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Unit 10 Lesson 38 AT THE TAILOR’S SHOP.

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1 Unit 10 Lesson 38 AT THE TAILOR’S SHOP

2 Write down the words according to the meanings
tailor 1. a person who makes clothes to fit a particular person a very rich person to say sorry to form, give or have as an opinion, or to decide about to believe in somebody an act of kindness need, rely on, in order to exist or to succeed the act of choosing 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. millionaire apologize judge trust 5. favor 6. depend choice

3 Background 1 Mark Twain Mark Twain, the pen name of Samuel Clemens, American writer and humorist, whose best work is famous for its humor or biting social satire(讽刺). Famous works: The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn ( )

4 Fill in the blanks with a, an, or the
Mark Twain was pen name of Samuel Clemens. He was born on November, 30, 1835, in small town in Florida, the USA. When he was 11, his father died, and he began to work, first with printer, then on river boat. Those years on boat went into his book Life on the Mississippi. During Civil War he worked as reporter and used Mark Twain as his pen name stories he wrote in this period made him famous and popular. Mark Twain was known as “funny man”. But in fact he took serious view (观点) of life. Many sad things happened in his own life. All his experiences helped to shape his stories which showed dark side of society. He died as old man in 1910. the a a a the the a The a a the a

5 Background 2 Henry Adams, a young American, had an accident while sailing. He was saved and put ashore in London. He was homeless and penniless. While he was walking about the city, someone asked him to go into a splendid(华丽的) hall, where two rich gentlemen were waiting for him. The two rich men had had an argument on what would happen if a poor man should get a million-pound note. One said that anybody with such a note would have everything he wanted. The other said that he could not get anything with the note. They could not agree with each other, and therefore decided to make a bet(打赌). After they made sure that Henry was jobless and penniless, they decided he was the right man they needed. They gave him a million-pound note. Henry hurried to a restaurant and had a good meal. The owner was surprised at the sight of the note. He became very polite to Henry. He didn’t want him to pay for the meal. He asked the millionaire to come whenever he pleased. Henry was in very poor clothes when he got to London. He was now anxious to get a new suit. So he went into a tailor’s shop.

6 Listen to the recording and answer the following questions.
1. What did the customer want? 2. How did the customer look? 3. How did the customer want to pay? He wanted to buy a suit. He looked poor, and his clothes were old. With a million-pound note.

7 Reading the play carefully and discuss the following questions with your partner.
1.Why did the shop assistant(Tod) show the customer(Henry) the cheapest clothes? Please point out the sentences that show his attitude(态度). 2. When and why did the manager and Tod change their attitudes to the customer? Which words or sentences show their attitudes? 3. What can you learn from the story?

8 Homework Suppose you are Henry, the customer, rewrite the play into a story. Start your story like this: One morning I was walking in the street when I saw a tailor’s shop…

9 Happy new year! Thank you!

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