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Using Logo to develop logical thinking

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1 Using Logo to develop logical thinking

2 Using Logo to develop logical thinking
What is Logo? A basic programming language!! Mostly used as a drawing package to support development of awareness of shape and space Builds upon work done with Beebots and Roamers Using Logo to develop logical thinking

3 Using Logo to develop logical thinking
What software? Many variants! Super Logo Textease MSW Logo Roamerworld I’m going to work in MSW Logo (I know it best!) Using Logo to develop logical thinking

4 How to enter Logo commands
Space between command & value: eg FD 50 FD = forward BK = backward RT = right turn LT = left turn PU = pen up PD = pen down CS = clear screen SETPC 1 – 10 = change pen colour (MSW Logo) or SETPC RED etc (Textease Turtle) Using Logo to develop logical thinking

5 Using Logo to develop logical thinking
Basic shapes Can you draw a Square Rectangle Any regular polygon (NB turn = external angle!) Did your commands look like this: fd 50 rt 90 fd 50 rt 90 fd 50 rt 90 fd 50? There has got to be an easier way!! Using Logo to develop logical thinking

6 Using Logo to develop logical thinking
Advanced commands Repeat Repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 90] Drawing an object that you have already designed To square End Just type “square” to draw the square (no “”) Using Logo to develop logical thinking

7 Investigating patterns
Investigate making patterns Try drawing a circle What about trying to tessellate shapes? One shape Two shapes Using Logo to develop logical thinking

8 What mathematical thinking?
Using Logo to develop logical thinking

9 Using Logo to develop logical thinking
Logo on the web MSWLogo: you need the Setup kit. This material was used in one of the series of CPD workshops that formed the four day course ‘Leading and supporting the development of digital technologies in mathematics’. This course, delivered in two sets of two-day sessions, was funded by the NCETM and written and tutored by members of the Association of Mathematics Education Teachers (AMET) and National Association of Mathematics Advisors (NAMA). Over 50 people followed the course with representatives from the ITE sector, Local Authorities and teachers from schools (primary, secondary and further education). Using Logo to develop logical thinking

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