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Digital image processing

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Presentation on theme: "Digital image processing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital image processing

2 OK. Starting today, we start moving into:
Digital image processing – which is the science of extracting information from digital images of the earth using math (as opposed to airphoto interpretation).

3 Why process digitally? Analyst can only distinguish 8-16 different shades of one color – computers can handle thousands. Results are repeatable (theoretically, no human error) Computers can handle huge datasets Easier to store, upgrade, etc (digital data) Continuous coverage of the entire globe (16 days for landsat) Data is readily available

4 Manual interp (airphoto interp)
Tone Size Shape Texture Pattern Height Shadow Site association

5 Digital interpretation
Tone. Plus, perhaps, texture But.. Can add other info such as elevation, slope, aspect, yada, yada

6 What can we do with image processing?
Class ID Physical location Physical data (ie. elevation, etc)

7 Directly measure: Color X,y Z (if you have stereo imagery)
Chlorophyll absorption Vegetation biomass Vegetation moisture Soil moisture Temperature Texture/surface roughness OH (clay) absorption

8 And hybrid variables Landcover/landuse Turbidity Vegetation stress

9 Overview of image processing considerations
Problem statement Image processing system Data acquisition Initial display and stats Preprocessing Analysis (turning the raw imagery into something useful) To GIS, ho! Solve problems. Assess results. Rinse and repeat.








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