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Advanced Aero Vehicle Group

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Aero Vehicle Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Aero Vehicle Group

2 Polos Still collecting money Fill out form on OrgSync for sizing


4 2015 Competition Meeting tomorrow at 7:30 at the SDELC to discuss where we’re going

5 Aerodynamics

6 Things to Come Look into CFD testing
Put plane parameters into RealFlight and test Discuss with the group what they would like to look into and items they want to go over

7 D&M

8 This Week We have designed the tail plane
Instead of doing foam and carbon, I have designed both a carbon and foam and a balsa version. The balsa version is 65% lighter. (and cheaper!) We started manufacture of the tail plane yesterday Our current model, including everything with our current density data, is weighing in at 5.75 lbs!! I am confident that it will be below 6.5 lbs when its all said and done!

9 Upcomming Should get wing ribs and other wing materials by middle of next week Will continue to put the final touches on model Estimated completion of prototype plane by end of November… hopefully we can get a test flight in before it gets too cold!

10 Pictures!


12 Prop

13 Last Week We ran the engine for 45 minutes.
The 6oz tank lasts for 14+minutes

14 This Week We will run the 8oz fuel tank Static thrust margins

15 Research & Development
Last Week: Researched electric motors This Week: Testing propellers Buying more materials for testing Meeting will be moved to Friday again

16 Electronics

17 Last Week Got autopilot working

18 Next Week Start testing drop code Work with pitot tube
Meeting on Sunday at 3:00 PM

19 Rocket Team

20 Congratulations Subleads
AP: Matthew Fogle MD: Jill Davis Electronics: Brandon Sullivan Testing and Integration: John Jarvis

21 Midwest Power Its finally here!!!!! Leaving Friday at various times
Make sure everyone has their ride/cold weather gear Ask about Drag Race Weather update MST Apparel

22 SpaceX Rocket Congrats on the Elite Team members
Had meeting last night The Musketeer?

23 Competition Rocket Rocksim almost done
Competition Safety Skype Call on Next Wed Start looking for materials and pricings Better ideas of payload concepts

24 Other T-Shirts New PR rockets Park Day Success!!!! Parent Form
Future Campouts? Parent Form

25 Documentation/P.R. Committee
Purpose: To have records of what rocket team is. Maintain a website Newsletters PR for rocket team. Picture/Video Collection/Technical Documents Maintain archive of awkward kyle+alex photos

26 What we have accomplished
Started work on newsletter Assembled our team(if interested, raise hands now!) Started work on website (will be porting to wordpress within the next few weeks) If anyone has experience with wordpress and would like to help with building the rocket website, please see us at the end of the meeting



29 Aerodynamics and Propulsion

30 Last Week Finalized body tube lengths
Worked on Nosecone and fin analysis RockSim vs OpenRocket Research on fins

31 This Week RockSim and OpenRocket models

32 Testing & Integration This week: This weekend: Next week:
Got things ordered Modified test stand for rockets This weekend: Launch Rockets! Next week: Space week!

33 Manufacturing & Design
Last Week: No meeting This Week: Midwest! Meeting still on Sunday at 6pm (hopefully) Get me your numbers, may do a groupme, just so it’s quicker to get a hold of people Watch for from me for things to do Material selection Motor Casing research Juan and Daniel particulates tray work

34 Electronics – Last Week
Looked at weights for the payload bays Compiled that into a spreadsheet for Alex

35 Electronics – This Week
Going to contact IREC to see how exactly the 10lbs rule works Try to lay out how the bays are going to be designed

36 Questions?

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