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TEAM 2 – FALL 2006 PRESENTATION 1 LPM: Ahmad Omari.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAM 2 – FALL 2006 PRESENTATION 1 LPM: Ahmad Omari."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAM 2 – FALL 2006 PRESENTATION 1 LPM: Ahmad Omari

2 Design Team Mike Kozich Abdul Al-zalloum Robb Barrows Dave Kay
Brian CeCesaro Ahmad Omari Naser Aldaihani

3 Cyclist Power Meter

4 Auto Green House The purpose of this project is to make an all in one controller for a green house. In the block diagram there are nine blocks. Power Supply: Supplies power to every other block, except the wireless output. Input: User interface, user will be asked to set system requirements. Lights: Controls amount of light exposure. Humidity: Controls humidity and watering in the green house. Temperature: Controls temperature regulating and air flow, looking for consistency throughout the green house. Wireless Transmitter/Receiver: Sends and receives output information to wireless output device. Power Supply 2: Powers the output device. Output: Outputs current readings in the green house.

5 Pulse Oximeter and Respiratory Monitor for Laboratory Rats
-Detection of blood oxygen level using absorption levels of LED wavelengths. -Monitoring Heart Rate and Respiratory level

6 Selection Matrix

7 Recommended Project -An Instrument To display Blood Oxygen Content, Heart Rate and Respiration Rate of a Laboratory Rat using oximetry. -The monitor should be able to display a reasonable range for a typical rat pulse and percentage of oxygen level. -There are no currently known similar products on the market for the use on research rats.

8 Refined Block Diagram

9 Block Diagram Description
Block Name Owner Brief Description Of Block Function Power Interfaces Digital Analog 1 Power Supply Michael Kozich Converts Commercial AC Power to +/-5VDC and +/-12VDC with battery backup battery for 2 hours. In: AC Out: 5VDC, +/-12VDC None Out: Vbat 2 Microcontroller Robert Barrows Will Communicate with a/d, Safety circuit and Display/Control circuit. Also will carry out equations for determining Blood Oxygen Ratio. In: 5VDC Out: Data Bus, In: Anolog inputs, I/O In: Vbat 3 Display/Control Brian Provides user inputs for sampling speed, calibration, display, and feature control. In: 5VDC, +12VDC In: Data Bus Out: I/O on micro 4 Safety Circuit Naser Monitors voltage levels of the different blocks and communicates with power supply. In: voltages from all blocks 5 Respiration/ Heart Abdul Takes the analog signal from the heart rate monitor and respiratory circuit and increment digital words with each beat/breath In: +/-12VDC Out: two digital words to micro I/O In: Respiratory signal, heart beat signal 6 LED Driver Circuit Ahmad Generates pulsing light signal that propagates through rat tail Out: square waves to drive LED 7 Signal Conditioning Dave Takes light pulses detected by sensors and converts them into normalized analog voltages. In: square waves from light sensor Out: Two voltages and an ac signal

10 Product Performance Requirements
The display shall provide 2 parameters updated 2 times/sec: Heart rate from BPM at a resolution of 1Beat/Minut Blood Oxygen Content displayed in % at a resolution of 1 % Respiratory rate in breath per minute at resolution 1 per minute

11 Standard Requirements
Less than 10 uA of current contact 120V power Input / backup supply power Temperature range (-10 to 50 C) ARC (Animal Research Committee) Certifications / Standards Maximum Power Consumption: 5W Maximum Storage Duration: 2years Humidity Range (0% to 85%) Intended Application: Medical Research

12 Basic Business Case Estimated Avg Selling Price (ASP) $ 1500
Estimated Annual Product Sales Volume in Units 1000 Estimated per Unit Cost of all Parts & above volume $ 300 Estimated Per Unit Cost of all Assembly, Test & above volume $ Estimated Total Development Cost in $ incl Labor & Material $ 300000 Annual Sales Revenue $ Annual Var Costs $ Per Unit CM $ 200 CM % Annual CM $ 200000 ROI (years) 1.5

13 Major Risks Time Constraints High Standard Compliance
Application Unknowns Unpredictable motion of rat Continuing marketability of product Special purpose circuits with no literature (Signal Conditioning) Prototype demonstration issue with demonstrating / availability of rat Electrocution of rat

14 Similar Patents Patent No: 7,085,597 Patent No: 7,039,538
Oximeter sensor with digital memory recording sensor data August 1, 2006 Patent No: 7,039,538 Pulse Oximeter with separate ensemble averaging for oxygen saturation and heart rate May 2, 2006 Patent No: 6,397,092 Over-sampling pulse oximeter May 28, 2002 Patent No: 5,783,821 Pulse oximeter testing July 21, 1998

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