrief 3/27/2017 8/2/2017 10/18/2017 Quick Start Training T3 (San Jose FD) 5th Planning Meeting Final Planning Meeting 7/19/2017 Senior Leaders TTX Conduct 10/23/2017 FSE Conduct Still to be scheduled: -Quick Start Training (Solano Co) -Quick Start Training (San Francisco) -Quick Start Training (Oakland) 6/22/2017 Incident Response TTX Conduct 6/7/2017 4th Planning Meeting 7/12/2017 Fire/EMS Rad Responder Training (Tentative Date) 5/22/2017 PRND Team Leader Training 5/2/2017 Maritime PRND Training (San Francisco)

12 Review & Action Items # Action Item Owner Due Date Status Comments 1 2
Work together to schedule and coordinate the IC/EM Response Training Course Phil White/Jill Raycroft 2/28/17 2 Provide example Tweets, and pre-event and post- event public messaging options for the group to discuss Josh Fishburne On-going 3 Discuss with Santa Clara SO if their participation would be needed, and if so, invite them to the MPM Phil White/ Doug Young On-Going 4 Work together to identify the most appropriate hospital(s) to participate and invite them to the MPM Jill Raycroft/Lisa Frazer 5 Work with the 95th and the 92nd to see if the 92nd can be integrated Josh Fishburne/ Matt Shilk 6 Planning Team members should send Matt Porteus names of people they want to attend the Quick Start Training All 7 Determine if CA Task Force 4 will participate in the exercise CA Task Force 3 8 Put August USCG Boarding operation date into the schedule 9 Determine if Transit Sheriff’s Office will participate in the exercise Kirill Shamin 10 All D/A’s will utilize website to input what exercises they will participate in for the entire series

13 Review & Action Items # Action Item Owner Due Date Status Comments 11
Determine venue for Response TTX SF Fire 2/28/17 12 Compile a list of SME’s who could be used as adjunct facilitators for TTX’s All 13 Put together draft materials for TTX’s DTRA-Hal Ogle 4/12/17 14 All D/A’s will compile a list of recommended invitees to all 3 TTXs 3/1/17 15 Add dates to website for all events Josh Fishburne 2/3/17 16 All D/A’s will provide names to Keith with SF Fire for Maritime 3-day course 2/15/17 17 Determine venues for all drills, North Bay, South Bay, East Bay, West Bay, Maritime Area Leads 18 Determine venues for all Full-Scale exercises, North Bay, South Bay, East Bay, West Bay, Maritime All leads 19 Send CTOS maritime training information to USCG Chief White 2/10/17


15 Next Meeting RDD Consequence MSEL Planning Meeting April 5, 2017
9:00am -12:00pm Location: Alameda County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, 4985 Broder Blvd. Dublin, CA 94568

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