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First Aid Certification

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1 First Aid Certification
Poison Emergencies First Aid Certification

2 Objectives I will be able to explain and demonstrate first aid action steps fro poison emergencies I will be able to explain the use of a MSDS sheet

3 Poison is anything someone swallows, breathes or gets in the eyes or on the skin that causes sickness or death Scene safety takes a few more steps in poison situations than in other first aid situations.

4 Action Steps Make sure the scene is safe
If scene is unsafe, do not approach, tell everyone to move away Look for signs that warn you that poisons are nearby Look for spoiled or leaking containers Stay out of area with the poison if you see more than 1 victim If you approach the scene, wear appropriate protective equipment

5 Removing Poisons Call 911 try to describe to the dispatcher the poison if possible Help the person take off contaminated jewelry and clothing Quickly help the person to a safety shower or eyewash station if possible Brush off any powder Or solid substances from the skin with a gloved hand Rinse the contaminated areas with lots of water for it least 20 min. until someone with more training arrives Send someone to get the MSDS sheet

6 MSDS Sheets Material Safety Data Sheet
Worksite often have these sheets for each chemical used in your facility Gives a brief description of how the poison can be harmful Provides little info on first aid

7 Be sure to use a mask when doing CPR for someone who has been poisoned

8 Try to have the following information for dispatcher
Name of poison or description How much was breathed or swallowed Age and weight of person How did the poisoning happen How is the person acting

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