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Presentation on theme: "CONTRACTORS’ ACTIVITIES"— Presentation transcript:

CASE STUDY Try to answer the following questions for the work situation below. What do I need to pay attention to? Before and after the activity. What information must I pass on and to whom? Before and after the activity. How should I approach new situations arising during the activity? Whom should I contact if the need arises? How should I follow up after the activity?

CASE STUDY Replacement/renovation of lifts (e.g. Building 892) The work takes place in several stages: 1. Dismantling the existing lift This involves dismantling the cabin, all power supplies (hydraulic and electric), the guide rails, the machinery and the doors. The activity has been entrusted to a specialised firm.  Forecast: 2 lift engineers working for 2 weeks. 2. Civil-engineering work The bottom of the shaft needs to be excavated so that the lift can descend one additional floor. As the lift doors will be a different size, it is also planned to reconstruct the sills on each floor (including the floor covering) during this stage of the work.  Forecast: 3 construction workers working for 3 weeks. 3. Assembling the new lift This consists of assembling the new parts in the same way as the parts that were dismantled. Forecast: 2 lift engineers working for 3 weeks.


CASE STUDY POSSIBLE ANSWERS Before the work  I must be informed (IMPACT, etc.), I must know what the situation is in the sector where the activity will take place. On receiving the IMPACT, I must make my comments (e.g. ask for a joint inspection) and give my approval. I must attend a joint inspection in order to inform the work supervisor, and the safety coordinator if applicable, of hazards/specific issues in my area. I must take account of the work parameters and take measures/instruct others to take measures to maintain the level of safety in the building. I must communicate with the occupants of the buildings (organisation, disturbances, etc.). During the work I must monitor the evolution of the situation in the sector where the activity is taking place and notify the work supervisor, in the first instance, of any problem, then the safety coordinator and the HSE Unit if applicable. After the work I must survey the area after the work, checking in particular that: worksite waste has been removed, thoroughfares and emergency exits are not obstructed, differences in ground level have been made safe (false floors, trapdoors, various openings, etc.) temporary signs have been removed, permanent signs and first-aid materials are back in their original places, disabled alarm systems have been reactivated (in accordance with IS 37), etc. And I must be ready to begin the safety acceptance inspection (in accordance with IS 4). Throughout the activity, my main contact is the work supervisor.


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